The story revolves around Uyu Shunzi, an athletics girl whose always been cared for by the gentle Gunten and teased by her other classmate, Shuntsen Kougi. Kougi is a popular high jumper on their school and had always call Shunzi a monkey. Because of their constant bickering the two would always end up running laps as punishment. In their day to day lives, Shinzu had always thought she was a normal girl until a near fall on the school stairs caused her to find out a secret: She can fly.
Continuation of Yukari and Otoumi's story, which begins in Hitomi no ounowa (dear green). 1. Forever Flatmates Yukari and Otoumi know they must one day reveal the truth about their relationship to an important person: Ryouko. Especially after she sent invitations to a celebration of her upcoming wedding. How will she react when she finds out that her best friend's dating her ex-boyfriend? 2. The One I Like the Most A schoolgirl's crush causes a hiccup in Yuraki and Otoumi's relationship. 3. Living Together A humorous flashback to how Otoumi and Yuraki come to live together. 4. The Situation to Take For Granted With parental pressure on Otoumi to make marriage plans, he becomes aware of what he takes for granted ~ and what he certainly doesn't. 5. Love's Murmurs (oneshot) High school student Shinya reacted badly when Takashi ~ his boyfriend of six months and an electronic salesman ~ suggested he should go home for New Year's. 6. Repeated Problem Although Takechi rejected his closest friend Hakata's unexpected love confession, he doggedly kept their friendship going. But when gossip about Hakata's homosexuality begins to circulate at their university, Takechi is forced to question his friendship with Hakata. 7. The Relationship That Can't Be Washed Away Continuation of Takechi and Hakata's relationship. 8. Afterword 9. Vacation Time A humorous two-page look at one day of Yukari and Otoumi's home life.
The latest trend in town is owning a cat. This isn't your normal house kitty, but actually a complete human-looking boy/girl with cat ears and tails. These cats guarantee absolute faithfulness to their human owners, and a lot of love. Chapters: 1) Please Love Me 2) Please Love Me More (continuation of chapter 1) 3) Sango the Black Cat 4) Wishing I Could Love You 5) Wishing You Could Love Me 6) The Prince of the Southern Island 7) The King of the Southern Island
[taken from ryColaa Scanlations] There are mysterious masked-men trying to conquer the earth!! And to defeat them, the state started a project team called 'Rebirth Knight'. Kang Chan, one of the strongest high schoolers, meets a girl named Chaewon and falls in love at first sight. However, Kang Chan hears from Chaewon that she is a member of the Rebirth Knight, and decides he wants to be a member too...
Algonquin Legends of New England summary: Algonquin Legends of New England summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Algonquin Legends of New England. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Economist summary: The Economist summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Economist. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Everlasting Sword God summary: The Greatest Talent in the Nine Realm. Shen Zhenyi began to practice his sword when he was four years and two months old. At the age of seven, he studied the Ten Thousand Sword Sutra. By the age of eleven, he fought against the Yudao in Shangqing Palace. In an instant, he unleashed one hundred and eighty-five sword strikes, which made it impossible for anyone to retaliate. The Yudao admitted defeat and deemed him as “The Peerless Genius”. At the age of 14, Shen Zhenyi, with his Six Forms of the Ancient Sword, surpa.s.sed the swordsman Zuo Tianxing who was ranked in the top ten masters, and won the t.i.tle of “The First Swordsman of the Abyss.” He now lies crippled. A fraction of the state he was in before.
George Mills summary: George Mills summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of George Mills. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
内容简介:神名深见作为咸鱼的代言人,对于绑定自己的马甲系统是拒绝的。马甲系统:积分可以转变金钱!还可以抢购限量游戏、美食和道具!神名深见:好的!没问题!——但它给的实在太多了。于是神名深见走上了 披着马甲搞事的道路。[盘星教]被[万世极乐教]取而代之,高居于莲座倾听信徒苦难的教祖有一双非人的绚丽彩眸;港口Mafia的首领获得一把锋利的刀,他是来自地狱的死神,而横滨的贫民窟里,出现了一位擅长剑术的青年,1w0-88897 >>
内容简介:晋江独家发表,感谢每一个的小可爱晚上9点更新,求收藏每天都被撩得好气啊攻x在挨r边缘不断试探皮皮受文案死亡后被拉入恐怖游戏必须要不断逃生才能获得复活时间纪无欢表示一点也不慌,不仅不慌, 各位书友要是觉得《在逃生游戏里撩宿敌》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-26388 >>
内容简介:玉梅饭店的厨子黄皮虎是个油腻猥琐的中年大叔喜欢喝酒抽烟盘串还经常尾随女学生没人知道他的真实身份是众多美女心中的一代男神、退役小兵隐于市井只为默默守护已经不认识自己的女儿。1w0-109 539 >>
内容简介:为了夺走她父亲的股权,她被老公和闺蜜联手设局出轨。一纸离婚扔在脸上,她被迫净身出户。四年后,她携萌宝归来,宝贝儿子双手插腰,“妈咪,听说现在流行认干爹,你等着,我去认一个给你撑腰!”没 几天,儿子领回了一个跟他长得一模一样的超级大帅哥。“妈咪你放心,我查过了,爹地全球富豪榜上排名第一,专治各种不服!”儿子自信的说。程漓月:“……”看着惊呆了的女人,宫夜霄冷冷地扔出一份亲子鉴定,“女人,什么时候偷了我的种?”程漓月怒,是哪个混蛋四年前睡了自已却不负责任的?!1w0-4569 >>
内容简介:《塑明小说》简介:百户府里发生的动静,早已惊动了四周,只是这时候陈升已自带着马队,手执火把绕城而走,口中更是高呼着,“我等乃是朝廷经制官兵,奉命镇压叛贼逆党,尔等良民,谨守家中,勿要出 门上街,若有趁乱侵犯民宅者,皆以逆贼党羽论处,杀无赦!”如是这般高呼,马队绕着整个寨子里的土路跑了一圈,重复高喊了十数遍,路上倒也遇到些胆子大的泼皮无赖见百户府大乱,想要出来趁火打劫,只是没成想遇到陈升他们这帮杀星,就是想跑都来不及,毕竟两条腿哪里跑得过四条腿,好几人当场就被追上刺死(朔明)。反正这个时候有胆子出门上街的,不是百户府的人,便是些心怀不轨的匪类,陈升他们动起手来毫不手软,这般杀人立威后,陈升他们方才策马往百户府而去(朔明)。。1w887-81931 >>
内容简介: 重生前,傅夜寒视她如珠宝,爱她如命,可惜她心瞎眼盲,识人不清,受人挑拨,作天作地要与他离婚,最终落得个众叛亲离,尸骨无存的下场。重生后,她痛改前非,作风大改,手刃仇人。对于一直深爱 着她的英俊冷峻的傅夜寒,她势必不再推开他,更不可能会与他离婚。今生,她不再负他。她会紧紧缠着他,使劲撩他,撩他,再撩他,倾尽全力爱他,守护他,与他厮守终生,不离不弃。“老公,这一世,换我来爱你,还你一世深情。”她深情许诺,再不让人伤他分毫。1w0-3036 >>