Ano Ko no Ie summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Ano Ko no Ie. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
From Chinatown KM&Chocolate Fudge: At first glance - he's weak guy. Arutsu is one prone to sickness and has always been. He literally fights bacteria and viruses in other people, with his friends. Our weak hero appears! Wait...maybe he's not so 'weak' when he fights?!
From hazukashiikedo: There are six stories in all, not including the the extra chapters. 1. A Nasty Person About a young man who falls in love with his seemingly innocent, cute teacher and somehow winds up in a sexual relationship with him. 2. World's End Supernova About a not-so-intelligent rich kid whose father tells him the world is going to end that night so he rushes out and begs the senpai he’s in love with to have sex with him. 3. Amai Yuuwaku A cute slice-of-life plot about two men who’re already in an established relationship. 4. Line Shima and Nobunaga have been together for 10 years. Though they surpassed several trials through their relationship, why is it that Shima still feels insecure? - Cosmique Scans 5. Evergreen Two high schoolers frustrated due to bad communication skills and lacking confidence. 6. Oto mo Naku Deals with two young college men who become good friends even though they’re extremely different—that is, until one of them ends up wanting more.
A Wild Cat Likes To Sleep With Me summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of A Wild Cat Likes To Sleep With Me. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Prize Orations of the Intercollegiate Peace Association summary: Prize Orations of the Intercollegiate Peace Association summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Prize Orations of the Intercollegiate Peace Association. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Harlequin and Columbine summary: Harlequin and Columbine summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Harlequin and Columbine. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Book of other People summary: The Book of other People summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Book of other People. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Key to Peace summary: The Key to Peace summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Key to Peace. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
简介话说有一个天真、可爱、可悲、懂事的小男孩,在幼时被梦中的圣诞老公公欺骗(?)下,在九岁起就虚报年龄地边打工、边上学,并十分努力地赚钱去养活自己那对废柴父母。 但好景不常,他在16岁的那年,因为父母输了大钱,而把儿子(即主角)的身体器官卖给黑道。在逃亡中,奇怪地和一名千金小姐产生下不解之缘,,之后就被委任为其管家。
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:特种兵:开局一招秒了范天雷】穿越特种兵世界,成为一名从小就学习八极拳的大学生,绑定系统,只要不断学习就能够变强。在范天雷上面征兵的时候,被林萧一招秒掉了。在一 招秒掉了范天雷以后,林萧从此开始了豪横的人生。学习伪装:获得顶级伪装技术学习射击:获得顶级射击技术,获得百发百中技能范天雷:“谁在敢说我是天坑我和他急,我都被林萧坑成啥样了?”王艳兵:“林萧,他是我唯一佩服的人,虽然我被他揍过好几次。”何晨光:“在和林萧比起来,我真的就是一无是处,他可以说是狙神。”安然:“林萧,他简直不是人,他竟然敢对我!”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢特种兵:开局一招秒了范天雷,别忘记分享给朋友特种兵:开局一招秒了范天雷TXT下载1w0-71268 >>
内容简介:【【2019云起华语文学征文大赛】参赛作品】主人公陈翔是个悲催的人,一直在夹缝中艰难生存,最终绝望跳楼,不料灵魂出窍,降生在春秋时期一个叫滑的小国的王子身上,悲催的是弱小的滑国在春秋那 个动乱的年代始终处于朝不保夕的境地,本想跳楼结束在现实中的噩梦,哪只又进入了另一个噩梦,陈翔彻底怒了,他决定要对可恶的老天开战,改变自己悲催的命运。作者:轻狂书生·陈所写的《回到滑国当王子》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-30295 >>
内容简介:《玄学大师要联姻》在线做法求预收孟鱼放弃高薪工作,改行做了地府特办处的职员,兼职一家香火店。从此不但卖纸钱符咒拉高地府GDP,还得帮助各路鬼魂完成奇葩心愿,让他们心甘情愿去投胎。某日, 在地府进修土地神的外婆托梦,说给她定过娃娃亲……男主版文案:人帅多金的富三代蒋赫遵守祖父的意思,娶了个十平米香火店的店主。圈子里盛传那女人只会折纸钱,狐朋狗友天天赌他们什么时候会离婚。蒋赫:你们知道个P,昨晚亲眼看见那女人将无头鬼踹出门外。谁特么敢提离婚两个字……小剧场:倒霉鬼:中了彩票五千万,还没来得及花。孟鱼:我来替你花抠门富商:我的两百亿欧元,子孙谁也不能抢孟鱼:我来替你搞定造反王爷:我谋划一生,未当上皇帝孟鱼:哭了!换个理想行不行孟鱼表示,混个地府金饭碗太难了……一句话简介:地府黑科技,全球····求预收《玄学大师要联姻》····孤儿汤小鱼从小坎坷,吃了上顿没下顿,某天正在地里刨土豆时被天雷劈了一道,从此好像哪里变得不一样了。不仅算出邻居家的猫下几只崽,还能算出哪天下雨打雷。这天,汤小鱼从满地土豆子看出一副卦象:哟,亲生父母要来找她了!还是金光闪闪的大土豪!!!从此,身为金矿矿主唯一继承人的汤小鱼,人生开挂了……男主版文案:两大家族为了前途选择联姻,这在圈子里很常见,可是蒋家三公子蒋澈即将联姻的对象有些磕碜。发小甲:“听说是地里刨土豆子的土妞。”发小乙:“扯淡!明明是刨地瓜的土妞。”蒋澈生无可恋,他亲眼看到那土妞刨出来一撮花生,还说是什么上上卦……····推荐基友的文····《久违了,周同学》by四单铺男霸女强的爱情《我和女主杠上了》by般罗若在线pk绿茶女主《狐狸精养崽攻略》by空煜锦歪养崽子正当爹《鉴情师》by噗噗星这该死的真香定律!《一代名师【系统】》by木易少一横一个怕麻烦的老师得到系统后……····我的完结文····《半神她超刚超凶》女主硬核,在线成神《后宫职场升职记》女主后宫咸鱼翻身史《厉害了,朕的娘娘》后宫狡猾女官与腹黑皇帝的奋斗史《穿越之又一春》穿越女医生遇见如玉暖男《我家叫兽是狼变的》暖心高能的缉毒猎人1w0-29819 >>