This comidic story follows Tamako, an energetic young girl with cat ears and a cat tail (although this doesn't seem to be important), and her family. From a rabbit that comes out of a cooking egg to a bitter disgruntled teacher who writes children's manga, this manga is full of gags and laughs.
Koigokoro Metronome summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Koigokoro Metronome. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Kurata Yuki is staying alone at home while his parents are off on their vacation. His childhood friends Nekoyanagi Mei and Inui Sayo are helping him with the household stuff in the mean time. Mei is outspoken and active while Sayo is calm and knowledgeable. They have known each other for their entire life and they treat each other like they were real siblings. Little do any of them know, they’ll be involved in a love triangle a year from now.
Dwelling in the shadow are a group of women with spiritual powers who called themselves ‘The Witches’ (Weise Frau). Kazano Miya, a Novice Witch was taken in by Ono Rinko when she was abused and abandoned by her parents. There are four levels of Witches, ‘Novice’, ‘Advanced’, ‘Professional’ and there’s only one who holds the highest position in Weise Frau. The battle is just starting between the Witches and the Church Knights as they struggle to eliminate each other. -I’ll kill you with one kiss-
A Study of Poetry summary: A Study of Poetry summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of A Study of Poetry. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Budd Boyd's Triumph summary: Budd Boyd's Triumph summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Budd Boyd's Triumph. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
More Mittens with The Doll's Wedding and Other Stories summary: More Mittens with The Doll's Wedding and Other Stories summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of More Mittens with The Doll's Wedding and Other Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
In the Sargasso Sea summary: In the Sargasso Sea summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of In the Sargasso Sea. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
内容简介: 这个世界有妖魔鬼怪、魑魅魍魉,有奇术异法,也有权谋相争,但在接受过现代教育的穿越者眼中,探索未知永远摆在第一位!(正经脸)加入枢密府是为了学术研究勾搭女妖是为了学术研究一切都是为了 研究,研究就是一切!公主:跟我造——也是为了研究吗!夏凡:那是为了创造研究的环境和培养研究的下一代!PS:选词填空,不是造人。新书读者群:8713018221w0-1759 >>
内容简介: 外星人带着敌意降临。 面对外星人的入侵,人类弱小的就像是蝼蚁。 所以这是末日,真正的末日。 但是有入侵就有反抗。 对有些人来说这不是末日,这是战争。 所以这就是战争。 真正的战争!1w0-4346 >>
内容简介:感谢Mcvotex大大的人设图,推一下俺的预收《飞升不如养崽》。作为修真界第一大佬,沈辞飞升了。然后,他被一道劫雷劈了下来。修为尽失,灵台被毁,还落下了一身大道伤痕。就在所有人都觉得沈 辞完了,一代天才就此陨落的时候。却发现,那个被称为废人的沈辞,不仅没有一蹶不振,甚至还在玄明宗山门口,大大方方贴了一纸招收弟子的文书。众人:……所有人都以为不会有人到现在还傻到拜沈辞为师,一时间沈辞成了几乎整个修真界的笑柄。除了玄明宗。后来,沈辞真的收到了两位弟子,一个是出了名的废物,而另外一个,是不太出名的废物。众人笑得更大声了。可是笑着笑着,他们发现,沈辞又飞升了,和他的弟子们。众人:大佬,求抱大腿!*《道无极》是一本狗血虐文,可是沈书白穿过来的时候,一切都还没有开始。甚至,连主角都还没有出生。无计可施的他只好疯狂修炼,争取早日飞升,好摆脱自己这虐文主角的命运。可是一道劫雷,他失败了。但与此同时,还送来了原书里主角翻身的金手指--系统。本以为可以摆脱主角,自己独美,结果系统告诉他,如过主角死,他也会死。沈书白:……后来,在给主角当了无数次肉盾之后,他才明白。原来不是他捡到了金手指,而是他成了金手指。萧无一直都知道,他是废物是克星,他不被人喜欢不被人接受,世界上所有恶意奔涌如潮,如一片黑色的海,将他淹没。他以为他快沉下去了。可是,有人却从裂缝中分出一点光来。那是一个废物,还说要收他为徒。萧无:呵。可后来,贪念如野草疯长,只消零星火花,野火便屠了满园。1w0-81996 >>
内容简介:我是一个僵尸,你相信吗,很奇怪吧,在现在这个现代化的世界里还有我这种怪物存在,而且我还是生活在这个城市的熙熙攘攘的人群中,也许在某趟客车上和你同做一车的人就有我,也许我们曾在一个戏院里 一起看过戏,甚至在某个热闹的大街上,那个和你擦肩而过的人就是我,不要惊慌,我很普通,我也曾经是人,我现在是一个披着人皮的怪物,来进入我的世界吧,看看那天和我擦肩而过的人是不是你自己。1w0-99040 >>