Sora No Mannaka Read Online


Maousama No Yuusha Toubatsuki

The Demon King rules over all demons, and using his immense power, put the human race through 1,000 years of oppression. Thus, the human's era has ended and the demon's era has begun. Lucifer has inherited the title of Demon King passed down from his father. However, rather than fight the humans, he much rather just get along with them. Not only that, he becomes sick at the sight of blood. Since all the humans knew where the Demon King's castle was, he was constantly trying to be killed by assassins. So he decided to leave the caste and live out in the wilderness where humans couldn't find him... or so he thought. Since every man with power has been defeated by him, the humans sent a girl to defeat him. How will Lucifer deal with this beauty sent to destroy him?

Re Collection

In order to remember his forgotten dreams, love, and self, Natsume Kanade, a high school teacher suffering from amnesia, is suddenly visited by a strange man with dark-rimmed glasses who claims to be 'God'. Natsume Kanade wakes up with a terrible headache from the day before. Wait, what happened yesterday? More importantly, who is he? And who is the the guy with dark-rimmed glasses bossing him around to prepare for a teacher?! Why does everyone know what happened yesterday!?

Ramen Ikaga!?

On Earth, pouring boiling water over a bowl of instant Ramen means you're hungry. On Planet Cup-Ramen, the women are human sized and the men are three-inch tall. Instant sized men need to be brought up to human size by, you guessed it, pouring hot water on them! It's also a proposal of marriage. Sumire - a lively 16 year old boy, was only hungry when he bought this peculiar looking cup Ramen from the shop. Little did he know that it was actually the space ship of the pint size Prince Kanmen of the Planet Cup-Ramen! Prince Kanmen is very persistent; and Sumire who is caught in between various fiancées, older brothers, younger brothers, obsessive SM handmaidens and pop stars, he may just end up marrying Prince Kanmen out of sheer exhaustion!

Sora No Mannaka

From Lijaka's Shoujo Manga Mangaka Info: Amasawa Miyako, the middle child of 5 siblings, is the only 'normal' one, the others all being very good-looking and very talented at something. She takes care of them at home with cooking, cleaning, etc. because their parents are very busy at work, but she has to deal with both her own insecurities and people's opinions on how she's not like her brothers and sisters. It also doesn't help that she likes her best friend who's in love with her older sister...

The Roof Tree

The Roof Tree summary: The Roof Tree summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Roof Tree. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Temptation: Satisfaction

Temptation: Satisfaction summary: Temptation: Satisfaction summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Temptation: Satisfaction. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Classmancers - A MOBA Esport Story

Classmancers - A MOBA Esport Story summary: Yuel 's life changes when Cla.s.smancers rolls into his life, a MOBA video game that 's growing into an official sport. Even with the fitness of a slug, he can finally enjoy a team sport to the fullest!Unfortunately, the joy is short-lived. None of his peers take the game as seriously and his ruthless tactics only further discourage them from playing.Fed up with playing alone in the game 's toxic...

Long Price Quartet

Long Price Quartet summary: A Shadow in Summer (Long Price Quartet #1) The city-state of Saraykeht dominates the Summer Cities. Its wealth is beyond measure; its port is open to all the merchants of the world, and its ruler, the Khai Saraykeht, commands forces to rival the G.o.ds. Commerce and trade fill the streets with a hundred languages, and the coffers of the wealthy with jewels and gold. Any desire, however exotic or base, can be satisfied in its soft quarter. Blissfully ignorant of the forces that fuel their prosperity, the people live and work secure in the knowledge that their city is a bastion of progress in a harsh world. It would be a tragedy if it fell. Saraykeht is poised on the knife-edge of disaster. At the heart of the city 's influence are the poet-sorcerer Heshai and the captive spirit, Seedless, whom he controls. For all his power, Heshai is weak, haunted by memories of shame and humiliation. A man faced with constant reminders of his responsibilities and his failures, he is the linchpin and the most vulnerable point in Saraykeht 's greatness. Far to the west, the armies of Galt have conquered many lands. To take Saraykeht, they must first destroy the trade upon which its prosperity is based. Marchat Wilsin, head of Galt 's trading house in the city, is planning a terrible crime against Heshai and Seedless. If he succeeds, Saraykeht will fall. Amat, House Wilsin 's business manager, is a woman who rose from the slums to wield the power that Marchat Wilsin would use to destroy her city. Through accidents of fate and circ.u.mstance Amat, her apprentice Liat, and two young men from the farthest reaches of their society stand alone against the dangers that threaten the city.


































内容简介:东方神州,有人皇立道统,有圣贤宗门传道,有诸侯雄踞一方王国,诸强林立,神州动乱千万载,值此之时,一代天骄叶青帝及东凰大帝横空出世,东方神州一统!然,叶青帝忽然暴毙,世间雕像尽皆被毁,于 世间除名,沦为禁忌;从此神州唯东凰大帝独尊!十五年后,东海青州城,一名为叶伏天的少年,开启了他的传奇之路…1w470-4688 >>


内容简介:穿越异世、携带着九焰天火塔,韩风开始了强者之旅! 修炼九焰异火诀,燃尽世间万物!真元、真晶、领域、神元、混沌、世界、意志,统统化为灰烬! 且看少年韩风,如何在异世各大天才当中一飞冲天, 踏破苍穹,成就至尊之位!1w0-3849 >>


内容简介:情人节周曼纯发现男友和别的女人共度良宵,两人还不知羞耻的对她耀武扬威。去酒吧买醉,却被迷晕让戴面具的神秘男吃干抹净……靳北森是A市最年轻狠厉的黄金单身汉,酒吧遇上周曼纯意外的合他胃口一 夜怎么够,于是一纸契约周曼纯沦为他的地下情人一月期满,她欢天喜地想送走这个煞神,可靳北森居然想让她生孩子做梦!1w0-27653 >>


内容简介:母亲去世,父亲另娶,昔日闺蜜成继母。闺蜜设局,狠心父亲将怀孕的我送出国。五年后,带娃回国,誓将狠心父亲、心机闺蜜踩在脚下。却没想到转身遇上神秘男人,邪魅一笑,“老婆,你这辈子都逃不掉了 ……”1w0-98653 >>


内容简介:预收《和离后嫁给前任他爹》求宠幸文案下拉暴君傅臻为人暴戾恣睢,杀人成魔,从西北疆场回来后更是日日吐血,眼看着就要死了。太医看到一本古书中说,要传说中的美人血投喂才可医治。阮阮就是被送入 宫的替死鬼。入宫那晚,傅臻幽幽醒转,发现身边蹲着个小姑娘,睁着幼鹿般的眼睛怯怯瞧他。他咳出两口血,脸色苍白,眸光似刀,“怕了?”小姑娘含着泪,主动将柔弱无骨的身子贴近他,软声道,“我……我不怕,你吃吧。”陪伴暴君日久,阮阮被他娇养得愈发大胆,提议道,“陛下,今天能不能换个地方吃?不要总是咬脖子。”傅臻眯起眼睛,语气不耐“再不过来,朕的病就要被你拖死了!”他这般说着,指尖却抚过红痕斑斑的雪颈,轻咬上她双唇。暴君宿疾痊愈之后,阮阮彻底换了侍奉他的方式,屡屡被他弄哭。那晚摇红烛火之下,他看着眼前满面红晕的小姑娘,眸底涌动着疯狂的占有欲。“朕许你一个心愿,珠宝金银,无上荣宠,朕都可以答应你。”小姑娘腰肢在他大手之下轻颤,红着脸憋了一句“那我可以要一座宅子,出宫去吗?”见男人脸色阴沉,她赶忙改口:“不要宅子……银两也行。”暴君良久没言声,半晌,扯出一个笑来:“你想都别想。”阮阮“……”好抠,亏他还是一国之君,说好的什么都答应呢?!谁料男人转头便示下“她说要当朕的皇后,你们都听到了?”底下人十脸震惊,面面相觑,“是,是!”阮阮???起初,小姑娘乖乖顺顺,什么都听他的。傅臻爱看她哭,就欺负她。他想着,就这么欺负一辈子也好。只是后来他发现,他竟看不得她哭了——那眼泪落于他胸口,便似滚烫的心头血,灼得他心尖发疼,教他不知所措。傅臻想,那便宠着吧。宠她一辈子,不再让她落一滴眼泪。【双c双洁】【封面已授权,画手微博容隐呀】预收《和离后嫁给前任他爹》求宠幸女f男c,男二非亲生明国公府幺女沈芙柔桡温顺,姝色无双,只可惜口不能言。一介哑女嫁给那位玉树临风的晋王世子谢斐为妻,人人都说是国公府赚了。谢斐也觉得,他配她,绰绰有余。成婚头一个月,谢斐还装得规规矩矩,可到了第二月就开始夜不归宿。谢斐出行,身后跟着一帮纨绔,“世子爷,不用陪你家那位小哑巴么?”谢斐豪爽地往游船上撒了一把金叶子,“要不怎么说她善解人意呢!”沈芙成婚三年,谢斐就在外面浪了三年。沈芙知道,他的确喜欢她,可他是个没有真心的人,他的喜欢,便同喜欢这世间花草无异。她不能言语,心中郁郁了整整三年。*后来,那镇守边关数年、晋王府真正的主人班师回朝,沈芙于厅堂俯身向公公敬茶。面前的男人容貌俊美,矜贵威严。沈芙暗自想,这份凛然如山的气势,恐怕世间男儿皆及不上其万一。而谢危楼接过茶的那一刻,无意间碰到她纤细莹腻的一双柔荑,喉咙微不可察地滚动了下 >>

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