This manga tells the story of the previous Holy War, taking place in the 18th century, 250 years before the original series, in the Saint Seiya universe. The story centers on the relation between Tenma, the Pegasus Saint and his beloved friend, Alone, who would eventually become his greatest enemy, Hades. The story takes place in the same time period as Saint Seiya Next Dimension.
Shou is the illegitimate son who is mistreated by his family, while Takashi is clearly the favored son. Shou is being 'used' by Takashi, but Takashi's fiance has fallen for Shou. Feels like a shoujo manga, but with a little bit of yaoi mixed in. There is a sequel to this manga called :Zensoukyoku it has not been scanlated yet.
From Loyal Kiss: Bishie boy that got transfered and visited Ohn Noori, Lee Sun-Uh. I was surely suprised that my father, who I never met myself, had sent him, but to say he's one of my fiancée candidates!!! AND WHAT? My father is the king of a secret kingdom? Oh my~ ? Then a princess? With two fiancée candidates, I ended up with a happy headache... Ahhhh~? Who should I pick to make the right choice?
From Viz: Humans thought the wolves died off two centuries ago in this bleak post-apocalyptic wasteland. But some survivors lurk among the humans by mentally cloaking their animal bodies. One white wolf, Kiba, scours the land for the scent of the Lunar Flower that will lead them all to Paradise...But will it lead them to a deadly false legend?
The Central Eskimo summary: The Central Eskimo summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Central Eskimo. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Alone with the Horrors summary: Alone with the Horrors summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Alone with the Horrors. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Vigilantes summary: The Vigilantes summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Vigilantes. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Daily Issue Little Girl Misaki-chan! summary:
A 23 year old middle school graduate. Having cut ties with his parents, his hobbies include drinking, tobacco, and gambling. That kind of man is raising a child.
“Fine by me, I’ll do it”
The man set forth on becoming a splendid parent from the very bottom, his second life starts. In that process, learning the the warmth of a family, slowly he becomes an upright human but . . . . . . such extreme doting, besides himself everyone is drawing away, you know?
This is a story of a man who lives at the base of society but through raising a child he worries, struggles, and has a romantic comedy. All while keeping his eyes on becoming a splendid parent.
内容简介:唐宁看了一本主受的耽美小说。一觉醒来发现自己穿成了书里的天下第二美人。只不过天下第二美人是个恶毒男配,专门给主角受打脸的炮灰。你问主角受为啥对着一张美人脸都能下得去手?很不幸,主角受他 是天下第一美人。本文又名:小说屋《天下第一和天下第二美人在一起了》《我就是喜欢找你茬了咋地》《天下第一见了我总是眼冒绿光》《天下第二看见我总是两腿发软》第一攻X第二受如此清奇的CP了解一下?各位书友要是觉得《天下第二美人穿书》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81713 >>
内容简介:踏天路,逆天行,苍茫大道,谁主沉浮?侠歌行,神魔道,尸山血海,谁舞风云?一个诸圣争霸的世界,一个无数天骄塑造的黄金盛世,一部众多妖孽共同谱写的神曲,一个少年独自开辟的一首不朽的神话…… 1w0-27730 >>
内容简介:《重生之出魔入佛》小说简介:天魔绝我,我便入佛。我作佛时,万魔哭嚎。是一个,重生遭遇穿越的故事又是一个,三人重生的故事再文的主角,是被穿越的是穿越成后文以,这就是一个真和尚的故事。嗯, 谢谢结巴图铺的银砸君,谢谢你帮忙制作的封面。修为境界划分:炼气、筑基、金丹、元婴、化神、合体、渡劫、飞升另公告:和编编商量过之后,这文会在1月25号即下周一入V,当日万字更新,谢谢各位亲支持。重生之出魔入佛是原作者柳明暗精心创作的都市小说大作,小兵同步更新重生之出魔入佛最新章节,书友所发表的重生之出魔入佛评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持重生之出魔入佛书友的观点。柳明暗的其他作品:主角重生复仇记、当修仙混入网游关键词:重生之出魔入佛最新章节、重生之出魔入佛无弹窗、重生之出魔入佛txt下载您要是觉得《重生之出魔入佛》还不错,请点击顶部分享按钮分享到你的朋友圈来支持柳明暗吧!1w0-75444 >>
内容简介: 你想成为学霸吗? 想被轻松保送清华北大吗? 想享受学渣们仰慕的目光吗? 想各种竞赛奖项拿到手软吗? 那就赶快点开本书,聆听顾老师的教诲吧! 简单来说,这是主角一不小心就成 为世界上最伟大老师的故事! ……………… PS:已有精品完结老书《万能数据》,质量保证,放心入坑。1w0-820 >>
内容简介:【校园征文长篇】重生前,她是个偏执的疯子,为司君墨痴狂,即使他不回应她,她也像个舔狗一样重视着他时不时的喜怒哀乐。“我就是道德沦丧,伦理败坏!”“司君墨!选我还是选她?”“既然不喜欢我 ,为什么要对我欲擒故纵?”重生后,她成了冷心冷肺的正常人,不再脑子有泡的追求那个永远不会回应自己的人。但司君墨却慌了。“你是不是在欲擒故纵?”“你这么做是为了刺激我吗?”“我该拿你怎么办?”她牵着所爱之人的手,只对温暖她的人露出笑容,随后转过头来时,化作了平静,“你当年说我是年少不懂事才喜欢你,我觉得你说的很对,现在给你点32个赞。”“谢谢你没耽搁我遇到对的人。”【重生冷漠超A女主x低调腹黑御宅男主】1v1,双洁1w0-47874 >>
内容简介:【洪荒幕后脑洞】陈轩穿越洪荒成了一条小白龙,因为他的到来,洪荒彻底走偏……女娲:功德成圣非我愿,我要斩三尸!西方二人组:西方太过贫瘠,今天开始我二人加入东方!通天:封神量劫来临,所有截 教弟子随我一同上封神榜!老子:……直到有一天,鸿钧道人发现不对劲,来到了不周山脚……(简介无力)1w19070-88488 >>