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Thirty years ago a series of meteorites rained down on Earth, destroying much of civilization. Decades later, pockets of humanity are beginning to reemerge, but many of the children who have been born after the crisis have been mutated by radiation from the meteorites. They are called the Meteorite Breed. Tooi, a fourteen years old kid that eats a lot, is one of the Meteorite Breed. But he is a rare one...

Metal Fight Beyblade

Metal Fight Beyblade summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Metal Fight Beyblade. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Atsu Atsu Trattoria

Summary from FATE: Father's restaurant is now in danger. To save our crisis, a young chef, Habuka, suddenly appeared in front of my eyes. He's a very rude bastard, when we met for the first time everything went wrong. And I don't know why he lives in my house! But now, I have to live with a red face and my heart beating fast around him.

Hotel Traffic

An one-off side story of Tokumaru Madoka and Hasune Kazuma, the main couple of Koi Cha no Osahou (Tea for Two) A comedy in a love hotel room.

The Beautiful Wretch; The Pupil of Aurelius; and The Four Macnicols

The Beautiful Wretch; The Pupil of Aurelius; and The Four Macnicols summary: The Beautiful Wretch; The Pupil of Aurelius; and The Four Macnicols summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Beautiful Wretch; The Pupil of Aurelius; and The Four Macnicols. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Idiot

The Idiot summary: The Idiot summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Idiot. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Days of Being in a Fake Marriage with the CEO

The Days of Being in a Fake Marriage with the CEO summary: No one is optimistic about the marriage between the most respectable man in Yun Cheng and the most disfavored daughter of the Mu family.
Their poor impression of the female protagonist — a meek, ugly, and underachieving college student — had them surmising that her husband would eventually divorce her.
Mu Huan: I don’t know if we’ll get a divorce, but my married life has me returning home to piping hot meals, being chauffeured everywhere, and having a professor for my tutor.
My happiness probably started when I met you, the perfect man who brought me to see more of this world and led me to such a wondrous life, during the toughest time of my life.

CEO Vengeful Wife

CEO Vengeful Wife summary: ...Sneak Peek into a chapter...
'Don't play with fire, President Jing.' His eyes darkened; the temperature in the room dropped drastically.
It was a warning.
However, Jing Lihua cherry red lips merely curled up into a smile.
'What if I want to play with fire, President Li?'
'Woman, do you not see your position? You are pinned down by me. Yet you still dare to act so frivolously? If you do not have any intention to finish things, you better not start them!' Li Zhiqiang's eyes were cold as frozen ice. 'Otherwise, I will make you regret.'
'President Li.' Jing Lihua's sweet voice again a.s.saulted his ears. 'What if I want you to make me regret?'
The second those words left her lips, she was kissed furiously.
...End of Sneak Peek...
Flesh made of translucent ice, bones made of precious gems...
Jing Lihua, the eldest miss of the aristocratic Jing family, was a cla.s.sic beauty with a tragic end.
Stabbed in the back by those closest to her, betrayed by those she put her utmost trust, forsaken by those for whom she sacrificed herself; years of harshness taught her a lot.
So when events take a turn and she is allowed to reincarnate seven years back on her marriage night, when everything was still in her hands, when everything had just started to take turns, she is determined to change the course of things...
She is determined to protect those who were true to her and at the same time... ruin those who had the demons in their hearts.
However, things take an interesting turn when she discovers new secrets left uncovered in her previous life.
A formidable man named 'President Li', the young master of the prestigious 'Li' family known as the great 'Devil' in the mortal world appears in her life and sends her plans into chaos...
Author Note: The First 20 chapters are rewritten by me. So they are good to go. After that for the next fort chapter, quality drops a bit. Then it gradually returns to best. Bear with it for a while. I'm in the process of editing.




简介一朝穿越成著名的山阴公主,面对历史上必死的结局,她将如何改变命运?前路崎岖,暗涛汹涌,险象环生。天下为棋局,谁是博弈操棋人?【出品:微漫画,总监制:天空,原作:天衣有风,主笔:子涅 编剧:Gloomy_咕噜咪 分镜:Gloomy_咕噜咪 上色:玄裳夙安】 每周五更新 一群:652952116 三群:226385248 四群:519195747 五群:322988269




























内容简介:  本书又名《求你打死我》《我一拳你就没了》,非小白搞笑。大离王朝八百年,天下大乱,各地群雄割据,帮派林立,妖门祸乱,相互征伐。在这乱世之下,一个乡野少年,为了家人,卖身帮派,只为在这 乱世,闯一条活路。(不做人系列)1w0-3472 >>


内容简介:众所周知,白野和叶青蔓是两个世界的人白野,白家私生女,流落在外十八年,终于被从乡下找回家。众人眼中痞里痞气的小混混。不仅白家不待见她,学校里不少人都等着看她的笑话。叶青蔓,叶氏财阀继承 人,性子矜贵孤傲,狠戾无常。别说学校,整个豪门圈子,都没几个人敢得罪她。开学第一天,白野径直坐到叶青蔓身旁,凑到人家脖颈边,笑意盈盈:“你的信息素真好闻。”同学们不怀好意地看过去,等着叶青蔓狠狠甩白野一巴掌没想到,叶大小姐不但没生气反而弯起眉眼轻轻地笑,捏住白野下巴晃了晃,拇指温柔抚过她的唇:“谢谢,你的也是。”所有人都震惊了。白野有个秘密从分化成alpha的那一天起,她就时不时会和某个omega交换身体那个omega叫叶青蔓。只是……白野一直以为,叶青蔓是个优雅端庄、不食人间烟火的大小姐直到一次交换身体时,叶青蔓面不改色标记了自己。白野才反应过来,叶青蔓她就是个不折不扣的疯批——!——她是她无人可替的矛与盾,亦是夜空中予她温柔的皎皎月光。【街头一霸·忠犬·小狼狗Ax优雅端庄·疯批·大小姐O】注:1白野不是小三的女儿,是未婚生女私设很多,女A【没有】器官。ABO私设很多,架空世界观,我说了算。3没什么逻辑的校园小甜饼【入v公告:本文将于(周三)入v,届时三合一大肥章送上,感谢订阅ovo】下一本写《成为妖女的朱砂痣》,文案如下:世人都说,桃羽是不折不扣的妖女,薄情冷血,诡计多端只有我知道,她不是。是她救了我的命,帮我报了血海深仇她会在所有人都不知道的时候,温柔对我笑她会偷偷折一朵花哄我开心她会在我耳边说最动听的情话我坚信,世上没有比她更好的人了。直到那天,她亲手将我押入敌营她最后看我一眼,笑得轻鄙我这时才知道,原来我和她的宏图大业相比,不值一提。几日过后,魔教和正道交战,江湖动荡我最终没有死在敌人手中,她脸上带着一贯的浅笑,朝我伸出一只手“回家吧。”她说。我笑着后退一步,第一次没有听她的话“桃羽,你爱我吗?”我问。她古怪地笑了笑:“你在说什么?我当然……”我已经知道答案了。不等她说完,我仰头,毫不犹豫跌入万丈悬崖再见了啊,桃羽。再也不见。我最后看见,她的目光忽的破碎,眼眶几乎渗出血泪。桃羽一直以为,白芒是她床前的一抹白月光,随手可以抹去直到那一天,白芒温柔笑着跳入万丈深渊,决绝离她而去她才惊觉白芒不是她的白月光是刻在心尖的朱砂痣从此,她没有一刻不在心痛。1w0-26203 >>


内容简介:简单の介:苟梁来往于各个任务世界,只为完成一项神秘而艰巨任务……吃货撩骚美貌受Vs酒窝控霸道主神攻出没防盗比例是:6o。宝贝们如果满了刷不出新章节可以清缓存,如还不能,戳我哦主受快穿, 欢乐不断,每日1大粗长,狗粮多的吃不完请宝贝们多多支持哟,打滚求收藏!mua!!阅读指南1)关键字:快穿!主受!系统!耐撩者入!十六个任务世界↓↓1校园:草1w0-25405 >>




内容简介:穿进书里做反派,是一种什么样的体验?普通版回答:啊~~~,我不要做极品炮灰、恶毒女配、无耻渣男啊啊啊何·凡尔赛·甜甜:今天又拿了一个反派剧本,好烦哪,不就是虐渣打脸、教你做人,逼得极品 无路可走嘛!——1w12012-110879 >>


内容简介:人人都知道大历的睿王殿下摸不得、碰不得、更惹不得。 偏偏年幼无知的阿筠不仅摸了、碰了、还……亲了。 睿王殿下邪魅一笑:“就你了。” 被负责的阿筠被打包送到了睿王府 阿筠无语望天,说好的 我爹是国公我想欺负谁就欺负谁呢? 阿筠泪眼汪汪,讨厌,人家不想让熊孩子喂奶。1w0-2706 >>

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