From Selene Scans: Ogata Natsuki is the best player on the Kakuchi Junior High Basketball Team. Which is not saying much because they couldn't even get through the 3rd round of the Prefectural Tournament from freshman year until the end of Junior High. For High School, his friends convince him to try out for the Number One High School Basketball team, Fujiwara Academy. So he goes to live with his aunt who runs a hot springs resort to go and try out for the best. Fujiwara Academy. The thing is...he's small. So people look down on him and he has trouble convincing people he's any good. Through one thing or the other, he ends up with Tachibana Mitsuki watching her school, St Mariannu High go up against Fujiwara Academy in a practice game. But the thing is, St Mariannu is very weak. Weaker than even his former school. Fujiwara is just toying with them and now they don't even want to finish the game. What will happen now? Will Natsuki ever be able to achieve his dreams of being High School Basketball's Number 1? And will it be with Fujiwara?
Tempted by the Flower Petals summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Tempted by the Flower Petals. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
---I believe in that smile. Even if you don't have a soul--- 2105 A.D. Japan The humanoid android hiE became part of people's life and was handling the things human could and couldn't do. Endou Arato, unlike his friends Kenko and Ryou who hate hiE, felt sympathy for hiE which are supposed to be just objects. One night, Arato suddenly gets assaulted by mysterious falling cherry blossoms that make hiE and machines run havoc. Will the cornered Arato be saved by the mysterious hiE Lacia....
Miss Mouse and Her Boys summary: Miss Mouse and Her Boys summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Miss Mouse and Her Boys. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Story of a Bold Tin Soldier summary: The Story of a Bold Tin Soldier summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Story of a Bold Tin Soldier. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Analects of Confucius summary: The Analects of Confucius summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Analects of Confucius. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Milady's Fine Gentleman summary: Chen Linyun had spend the night together in a dorm room with a drunken girl he had mistaken for a boy when he was still eighteen years old during his soph.o.m.ore year in the university. Little did he know this short encounter will leave a mark in him, unable to let go of this woman who disappeared after that night. He was head-over-heels and had vowed to search for her in every part of the earth....
内容简介: 一睁眼,便是人命如草芥的乱世芳华。 墨白是个大夫,但他还来不及去想治世救人,他首先要考虑的是如何在三天后不死。 然后还得考虑怎样才能见一见那已经和自己成过亲,拜过堂,据说国色天 香的老婆? 最后,他还得想个能在乱世之中活下来的谋生之道,他决定了,就干老本行,很快,乱世之中,战火最猛烈的中心地带,一间医馆开张了。 名字还算低调,曰:“天下第一医馆” ps:群号1599955981w0-2128 >>
内容简介:简介:“本人专职八卦占卜、五行起名、降妖除魔、驱煞捉鬼、掘坟点穴看风水,外加催债、贴膜、捉小三,算命不准不要钱,一百块起可代开发票,每周一三五七下午五点,烟罗路天桥下第十八号摊位,各位 有缘人走过路过不要错过!”冥界钉子户洛青莲得了个热乎的身体夺舍重生,来到现代社会,本打算享受人生,却不料总有麻烦事找上门来,他只能重操旧业捋起袖子当神棍,算命捉鬼下墓倒斗样样行,要问他有什么烦恼——洛青莲苦着脸:“九哥哥太难追,我其实怀疑他中看不中用,有点儿不太行。”容九霄:“呵呵。”后来再问洛青莲有什么烦恼——洛青莲扶着腰叹息:“社会险恶,人心不古。”容九霄:“嗯,味道不错。”1w0-33455 >>
内容简介:他没有逆天的运气;也没有王霸之气;他有过成功;也有过失败;依靠强大的分析能力和聪慧的头脑;在这款英雄无双中,寻找着游戏对于他的意义;和朋友们一起创造属于他们的英雄无双。《英雄无敌之英雄 无双》小说推荐:轮回大劫主、无限气运主宰、网游之神王法则、我的美女主播姐姐、神话级联盟、英雄无敌之亡灵法神、我在幕后创造大BOSS、全职高手、网游大相师、联盟之佣兵系统、貌似高手在异界、联盟之电竞莫扎特、网游之白帝无双、问道章、超神圣骑士、艾泽拉斯新帝国、网游之佣兵世界、伊塔之柱、次元法典、绝地求生之在线锤挂壁1w0-77578 >>
内容简介: 【爆宠+爽文】 海城傅霈,桀骜暴戾,又痞又狂,人人都不敢靠近他,直到有天他身边多了个小姑娘。 小姑娘生的冰肌玉骨,唇红齿白,乖的要命,成日缠在他身后絮叨,“不许抽烟,不许打架, 不许说脏话!” 众人看到一向凶的要命的人,却跟乖孙子似的低声下气哄着小姑娘,“你他妈别哭,老子听你的就是了!” 一众女生心碎,哭着询问小姑娘如何将百炼钢化为绕指柔的方法。 小姑娘翻了个白眼 :因为他是我亲爹呀! _ 一朝重生,傅听回到了二十年前,这个时候她的影帝父亲还是学校里的少年,还没有因为得上绝症不治而亡。 傅听决定挽回悲剧,让父亲提前走上社会义接班人的道路,早点带领她过上挥金如土的日子。 _ 京城新贵岑先生,清风霁月,克制禁欲,大家都以为这位天上仙不会动凡心。 后来,有记者拍到他和傅霈同进同出,顿时轰动了娱乐圈。 #爆!影帝傅霈与岑倦两人虐恋情深,表面捅刀私下恩爱!# 岑倦微博:这是我老丈人@傅霈 傅霈转发:我女婿,了解下@岑倦 傅霈含泪发完微博,转头就揍了岑倦一顿,这狗东西,拐了老子闺女,还要老子给他擦屁股! 全网:??? 从社会主义兄弟情过度到父慈子孝画风未免有些过歪?1w0-1336 >>