Ran is a bright and energetic first-grader in junior high school who possesses supernatual abilities. Together with Midori (her friend who also has supernatural powers) and Rui, the threesome are constantly embroiled in mysterious circumstances. Ran is troubled by her powers because it seems to spark off the ill intentions of people in contact with her. However, with the support of her family and peers, Ran learns to deal with her 'other' side and accepts who she is. The threesome also learn how to team up as a whole and solve these mysterious events. (from Animenewsnetwork)
From Shinnen: Band for Life!'s energetic Kuroko thinks of the popular band 'Nitro Pop' as her enemy because there was once a time when she was ignored by their unsociable vocalist and guitarist, Niko. However, their songs and performances are so captivating that it's hard not to be mesmerised by them. As it turns out there's a plan for them to perform at the same live event...!! With a pure funk beat that's guaranteed to capture your heart, the emotional rock romance makes its grand appearance! Also includes: Renai Misui, Ero Pure
This volume contains 4 separate but delightful short stories: 1) Bónd(z) - It isn’t unheard of to sleep with your friends after having too much to drink. However, when that friend happens to be a guy as well and you both happen to have girlfriends, things can get a little complicated. From the author of Our Everlasting, Loveholic and In the Walnut, comes a compilation of passion, obsession and love. 2) Situation - Yuu and Akira, two childhood best friends who deeply love one another and want to get married when they grow up. However, their teacher told them it was impossible and wrong for them to be together. Despite that, Akira grows up to accept his sexuality. You-chan, however, cannot stop hearing his teacher's words each time he thinks about Akira. Will they get their happy ending? 3) Kitan Garden (Fairy Garden) - Prince Fiona of the Roses Kingdom awakens each year at the season in which the Maiden Blush roses blossom. And his main motivation for waking up each year is to look at the smiling face of Daichi, a human whose garden Prince Fiona lives in. However, the prince's disappointment lies in the fact that he can never meet him face to face. But, with the help of a witch who wants to grant Fiona one request as his birthday present, he is finally able to stand next to Daichi till the end of the rose blooming season. 4) Sakura - Ayatsuji Yuichi, a poor salaryman, was ordered by the chairman of the company to live together with his grandchild for 1 month in order to let him experience the poor way of life. As unusual as the command was, Ayatsuji accepted and Asahina Ren, the future heir of the company, moved in with him. Ren, a 17 year old from a very rich family, has never done any house chores! So, Ayatsuji sets out to teach Ren how to cook, and clean and buy a train ticket (!!!) and in the process, the two fall in love with each other. However, as an heir to a prestigious family, Ren fears that he will be forced to stay away from Ayatsuji. (from Kawaisa)
In a school where after school activities are mandatory among all students, Hajime and her friend Sayo come across a new club that they have never seen before. The club is called 'The Cultural Activity Preservation Club.' The two enter the room to find all kinds of analog jobs and activities, such as handcrafting mats and toothpicks. This is a unique cultural manga mixed with comedy so as not to bore you, this is Double J!
I Tamed The Most Evil Emperor summary: I Tamed The Most Evil Emperor summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of I Tamed The Most Evil Emperor. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Introduction to the Study of History summary: Introduction to the Study of History summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Introduction to the Study of History. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife summary:
For a million worth of contract, she became a surrogate mother.
He was the chief executive of the Empire and she was of lowly birth. With her adoptive father’s business falling into crisis, she agrees to his contract.
She gave birth to twins: the older brother is healthy, while the younger brother didn’t breathe out. Fulfilling the contract with a huge monetary sum as the reward, she disappeared from his eyes.
Six years later – he was still the cold high-profile president, but when she is accidentally imprisoned in the cage of his golden birds he pressured her harder and harder: “Woman, do not think you can escape my hands!”
The old-fashioned man: “Mu Yazhe, you’d better leave her alone, this is the child’s mother!” The man becomes frightened, questioning the reason this child’s features bears such resemblance to…
The Confutatio Pontificia summary: The Confutatio Pontificia summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Confutatio Pontificia. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
简介 一觉醒来,游戏中的“男票”人物居然睡在我身边OMG!可是为啥不按套路出牌?Game里选的可是温柔可人型暖男,这个醋精上身撩妹狂魔的霸总是谁,为何崩了我的理想男票人设?!嘤嘤嘤……游戏里的亲亲设定要玩不起啦! 作品QQ群:328460691
内容简介:她是现代美女特工,在执行任务中与犯罪分子同归于尽,穿越到架空古代成了瞎眼的大将军府嫡女。青楼前受辱,被庶妹抢去了未婚夫,赐婚给一个不能人道的嗜杀冷酷的王爷。不过,不是不能人道吗?这玩意 儿这么精神是怎么回事?不是嗜杀冷酷吗?这像只撒娇的哈士奇在她肩窝里拱来拱去的是个什么东东?1w15326-90133 >>
内容简介:吃土摄影师千愿发现了一款内测中的养成游戏。这款游戏互动性极高,游戏PV画风可爱治愈,可以给崽崽投喂美食、给崽崽奇迹换装、陪着崽崽一起长大,打着休闲不肝的旗号,瞬间捕获了千愿的心。而在下 载游戏之后,千愿才发现所谓的休闲治愈全都是屁话——主线故事看得人想要吐血,货币比例居然是十比一,在线一小时才能进行签到,一下线崽崽就开始黑化。……但崽崽可怜又傲娇,千愿一心软,就开始在游戏中捡垃圾、养鱼塘、开农场,过上了勤勤恳恳的养崽生活。一场军事叛变之后,天之骄子岑寒的生活一夜之间天翻地覆。叛国贼的儿子、没良心的白眼狼、又残又瞎的小废物,亲朋好友漠然疏远,欺凌暴力如影随形。他独自在漫漫黑夜里行走,被阴暗厌世的恶意拉扯着坠入深潭,直到身边终于出现了另一个人。不在乎他的阴郁多疑,陪伴他走过不幸,像是一个……张牙舞爪驱散黑雾的小太阳。文艺流简介:在大雪纷落的寒冬,岑寒拥有了一位神明。不敢亵渎,不敢沾染,只将妄念深藏心底。阅读指南:1男主残疾,会好。2双向救赎,整体应该挺甜的,但后期有几章离别重圆剧情!预警一下3半架空,女主在未来现代,男主在星际时代,私设如山,请勿考究4更新时间不定——————推文——————完结文:《在西幻游戏里玩基建》预收:①《昨日暗恋》:当高中时期的男神成了有恐旷症的小可怜②《成为偏执魔尊的白月光》:救赎火葬场③《治愈战损精灵后》:养纸片人搞经营,文案如下【疯犬变忠犬】2040年,《星际休息站》手游风靡大陆,身为该游戏忠实玩家的叶闻笙每日雷打不动地起床,兢兢业业地发展属于自己的小小休息站。太空中的旅客来来去去,休息站中的设施愈加繁荣。窄小的便利店被升级成宽敞崭新的超市,堆满营养液的仓库被热闹的餐厅取代,休息站特产太空温泉横空出世——在这段旅途中,叶闻笙还收获了一位美貌十级的精灵助手。那只精灵就像一只走进绝路的小刺猬,对每个接近他的人龇牙咧嘴,警惕地竖起满身尖刺。休息站中的小机器人惧他如洪水猛兽,叶闻笙却不在意他的阴戾,将他收留,悉心照顾精灵伤痕累累的身体。精灵彻底痊愈的那一天,叶闻笙本想放他离开,却看见那曾对自己恶意相向的脸染上了不自然的淡红。“……请让我留在这里。”他如此恳求。高高在上的光之精灵坠下天穹,被囚于暗无天日的牢笼里。被黑暗侵蚀的身体犹如破败的玩偶,浑身上下没有一处完好无损的皮肉。漫长的三千个日夜后,他终于迎来了一位主人。祂肆意摆弄他的身体,毫不顾忌他的尊严,态度轻蔑无礼,像是在对待一只呼之即来挥之即去的低劣野犬。西斐尔恨透了祂,在见到祂的第一面,便只想把那不能见人的面庞撕碎。恶念于被污染的土壤中疯狂滋生,他无时无刻不在想,要将祂生吞活 >>
内容简介: 巴罗夫家族,一个阿拉索血统的庞大家族,富有而神秘。北至布瑞尔,西至南海镇,南至塔伦米尔,东至凯尔达隆都是他们的封地。 重生在这样的家族,卡洛斯快乐而幸福。 春天在凯尔达隆湖心堡 享受女仆队三千的服侍。 夏天在塔伦米尔的苹果园消夏避暑。 秋天在布瑞尔的枫林赏红叶飞舞。 冬天在南海镇享用鳕鱼盛宴。 无论有什么需求只要摇摇巴罗夫的管家铃就能得到满足。 这样的生活能过一辈子才不枉来艾泽拉斯走一遭嘛! 如果不是玩过WOW,我TMD差点就信了。 1w0-1972 >>
内容简介: 九梨为了对抗主神,与冥帝达成了交易,穿梭在三千世界中找回冥王的碎片。系统:宿主,我们的任务是攻略男配!九梨:玩弄他?好的。系统:不是啊.....喂。———某男将九梨困在角落里,长指 漫不经心地勾着她的长发,似笑非笑:“听说你要玩弄我?”九梨捂着快断掉的老腰,直直摇头。刚想拔腿开跑,就见他微笑俯身,薄唇贴在她的耳廓,像情人般亲密呢喃:“梨梨乖,我继续让你玩好不好?”1w0-2831 >>