Test Flight Girls Read Online


Magical Illusions

Ever since Xiao Qiao was little, she's loved mythical fantasy books about magicians and can't wait to grow up to be an author so she can lose herself in magic! She's always believed that one day a magician will appear an take her away to a magical land- but nobody believes in dreams nowadays, or do they? One day whilst daydreaming on the way home from school Xiao Qiao falls down an uncovered drain and finds herself not in a sewer but in another country with two moons... And a less than ecstatic young magician called Liang! Not only is she disappointed to learn that a wizard's magic only matures when they reach 80 but there are also no mod cons such as electrivity or cell phones. Is Xiao Qiao going to be able to enjoy her 'dream come true' after all? And will she ever manage to find her way back home?


Roan Summer is a 16-year old high school student who has been pretty unlucky when it comes to love. During his freshmen days, he fell in love with a girl from a different class whom he calls Miss Question Mark. Well, this is because he lacks the courage to ask her name, much less to confess his hidden feelings to her. Now, freshmen year is over and as he heads toward his sophomore year, he is wishing that by some miracle, he would finally belong to the class where his beloved crush is. Odds surprisingly favor Roan’s first day of school this time as he discovers that the vacant seat next to him is actually Miss Question Mark’s chair. However, one afternoon, a clumsy, pretty yet weird girl named Meory Winter ruins the moment as she comes rushing to the room where Roan is, causing the two to bump and to accidentally kiss one another. Pursuing his feelings for Miss Question Mark at one hand while trying to keep the “accident kiss” with Meory a secret on the other, together with his new, old and crazy friends, Roan Summer’s love story is now terribly tangled and twisted. Can Roan be able to escape this Love Rumble? Or rather is he willing to escape it to begin with? (L. Rumble!)

18 Years Old, We Got Married

By AquamarinePrincess: The main girl wants nothing to do w/ love as she sees her whole life the ugly unraveling of her parents' marriage. One day, she meets a tiny person (dwarf-size w/ human characteristics) in the rain. It turns out that he is the librarian of heaven going to Earth to find a book that records humans' love connections and his punishment of losing the book was turning tiny every time water hits him. He is a member of a famous and very popular idol group for it makes it easier to find the book. It happens that her younger sister showed her that book a few days ago thinking that it was a 'fan service' for it has all the members of the group mentioned and their life partners. Her younger sister fixed the book which is intertwined with the book of life. Now everything is changed and 3 girl lives (the main girl, her sister, and the female member of the group) are at stake! A manhwa with supernatural, virtual games, and the celebrity world.

Test Flight Girls

Two girls play a video game on gliders in a virtual world.

The Soul of a Nation

The Soul of a Nation summary: The Soul of a Nation summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Soul of a Nation. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Verse-Book of a Homely Woman

The Verse-Book of a Homely Woman summary: The Verse-Book of a Homely Woman summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Verse-Book of a Homely Woman. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Mikagura School Suite

Mikagura School Suite summary: Eruna Ichinomiya is a third-year junior high school student who has not decided on which high school to attend, and spends her days skipping school and playing games at home. One day, Eruna’s eyes are captivated by a photo of Seisa Mikagura in a pamphlet for Mikagura Private Academy, given to her by her cousin, Shigure Ninomiya. Feeling that it is fate, Eruna decides to attend Mikagura Academy. However, Eruna discovers that Mikagura Academy is a school where only cultural clubs exist, and that it has an intense battle system where students with special powers must fight each other as representatives of their own clubs.

The Return Of The God Level Assassin

The Return Of The God Level Assassin summary: As soon as Luo Yan graduated, he immediately got an offer from a prestigious gaming company. He thought all his hard work finally paid off. And he would finally reach the pinnacle of life. But then, on his first day of work, a potted plant fell on his head and he died.
Surprisingly, when he thought he would cross the Yellow River, he suddenly woke up and found himself in the body of a 17 year old boy. This body had the same name as him but completely different background. Because the original was the second young master of the Luo family — one of the most powerful family in S City.
Luo Yan almost cried. G.o.d probably took pity on him and decided to give him a loving family with a wealthy background. He didn’t have to work hard anymore. Studying like his life depended on it and pretending to be a holy father just to cater to people.
So Luo Yan decided to be a salted fish and just shamelessly sell meng.
A certain male G.o.d who always bought Luo Yan’s meng: Yan Yan is so cute! Why is Yan Yan so cute?
Cold faced on the outside, a cinammon roll on the inside Gong X Super beautiful, black-belly Shou.
































内容简介:  拥有“上帝之手”的天才外科医生叶琳琅重回一九八零年后,一不小心,成了全家人的团宠。白手起家的全国首富是她亲爸。非遗文化的美女传承人是她亲妈。史上最年轻的大学教授是她亲哥。锦鲤本鲤的 小奶包童星是她亲弟。有着“再世华陀”之称的叶琳琅美滋滋的去找自己前世丈夫:结婚吗?我请你!前世丈夫:房产证、户口本、存折、工资卡,还有我,都是你的。1w0-1850 >>


内容简介:原谅渣攻后我反悔了by笔趣阁,原谅渣攻后我反悔了bysodu,原谅渣攻后我反悔了by小说,原谅渣攻后我反悔了by顶点,原谅渣攻后我反悔了by怀漾,精选来自————原谅渣攻后我反悔了全世 界都知道,白嘉钰爱惨了薛景言。甘愿放弃年薪百万的工作,洗手作羹汤。薛景言不记得纪念日,原谅;对他冷暴力,也原谅;哪怕和其他人夜不归宿,都能原谅。谁让他瞎了眼,大学就暗恋除了张脸一无是处的薛景言,将其视为白月光呢?圈子里都说,薛景言是头根本捂不热的白眼狼,白嘉钰继续执迷不悟,只会凄凉收场。他也不为所动。直到这次,他被薛景言的暧昧对象设计车祸,当场昏迷。醒来以后,却意外恢复了丢失三年的记忆。两个极富冲击力的事实立刻出现在他脑子里——1白月光另有其人,他因故失忆加上渣攻自作多情,造就了这个不怎么美丽的误会2当初之所以和薛景言交往,完全是为了借他打进上流圈什么委曲求全的金丝雀,和自己完全不沾边。他白嘉钰,就是个为达目的不择手段的毒蝎子。向来温驯的眉眼浮上冰凉,看着车祸当天,薛景言还被狗仔偷拍到和男男女女开轰趴的画面,冷笑不迭。就这么个玩意儿,哪怕是失忆后的自己选择原谅,也够脑子进水的了。现在反悔,让他把新仇旧恨一并虐回来,不算迟吧?—薛景言买了束花,虽然他并不觉得车祸怪自己,但毕竟是在给他送饭的路上出事,适当哄一哄,也没什么关系。想到这个满心满眼都是自己的小情人一定强撑病体,烧了一桌子菜等他回来,就忍不住飘飘然。没办法,谁让白嘉钰离不开他。哪知道一开门,黑灯瞎火,人去楼空。他顿时傻了。电话打了好几遍才接通,听见质问,那个满心满眼都是他的小情人嗤笑一声,语气极为不耐:“嫌你脏,而且我这辈子最讨厌做饭,懒得伺候,拜拜。”—半年后某名流宴会,狐朋狗友终于见到消失已久的薛景言。“薛大影帝,这么久没找哥几个玩,是找了新人,乐不思蜀了?”“别瞎说!”倜傥非凡的脸竟露出紧张的意味,瞥了眼人群中央,那个长身玉立,似笑非笑的男人,故意拔高了音调——“我已经戒烟戒酒半年了,还学了厨艺,现在由里到外特别干净,不信来验验身!”冷心冷情白切黑万人迷受x玩世不恭被教做人后改邪归正攻1v1,追妻火葬场,攻前期真的很狗,但受恢复记忆后黑化值x,虐攻绝不手软11w0-70525 >>


内容简介:穿越大唐,王子安只想当个闲散的富贵闲人,赚点小钱,弄点小菜,喝点小酒,吹个小牛,交一二……个红颜知己……你们这一个个瞎震惊啥呢?你们这一个个瞎凑乎啥呢?我真不想娶……额——长乐公主?… …那也不是不行……哎,我真是太难!1w1901-78174 >>


内容简介:别人一穿,非富即贵。她一穿,非富非贵…别人一穿,集万千宠爱于一身。她一穿,赔钱货一个…别人一穿,王霸之气附体,想低调都低调不起来。她一穿,脑门只恨不能贴俩字--神童,以示与众不同,可惜 世人都是瞎子,她娘只当她神经…何子衿觉着,她被命运深深的愚弄了。1w0-4483 >>


内容简介:  穿越美剧世界,为免英年早逝,走上平平无奇的大医之路。一路上。既有生活大爆炸七人团、老友记六人团、寻妈记五人团为友,也有实习医生格蕾、豪斯医生、良医争锋,还有消失的爱人、水果硬糖、尤 伦卡的惊悚。日常平凡不平淡,美剧生活乐无边。PS:群号,992,138,8481w0-1690 >>


内容简介:【团宠萌宝甜宠青梅竹马奶团,无虐点,齁甜】顾初念是青玄唯一的小公主,听闻她出生时在冷宫,天降异象,普降甘霖。暴君顾辰渊生了十个皇子,终于盼来了公主顾初念,嘴角展露笑容,从此早朝推迟,只 为给女儿梳发髻。顾辰渊:全都给我宠!国家面临外敌,百姓民不聊生,顾辰渊居然还举行盛大的生日宴,只因为顾初念三岁生辰。邻国皇子云墨寒前来献礼,作为储君培养人,他看着顾初念,突然大声道:“我愿作为质子留在青玄。”言语一出,震惊四座,使臣当场昏厥。……顾初念一直有个秘密,她是小龙女,下凡历劫!这个秘密她只告诉了云哥哥,。云墨寒树下看着顾初念:你是想亲亲还是要抱抱?暴君飞奔而至:是你拐了朕的女儿?云墨寒带着顾初念跨千山跃万水,耗尽毕生精力,渡她历劫成功。“念念,终于看到你长大,余生让我来守护。”1w0-123405 >>

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