This manga's story is based on a thriller by Keigo Higashino. The main protagonist, the shy Jun Naruse, is a rather average guy who works for a electronic company and loves to draw. He falls in love with Megumi whom he met at a shop selling drawing materials and an intimate relationship develops. A few days later the office gets attacked and when the criminal tries to shoot a little girl he saves her by jumping in front of her. A month passes until he wakes up again and is told that half his brain got destroyed and he only survived because someone donated half a brain. Everything seems to be fine, he quickly recovers and is happy, however he begins to the donated brain the reason for that? Or is it just a side effect of the medicine?
Misao and Eichi are the schools most popular idols. However, every morning they arrive at the same time and show their dislike for each other.
Two teens see how the other half lives! When her mad scientist grandfather accidentally switches their bodies. Akira Uehara is mortified when his best buddy starts hitting on 'him,' and is embarrassed to look at 'himself' in the mirror in her underwear! He can't wait to get back to being a boy. But Nanako Momoi has other ideas--she is starting to enjoy life in Akira's body! From Tokyopop: Rude girl and effeminate boy switch bodies and find that it might be a better fit for both of them. Lots of crazy comedy. Nanako Momoi is the belle of high school... as long as she stays quiet. Once she shows her true self, guys' dreams are shattered for she is a true tomboy. Akira Uehara has the looks and brains, but, unfortunately, his personality is so dull it overcasts a shadow, and nobody notices him. One day, Nanako's grandfather comes up with a crazy invention, and Nanako and Akira trade Bodies! She's him, and he's her!
Rinjin summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Rinjin. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Kraken Wakes summary: The Kraken Wakes summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Kraken Wakes. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Sinks of London Laid Open summary: Sinks of London Laid Open summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Sinks of London Laid Open. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Peter Simple; and, The Three Cutters summary: Peter Simple; and, The Three Cutters summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Peter Simple; and, The Three Cutters. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Extinction Point - Exodus summary: Extinction Point - Exodus summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Extinction Point - Exodus. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
简介礼貌系的弱气少年在异世界转生了,变成了吸血鬼的美少女。 剑和魔法都也有的异世界,带着多到溢出来的外挂能力转生了的主角所追求的 东西。那就是—三餐附带午睡和点心养我的生活吧!
内容简介:“春樱亭圆紫与我”系列最终话!解谜之神莞尔一笑,我明白,这不是离别。挥别青涩的大学时代,我成为菜鸟编辑,继续徜徉于广阔的书海。只是,生活的新篇章永远翻不完,总有一天,我也将从圆紫大师身 边毕业吧?希望那时候,我已坚强到能温柔守护所有珍贵事物……收起感伤的眼光吧,如此看待晦暗悲剧性的生存方式,你还嫌太年轻,真正美好的事物,毕竟是向著太阳的。《山眠》——“我”的童年玩伴的父亲,突然购买了大量色情书刊,不久便决定关闭为同好开设的俳句教室。然而,他的封笔之作似乎隐藏了什么……《奔来之物》——男女之爱,很麻烦也很辛苦,背叛与不背叛的纠葛永远难解。“我”的前辈为抒发情伤,写下一篇寓言小说,却故意藏起末尾两句,我和同事、圆紫大师试着接着写,答案却意外得教人不禁屏息……《朝雾》——“我”偶然读到爷爷的日记,发现少女“小铃”留下了一长串暗号般的奇妙文字。流着爷爷血液的ahreftargetblank我a,能否咀嚼出埋葬在久远时空下的私密情怀?阖上书页后,心里暖暖的,同时也ahreftargetblank有a点酸酸的,这,是北村薰送往明日的情诗。北村薰鼎力大作,必看科幻小说。1w0-79636 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:玄幻:看书就无敌】林渊穿越玄幻世界,这里强者为尊,弱者为蚁。他虽为天命圣朝太师之子,然而母亲身份原因,在府中不受待见,地位低下。并且因为先天体弱,无法修行。好 在他觉醒“大道图书馆”,通过阅读小说,便可获得书中的功法传承,神通法宝,仙丹神药……等等。阅读圣皇,获诸神印记,神象镇狱劲,觉醒八亿四千万神象微粒,震铄万古!阅读完美纪元,获无上帝血,他化自在大法,他化自在,他化万古,他化轮回!阅读武之祖墓,获永恒天舟,开辟永恒国度,横渡无尽虚空,征伐诸天,冠压万域!林渊:我林某人能有今天的实力,完全是靠自己努力走来的,看书只不过是平时放松,爱好。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢玄幻:看书就无敌,别忘记分享给朋友作者:鹏哥上天榜所写的《玄幻:看书就无敌》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-29099 >>
内容简介:身边一个个人在我面前倒下,我却无能为力……看着一座城市毁灭在我面前,我却选择了狼狈逃跑……终于未日的降临,我却只能麻木的望着那血色天空……我能拯救什么?我又能改变什么?我……什么都做不 到……这个世界到底是虚幻……还是真正的真实…………21××年10月11日,幻天公司开启异界计划,世界第一款意识连接游戏诞生。原本给玩gtpltp1w0-59957 >>
内容简介:蹉跎一生的沈林,重新回到了1984年那个让他充满了懊恼的日子,面对重来的一切,沈林发誓,要活三件事:一、鲁小荣!二、鲁小荣!三、鲁小荣!他要改变自己,重新赢得妻子的心,打拼出一个辉煌的 商业时代。1w16884-25910 >>
内容简介:赵锦诺自幼被养在庄子上,爹不疼,祖母不亲。赵家一门风光,同她半点关系都没有。忽然有一天,听闻阮家早前那个从马上摔下,摔成了傻子的小儿子该婚配了,赵家祖母突然紧张了,她的掌上明珠宝贝孙女 赵琪怎么能嫁给一个傻子呢!一旁的周妈妈提醒,早前同阮家订婚的不是庄子上那位大小姐吗?——于是庄子上的赵锦诺被风风光光接回赵家,替嫁。都说阮家前不久祖坟肯定迁对了,赵锦诺嫁过来,阮家的小儿子忽然人不傻了,还一朝位极人臣,朝中拜相。只有赵锦诺知道,新婚当晚,喜帕一挑,迎上一双怎样的凤眼……翌日醒来,赵锦诺撑着腰,咬着唇,什么傻,都特么是骗人的……阮奕临死时,最想念的人是赵锦诺。那个在他人生中最灰暗时候,带给他唯一阳光的人,像一枚暖玉,时刻温暖着他的心。再睁眼,他重回年少时,那时候赵锦诺才从庄子接回赵家,正要嫁给他。他将她堵在赵府后苑,看她,抱她,发疯一样得亲吻她……1w0-4261 >>