Sakende Yaruze! Read Online


The Best Noble In Another World: The Bigger My Harem Gets, The Stronger I Become

The Best Noble In Another World The Bigger My Harem Gets, The Stronger I Become manga, Isekai Saikou no Kizoku, Harem wo Fuyasu Hodo Tsuyoku Naru , The Strongest Harem of Nobles Yuuto is suddenly reincarnated into the other world in a smartphone game and becomes the third son of a noble family.'Skills' exist in that world, and Yuuto was reincarnated with 'Noblesse oblige.'When Yuuto, who has become an adult, embraces a woman as a ceremony, 'Noblesse oblige' is activated.That is a rare skill, the skill that lets him copy the skills of the woman he embraces!Yuuto embraces women possessing skills one after another, becoming the strongest with the skills he acquires, and building a harem of women who fall in love with him.Furthermore, it was discovered that 'Noblesse oblige' can awaken skills and evolve skills, and the cheating keeps on coming!All the women and skills I want are mine! The strongest cheat harem begins here!

100 - Handred

Collection of short stories: 1-3. 100-HANDRED- 4. Bonus Gamer Coming out! 5. Josou Kyoudai 6. Saejima-san

Knight Flyer

When Asahi was a young boy, he had a friend named Sakuya who only came out when there was a full moon. One day, she says that she has to leave him, but she gives him a small pendant that she says will protect him in her place. Ten years later, someone with the same name, power and aura as Sakuya saves him - but it's a guy!?

Sakende Yaruze!

From Blu: Watch as the worlds of anime voice acting and high school hockey collide! The boyishly handsome Shino is greeted at his front door one morning by the seventeen-year old son he didn’t know he had. Suddenly pushed into the position of being a father and a provider, Shino starts taking on new acting jobs, including boys’ love drama CDs, and the separation between art and life narrows significantly when his new coworkers start taking quite a bit of interest in him! As if that weren’t enough, his son Nakaya is a handful in and of himself. An aspiring hockey player with a bit of an attitude problem, Nakaya has a lot of growing up to do, and Shino is in for the long haul.

A Noble Radiance

A Noble Radiance summary: A Noble Radiance summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of A Noble Radiance. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Love At First Bite

Love At First Bite summary: Love At First Bite summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Love At First Bite. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World

Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World summary: Bringing the Farm to Live in Another World is composed of a series of chapters where a man awakens in an unfamiliar place. He quickly notices that his life is not as it should be, and his main mission is to change the behavior and try to rebuild broken things. However, his body does not function normally, so he encounters different problems on his way. That can be truly challenging but very rewarding at the same time because he has a chance to fulfill life while discovering the real purpose of existence. At first, the man starts re-developing his family, and he also personally grows together with that effort. That’s a very good chance for the entire place where he found himself at the beginning of the book. The family has better chances to make something valuable and significant on the land, while the single man is quite limited in different aspects of life. His mission slowly becomes an epic journey and a very interesting story. The new place, however, seems strange to him so he struggles a lot to adapt to the new environment.
To overcome various problems with his body, he is taking different types of drugs on a regular basis. The drugs provide some benefits because he can operate with his body better while on the treatment. However, such medication also has negative sides, so the situation is not ideal at all. The man still has one supernatural power despite all the problems he faces in the new places.
He is capable to enter another world, which is, in fact, a farming simulation game. It does not seem useful at first. However, he can find normal food in that strange world. And it can be used elsewhere, even in the regular world. That still does not seem like a big deal, but he is stuck in an unfamiliar place, and the food is of precious value to him. He can survive without problems thanks to that supernatural ability because he always has enough food to eat well. That’s why this cheat is so valuable to him. He also finds out about other happenings in strange places.

There are other inhabitants near him, and their communities are full of different intrigues, businesses, fights, farming and other events. The man has the possibility to slowly discovers the new places, but various problems are inevitable in his case. He will also have a chance to get involved in those happenings of other inhabitants, and you can find out many other details if you decide to read this novel. Like many other online books on this website, Bringing the Farm to Live in Another World is constantly growing and the updates arrive almost on a daily basis. So there is always something new even for the most faithful readers. So if you are a fan of such mixed genres, you should not miss the opportunity to read this great book.

Starting Anew As The New Me

Starting Anew As The New Me summary: The Demon Lord who unified the Demon Realm, Dalewatts, starts his invasion of the Human Realm to bring it under his rule. At that time, the announcement “The one that shall pull out the Angel’s Sword will become the hero and defeat the Demon Lord” circulated through the Human Realm. Dalewatts, who heard about this, transferred his soul and magical power into a human body and slipped into the ceremony to try and destroy the hero and the sword himself, but there was no one who could pull out the sword. The onlookers were also made to partic.i.p.ate in the ceremony and when Dalewatts’ turn came, with no way to escape anymore, he helplessly grasped the sword, then, at that moment, after his magical power got absorbed by the sword the spirit inhabiting the sword, Erin, appeared and the sword fell out. By pulling out the sword he got recognized as the hero and his life of subjugating the Demon Lord started…… However, that Demon Lord is he himself. Thus the mysterious adventure of going to defeat himself began.
























这片土地上,流传着龙王庇佑众生的传说。 被信奉龙王的村庄选为上供祭品的李扶槐,来到了当地的龙王庙中,等待未知的命运。在那里,他遇见了伪装龙王的江湖骗子岳鸣。 坚定的唯物主义者岳鸣与天赋灵气的祭品李扶槐,一段欢乐的师徒之旅就此开启......








内容简介:灵法于心,提笔道出万念汹涌。仙法于身,夺苍穹为我琉璃胄。道法于理,以玄冥量青天北斗。命运两个错,峰回路转再来回!九霄神将,护大帝坐拥天下,保帝后一世平安,会三皇帝心,成众生帝莲,安我莲 帝天下名!1w0-3219 >>


内容简介:《艳娇龙欲【屌丝小说网】》简介:《艳娇龙欲【屌丝小说网】》小说里主要讲述的是:清纯少女,青涩萝莉,双胞姐妹,熟美少妇,美艳贵妇,金发女郎,所有极品女人,先后压在身下!校花警花,教师空姐 ,白领丽人,白富美人,权贵娇女,嫩模女星,欧美日韩美女,一律大被同眠!纵横华夏,风靡港台,横扫日韩,压倒欧美,成就新的传奇!多种身份,各种职业,不做种马,独爱后宫,只收极品女人!您要是觉得《艳娇龙欲【屌《艳娇龙欲【屌丝小说网】》是洪昊天精心创作的小说。1w95036-100254 >>


内容简介:  穿越到以武为尊的未来星际,为了避开勾心斗角,罗碧隐瞒了自己觉醒异能的事。  谁知有人不长眼非要找事,堂妹先是抢她的未婚夫,接着还想抢属于她的东西。罗碧一怒之下跑去测试,结果吓人一跳 ······1w0-1896 >>


内容简介:【周五入v,万字更新,希望小天使多多支持。】【预收—穿成反派的炮灰寡嫂,文案在最下。】夏妙然是府中庶女,她娇憨动人,因样貌出色,常常遭受嫡姐欺辱。嫡姐不愿嫁于一个穷酸书生,所以夏妙然被 毒哑了嗓子,送上花轿——替嫡姐出嫁。夏妙然惶恐不安,怕自己刚出狼窝又入虎穴。她原以为所嫁之人是个迂腐且心冷面冷的家伙,没想到……他模样清俊,情话撩人,还为她洗衣做羹汤。想到此,夏妙然就忍不住摸摸心口,面色绯红。谁说她的夫君迂腐呆板?分明是……将她宠上了天。——众人都嘲夏妙然嫁了个穷酸的玩意儿,嫡姐也常在她面前嗤笑。直到——三元及第的状元郎闻人翎站在殿前,唇角含笑。他们才知道,被他们瞧不起的穷酸秀才,已是他们可望不可即的存在。夏妙然成了人人艳羡的状元郎夫人。毁婚的嫡女后悔莫及,找上闻人翎,欲要顶替夏妙然,做他的正妻。夏妙然惶然、不知所措,却不想这矜贵、清雅的状元郎慢条斯理拨开嫡姐的手,轻嗤:“你?不配。”——闻人翎有一个秘密,他是重生之人。上一世,夏妙然被夏家谋害,他于他坟前自刎,却不想重回新婚当夜。这一世,他定不让她重蹈覆辙。—乖巧懂事小可怜X清风霁月大狗勾单向治愈————预收文案如下————陆沁沁她穿了,从末世穿到了一本书中。她摸了摸自己的脸,有颜有钱,就是人设不太好。是个炮灰寡嫂,死的早不说,还落了个荡妇的骂名,哎,头痛。陆沁沁看了看正在院子里砍柴的男子,丰神俊朗又如何,还不是个阴险狠辣的狗男人?为了赶走对他觊觎的寡嫂,这楚秋韫来了一出陷害,逼得原主回了娘家,最后阴差阳错死在书中女主的手里。陆沁沁轻哼一声,她才不稀罕这种狗男人,她中意的是那种文弱书生。所以,两个月内必须搬走!!楚秋韫看着那窈窕背影,就连走路都带着几分撩人。他轻视地扯了扯嘴角,不为所动。必须尽快把这个女人给赶走!!——起初,楚秋韫坐看陆沁沁能闹出什么幺蛾子来。想要搬走?他同意。想要卖花?他同意。想要再嫁?楚秋韫当晚翻墙去了她家,这件事,他绝对不同意!美艳动人行走的弹幕机大美人X一本正经实则闷骚的狗男人【唠叨时间】—女主异能就是养花,木系异能。—后续再补充。1w0-69358 >>


内容简介:苏律好不容易鼓足勇气跟他女神告白了,只是对他来说犹如晴天霹雳的是女神喜欢他们学校的学霸兼校草秦于然,正当他伤心难过之际,居然在某公园看到此男神正在和一个男人热吻。将这一切都告诉了他的腐 女妹妹,结果拖他老妹的误导下,让他以揭露男神是同志的丑恶脸嘴为目的公然去追男神。但是,那日男神的热吻只不过是一个完完全全的误会以及刚好,所以男神可是个百分百的大直男啊!于是这是一篇直男追直男,两人互相掰弯的闹剧。某苏:你是直男早说啊!芷央读者群号码:4536543361w0-75711 >>


内容简介:情报大佬穿越异界,化身女装马甲成为幕后大佬,他谨慎低调、运筹帷幄、冷酷无情,隐藏幕后兴风作浪,搅动天下风云。一怒而诸国惧,安居则天下息!可在天下人眼里她却是:天下第一美女,天下第一才女 ,天下第一奇女,大慈大悲女菩萨,无欲无求白莲花,至情至性女豪侠。。。。。。各位书友要是觉得《从大佬到女装大佬》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-78672 >>

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