Back to the Hero summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Back to the Hero. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Seven Short Stories About Sex: Ch. 1-3) 7 Daime no Tomari (The Seventh Generation, Tomari): Tomari is a cursed woman who must do specific sexual things with her partner or the curse will kill her. Her partner, randomly chosen by the curse, is a guy called Naoki. He's pretty much willing to do whatever she needs, but Tomari will have to get past his incestuous sister Kyoko first. Ch. 4-6) Hajimete to: A teenage couple, Seriko and her boyfriend Ogihiko, find themselves caught in a plot from her crazy mafia family to make them lose their virginity together. Ch. 7) Sandy Go Home: Yoko returns from studying abroad in America with her sex-crazed roommate Sandy, and they both proceed to fight over who gets to have sex with her brother. Ch. 8) Meteyunde: After their parents died in a traffic accident, Morote's two older sisters became insane. Is he safe in the house with them any longer? Ch. 9) Pastel Aiborii: School kids have a sexual encounter in a bathroom. Ch. 10) Ninjia Shoujo Makari Tooru: When a ninja invades a girl's bedroom, he finds himself completely outmatched by her skills, both ninja and erotic. Ch. 11) 80D: A couple has a sexual exploit in a library after hours.
Begging for Prince Tariq Shadad ibn Zachir's mercy is the last thing Faye wants to do. She hasn't seen Tariq for a whole year...since their ill-fated wedding. But as Faye's brother remains imprisoned in her husband's country of Jumar, she learns that only Tariq has the power to grant his freedom. Faye expects her meeting with the man she married to be difficult, but Tariq's ultimatum takes her breath away: become his mistress and her brother will be released. As her decision takes her to the Middle East, her bitter feelings for Tariq begin to change, and she becomes more than just a mistress to this powerful Sheikh.
+ Story 1: The heroine is a girl named Mio. Today is her 16th birthday, and to celebrate, her friends are taking her to get her body painted. A handsome guy wanted to paint her, has a small crush and he even kisses her because Mio has the prettiest body he has seen? She can’t quite believe it when, the next day, he appears at her school in his red sports car, ready to pick her up for a date! + Story 2: A 3rd year high school student Rena is tall and beautiful, and very self-confident. She has had many boyfriends and is popular. And she can take care of herself. However, one night while on the train, an old man gropes her behind. Rena punishes him, but before she can do much, she is ‘rescued’ by a handsome guy who claims she is his girlfriend. Although Rena doesn’t think she really needed the help, but the guy is very cute, and has a sort of charisma. + Story 3: A cute guy, Takatsu-kun, inviting a girl, Nozomi, over to his house while his parents are out of town. This invitation catches Nozomi by surprise, and she doesn’t know what to do. All of her classmates are surprised too. Nozomi just recently started going out with Takatsu. What he seems to imply by her visit to his house seems awfully sudden to her, after that what will happen?
The Story of the Guides summary: The Story of the Guides summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Story of the Guides. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Vicious Deep summary: The Vicious Deep summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Vicious Deep. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Adventures of a Widow summary: The Adventures of a Widow summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Adventures of a Widow. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Living Life As A Game: Through And Through summary: Life changes for Adrian after he creates a character for an RPG game called IRL. (Maybe this will be more detailed after I make more chapters, but for now, I 'll leave it as is.)I 'm not really a writer or an artist so... sorry for the bootleg book cover.
简介【每周五更新】高一女孩艾欣因为偶然被同班同学程旭搭救之后坠入情网,告白失败之后,仍然不愿放弃这份感情,在朋友们的帮助倾尽全力去追求一场不可能有结果的恋爱。由于对方是人工智能机器人而导致一场场闹剧不断上演。 另一边,一边上学一边化身为超级英雄拯救世界的人工智能机器人程旭,在与小爱的一次次接触中,慢慢被其感化,变得越来越像一个正常人……
内容简介:瓒兵三万,列为方阵,分突骑万匹,翼军左右,其锋甚锐。绍令麴义引精兵八百,强弩千张,以为先登。瓒轻其兵少,纵骑腾之,义兵伏盾下,一时同发,瓒军大败,义亲斩瓒大将严纲,获甲首千余级。追至界 桥,瓒敛兵还战,义复破之,遂到瓒营,拔其牙门,瓒军俱惊,溃败而逃。麴义斜首望天,睥睨天下,曰:“试问天下豪杰,吾有八百先登,谁敢与争锋?”1w0-88775 >>
内容简介:【零点日更下本开《偏偏招惹》OR《引我沦陷》】七中两大大佬,南楼清冷学神陆枕川,北楼年少成名的人间精灵奚柚。据传陆枕川这类的高岭之花,最厌奚柚的顽劣张扬。校园文化节上,奚柚正忙着选人加 入社团,传单正好发到陆枕川面前。“话剧社,了解一下?”陆枕川敛着眸,尾音压短,更显得冷淡:“搭讪?”有人劝:“阿柚算了吧,学神看着就没空参加社团。”奚柚偏偏不服,拿走陆枕川手上的西柚汽水,红唇染着水光,“不能搭讪吗,小哥哥?全七中都知道,陆枕川雷区就是西柚汽水,谁也不让动。正当大家都以为南北楼大佬要正式交锋时——“小、哥哥?”陆枕川笑意玩味,指腹抚上她的唇,蹭下一角口红绯色。“奚柚,我们试试?”人间精灵X白切黑·痞坏混学神校园双A丨明骚互撩丨也可能是互怼|夏日甜文“IWANTTOSEEU”又名《你是奚柚seeu》《我想是你》下本开【《偏偏招惹》年龄差6养成系甜文】文案:江城豪门圈里都知晓,孟家那个玩世不恭狂妄不羁的大少爷,养了个小姑娘七年。这事儿被不少好友调侃,“阿屿,这是提前养了个小媳妇儿?”“就一小朋友。”孟屿漫不经心,尾音拉长,“看上小孩儿,这不是畜生吗?”后来某节目组到夏聆欢家里录制,直播。主持人问:“听说昨晚孟少与新晋小花约会,对这事你有什么看法吗?”夏聆欢:“哥哥年纪也大了,希望他保重身体。”不过三秒,那个年纪大了的孟家大少爷从夏聆欢的房间里走出来。孟屿眼底睡意惺忪,准确无误地将人揽在怀里。“小朋友,你昨晚哭着求我的时候,可不是这么说的。”直播现场一片寂静,随后画面被迅速掐掉。看着直播的好友:……畜生。没过多久,热搜第一,孟氏集团的官方微博——【从始至终,都只有你。夏聆欢】·伪兔子X真灰狼接档文【《引我沦陷》追妻火葬场青梅竹马娱乐圈】文案:①游家大少爷游慕,冷戾至极不近女色,却只把青梅沈绘黎宠得无法无天。大家皆默认,这两人是一对。沈绘黎暗恋已久,她精心打扮,准备和他告白。聚会上,有人问:“阿慕,你和狐狸打算什么时候结婚?”“结婚?”少年指间燃着烟,笑得恣意又痞气,“别点谱,她是我妹妹。”沈绘黎如梦初醒,只是妹妹。②沈绘黎一走就是五年,再次见面的时候,她挽另一个男人的手臂介绍,“我男朋友。”“狐狸还找了个男朋友回来?”好友错愕,“阿慕你没希望了。”游慕嗤笑,不予置评。当晚在无人知的暗角里,游慕咬着她的唇,细碎的尾音被封缄在吻里,“你只能是我的。”沈绘黎没看见的是,那个最为不羁冷傲的大少爷,慢慢红了的眼圈。他紧紧拥她入怀,“阿黎,你什么时候愿意爱我一点。”“年年岁岁,朝夕与共,我仍爱你入骨。”妖孽明艳唱作人X偏执傲气型总裁本小说网提供尽仙著作的西柚汽水最新章 >>
内容简介:此为《我的手机通仙界》章节列表页该小说章节完整更新及时。《我的手机通仙界》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的,本站提供我的手机通仙界最新清爽干净的文字章节在线阅读。1w0- 77041 >>
内容简介: 一觉醒来,岳峰成了一间濒临破产的渔具店店主,穿越让他有了一份“尴尬”的事业,同时也让他获得了一个系统, 从此小镇上多了一间规模不大但是名声颇为响亮的渔具店, 在系(wai)统( 挂)大神的加持下,岳峰开直播做网红玩的风生水起。 传统钓?岳峰七星漂扎草洞玩的出神入化。 台钓?他是光速登顶特级竞钓大师的选手。 路亚?米翘只是入门级,米级银龙也只是餐桌上的一盘菜,梦幻鱼种对他来说犹如探囊取物。 海钓?他是蓝鳍金枪单尾最重世界纪录保持者 这个世界上能让一个饱经风霜的成年人开心的像个孩子的运动不多,垂钓算是一个,让我们一起见证一个靠钓(kai)鱼(gua)走上巅峰的钓鱼大神崛起!1w0-2845 >>
内容简介:↑↑↑↑↑点击收藏,么么哒虐文女主赵卿死后觉醒,悔不当初。卑微奉献,痴迷男主,被害死全家榨干利用价值下场凄凉还执迷不悟?系统的存在给了她另一个选择——【掠夺男主光环!】原来她的着魔、执 着、痴迷不悔,都受这男主光环影响!她决定亲手复仇,改写自己的人生。这一次,她绝不会再陷入深渊!【预定世界】第一世界:皇子他要权要钱《虐文女主觉醒了(快穿)》小说推荐:萌宝成双:霍少的大牌娇妻、黑少,你老婆又在装傻、养崽崽后本宫躺赢了、毒医小狂妃、庶女攻略、神医毒妃不好惹、重生甜妻:老公,请宠我、宠婚蜜爱:宁先生,宁太太又有了、穿成七零白富美、嫁给渣男死对头、豪门暖婚之夫人说了算、鲜妻超软萌、重生后嫁给男主他叔、霸爱成瘾:穆总的天价小新娘、快穿:宿主她真的很飘、湛爷的小妖精长大了、闪婚夫妻宠娃日常、女配她一心向道快穿、头号炮灰快穿、快穿之炮灰的开挂人生1w0-95871 >>