My Street Read Online


Not For Sale!

Nozomi is a boring and late-blooming college student. His classmate, Ryuji, is an extremely dangerous delivery host. When Nozomi witnesses a steamy kiss between Ryuji and a male teacher, he's thunderstruck! His eyes can't seem to stop following Ryuji's movements. If Ryuji has any say (and he does!), Nozomi is just about to get a taste of paradise. Oneshots from the book include : • 04 Hitori De Yare yo - Comedy duo Masata and Naru aren't doing very well, but they're still together. Mainly because Masata is helpless and Naru can't leave him alone. But when Naru finds out Masata's been keeping secrets things may fall apart. • 05 Love Cocktail - When unfortunately named Minami Haruo wanders into Sagawa's bar, Sagawa gives him his special aphrodisiac cocktail and has his way with him. But who is Minami really? And is he ever coming back? • 06 Air - Nobuyuki and Yugi became a family 7 years ago, when their parents remarried. A year later after that, Yugi's father got into an accident which left Yugi a scar inside himself. Yugi convinced himself that everyone around him will disappear one day, and that in the end he will end up alone, always. Nobuyuki disagree and claim that they are family, and so they will always be together. 'If you can, show it to me. Since you are not my brother, from now are air' is what Yugi said. What will happen to this pair?


Tokage, a soul cursed to forever wander the world, unable to rest nor to join the reincarnation cycle, is now looking for its release. This time Tokage enters the body of a newly dead girl named Yuuka, a shrine maiden. This body requires continual recharging from a highly spiritual person, whom the dead person must have had an attachment to. This person is Shinobu, a younger boy, who also lives in that shrine. Thus starts the adventures of Tokage and Shinobu in a world gone mad, amidst the chaos and carnage that gravitates to an unsent soul draw.

Aratama Tribe

The world is becoming warped and overrun by demons. Standing against this tide are the natural enemy of the demons, the 'Onmyoukidou'. Abe is a hard-working, good-natured onmyoukidou of the under-staffed second division defense against the demons. He's relieved to hear that new staff have been assigned to his team, but less so when he meets the rude and violent Yomi and her silent ninja-like partner. Together they must find a way to defend the city from the demons, and to show up the vastly more popular and highly supported first division team.

My Street

What to do when you're a young Asian immigrant, living in a European slum, with no choice but to hit rock-bottom? On the usual menu, blackmailing, theft, prostitution…until one day, enough is enough. But the mafia won’t stand for that! Narrowly escaping the people who wanted him dead, Maoye is then picked up by a bizarre old woman. Taken care of in her hut filled with killer bees, he must listen to the strange stories she tells him every day. A story of wild young kids, even wilder and younger than him. They're on the run as well...but ready to do anything to find love and peace, no matter the price!

The Bride's Necklace

The Bride's Necklace summary: The Bride's Necklace summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Bride's Necklace. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Second Lead Syndrome: A Second Chance

Second Lead Syndrome: A Second Chance summary: Second Lead Syndrome: A Second Chance summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Second Lead Syndrome: A Second Chance. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Winds of the World

The Winds of the World summary: The Winds of the World summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Winds of the World. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha summary: Eighteen-year-old Trinity is unlike any other werewolf in her pack. For one, there were unusual circ.u.mstances surrounding her birth, for another, she is the only pack member to never shift into a wolf form. So now she doesn't quite belong anywhere. Not quite human and not quite wolf.
She thought she would be able to live her life how she wanted when she had turned eighteen. Go to college, make some friends, have some fun. But what is she to do when the dangerously s.e.xy Alpha literally falls right into her lap?
'I am not human, and I am not a wolf. I don't belong anywhere...'
'...we both know that no one is going to mate with me, and even if they did, they would just reject me anyway.'
What is the s.e.xy, brooding Alpha going to do? The elders are making him hold these ridiculous parties to search for a mate. He doesn't want a mate, but he knows he needs a mate to finish the Alpha Circle. Without a mate, a Luna for the pack, his people would suffer. And what is he going to do when he stumbles across the girl that fate has chosen for him and he finds out she has no wolf?
'This cannot be!' I roared. 'There is no way that I can mate with a girl that does not even have a wolf. She will be too weak. She will be inferior. She will not be strong enough to be a Luna.'
'I simply could not accept her as my mate. Not fully. It wasn't safe for her. She would get herself killed. And she would bring my pack down with her.'
When these two meet, sparks will surely fly. But will it be from pa.s.sion, or their constant fighting? Neither of them wanted a mate. Neither of them wants the mate that fate chose for them. And neither of them can make that mate bond go away. What are they going to do now that they're literally stuck with each other?
***Rating Warning***
Adult Language
Strong s.e.xual Content








简介我没有罪!!绝不轻言放弃!! 只要活着,一切都还有希望! 陨石撞击近未来都市〝东京〞当年,才3岁的栗田陆成了孤儿,贫穷却坚强活着的他在贫民窟里自立自强地熬过10个年头。然而某天,待他如家人的警察大叔惨遭杀害,原本是目击证人的他反被诬陷成杀人凶手,最后甚至被送进了难以脱身的最边境终极监狱里!即即使身处险境,13岁的少年小陆仍旧怀抱希望,努力锻链自己,期待能揪出真正的凶手并逃离监狱。不过,真正的考验才正要开始……最凶监狱逃狱记!!震撼的第1集登场! 本书特色 这是个绝不轻言放弃的男孩子的故事。描述主人翁栗田陆为人陷害,被罗织入罪,进了黑牢。在那里什么凶神恶煞都有,但他仍有梦想与不屈不挠的毅力,希望能逃狱成功,就为了要找出真凶!是一本让人看了热血激昂的监狱奋斗记








双向暗恋小漫画~是我自己的恋爱小故事~ 各种轻松小日常,希望大家看得开心我也画得开心。 真人真事童叟无欺看过都说好甜(拇指 不上色,无压力随缘更新。 是珍视的回忆所以不接受任何ky!ky怪都要挨揍!!


类别恋爱 霸总 生活






简介甘倩在外人眼中的标签是:女王范!御姐!高冷、不可接近、危险……使得别人都不敢靠近她。 但其实她害羞、腼腆,甚至害怕接触异性。这样的她,居然是个田径天才。被校田径队的队长看中她,怎样才能摆脱自身的桎梏?








内容简介:小兵提供人可木各大神最新作品《没骨日》最新章节全文免费阅读,没骨日TXT下载,没骨日全文字更新,没骨日无弹窗!请关注狂人小说网没骨日吧,本站最新最快更新没骨日的最新章节。1w0-107 275 >>


内容简介:本文设有防盗,不高,望周知。预收红楼穿成林黛玉她祖母洪荒我靠美貌平山海年代文六零年代五味生活仙侠路人甲女配修仙记仙侠基建我在仙侠游戏里当垆卖酒古言我成了穿宫斗文女配眼中钉张沅芷刚刚消化 了自己穿越的事实,就被人以孝期守孝时日过长为由退了婚。行没问题她也不稀罕有了未婚妻还和别人纠缠不清的情种。待到出孝后两年,听到自己新出炉的未婚夫为荣国府世子贾赦时候她一口茶喷了出来。s男主前期有些背景板,女主出嫁后戏份多了有系1w0-95886 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:抗战番号我李大本事真有本事】穿越李大本事,获得签到系统,每日签到。签到第一天猪肉+10斤签到第二天三八大盖+10支签到第三天日本香瓜手雷+1箱签到一周捷克机枪 +1签到一个月92式重机枪+1签到一年……天天签到,天天有奖。司令员“让你管理县大队,怎么个个都成土财主了”县大队队员“大本事真有本事”李大本事“咱没别的,就是好东西多”“司令员你的炮还够不够用,你说句话,给你调十门”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-78208 >>


内容简介:  新文:《敌国美人》九月一号开。大家多多捧场,感激不尽。乔依打算放弃自己暗恋的男神,在男神拍毕业照的这天她去给男神送花,当作告别。却在机缘巧合之下遇见了高冷帅气宋逸岑。在宋逸岑似有若 如的暗撩中,她芳心暗许。受暗恋毒搽的乔依,在好友的怂恿下决定要勇敢告白一次,结果约定好的那天宋逸岑没来,来的是一个自称他未婚妻的女人……三年后,乔依回国,在医院再次和宋逸岑相遇,他对她展开猛烈的追求。以此同时,乔依发现了自己曾经暗恋的男神其实也爱了她很多年。高冷帅气医生VS俊逸冷傲科研新贵,她该如何抉择……1w0-3779 >>


内容简介:十万白衣举刀镇天门!百万恶鬼抬棺战昆仑!凤冠霞帔,血衣枯颜,骨灯血烛照轮回!千年前,一代神皇于百族战场血战称霸,开劈万世神朝,冲击无上帝位,欲成就第九帝族。然群雄相阻,百族逆行,神皇称 帝之际战死登天桥。天后泣血,哭啸东南,引神朝最后残军浴血杀出百族战场。为保神皇再世轮回,天后烧血焚骨照九幽,修罗舍身扛棺下黄泉,三十六镇国战将举刀化石永镇东南天门。皇朝忠魂举祭天之力,共守神皇轮回重生,再临九州。千年后,神皇金身于苍玄重生。1w0-1353 >>


内容简介:  资深代练雷蒙穿越《大航海》游戏世界,本想靠熟悉剧情的优势挣挣小钱,当条富裕的咸鱼。  可他却没想到意外获得了世界头号禁忌大反派的传承,强制敌对世界政府。  放眼望去,举世皆敌。   “什么?你说海军元帅正密谋要肛我?”  “纳尼,我怎么成海贼王了?谁特么要害朕,封了咱这么一个拉仇恨的名号?”  雷蒙拧下了手中王下七武海的脑袋,一脸懵逼地看着印着自己头像的SSS级悬赏令。  怎么就...成海贼王了?  魔改海贼,非同人。  PS.新书《超凡机械城》已发布,欢迎品鉴~1w0-3670 >>

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