A newly hired detective tries to prevent an infamous thief from blowing up a precious diamond.
Sei is an accountant that helped the Takashiro family to keep their assets in place. He always has his way with the Takashiro twins’ elder brother, Mizuha. Mizuha has zero resistance towards the flaming passion that comes from Sei. Will they open their hearts to each other? The other twin, Yuuya, has been fending off perverts who are interested in Mizuha. But is his classmate, Tsuzuki, interested in Mizuha or him? What will happen to Yuuya’s unrequited love for Tsuzuki?
From LuffyNoTomo: Satou, Mitsuru is an otaku who designs female game characters. His latest female design just so happens to look like the live-in male house keeper named Ninomae, Nagisa. In order to see his character in the flesh, Mitsuru decides to have Nagisa as his new live-in house keeper! Ninomae, Nagisa is a young good looking guy. However, his cheeky appearance gives others the wrong impression. Even though his style is a bit flashy he's a sweet guy and the first person to realize this and not judge him based on his looks was Mitsuru. Therefore, Nagisa decides to make Mitsuru his lover--no matter what it takes. Even if that means turning from an angel into a beast! Mitsuru keeps rejecting Nagisa, but how can he resist someone who looks so much like his beloved angel like character he designed!
A boy opens a chest at his father's temple, and inside pops out a Hanyou, a half demon, half human girl who wishes for nothing more than to avenge the death of her mother, and her father by herself. It just so happens to be that the boy looks just like his ancestor, the one who killed the girl and mother.
Stones Of Power - The Last Sword Of Power summary: Stones Of Power - The Last Sword Of Power summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Stones Of Power - The Last Sword Of Power. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
English Seamen in the Sixteenth Century summary: English Seamen in the Sixteenth Century summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of English Seamen in the Sixteenth Century. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Bait Dog: An Atlanta Burns Novel summary: Bait Dog: An Atlanta Burns Novel summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Bait Dog: An Atlanta Burns Novel. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Three Things summary: Three Things summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Three Things. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
内容简介:为兄弟,他两肋插刀,为女人,他怒为红颜,为国家,他誓死如归。一代军刀重归都市,凭着一双铁拳再战天下,一声怒喝,世界皆震,且看军中王者洛天如何携美俯众生,霸气凌天下。1w1317-480 0 >>
内容简介: 在与虫族的决战中,星际联邦最年轻有为的女将军江珏穿越百年,一不小心成了星际黑户。百年后的她,没钱没身份没地位,更没有家族的庇护,只能自力更生。明明可以靠脸吃饭,她非要靠实力!(开始 )队友:这个女人肯定会拖我后腿!(后来)队友:大佬求带!!!ps:热血搞笑型,不要在乎什么逻辑!————————已有两本百万完本作品,人品坚挺,绝不太监!1w0-3038 >>
内容简介:穿越前,苏年是医院的拼命三娘,外科一把手;穿越后,她变成戚卿苒,是人人唾弃的花痴病秧子。本只想好好养好这具破身体,谁知莫名发现自带金手指,脑子里有一部医书宝典。看她如何从被人唾骂的花痴 女变为权倾天下的医妃。挣钱,撩汉一样不落。”王爷,让臣妾看看您的腿。”“王妃,你说的是哪一只?”“三只一起看。”“王妃,你可是在撩我?”“胡说,分明是你居心不轨勾引我。”“……”1w5519-27432 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:绝命军医:开局中医满级】一朝醒来,竟成为一个萌新军医。还好开局中医满级,直接化身老军医。金针救命,银针索命,卸骨术搏斗无敌。安然,“江医生,我浑身都不舒服,随 便给我按按嘛。”王滟兵,“江医生,我要拜师。”范天坑,“丢人啊,狼牙竟被一个军医带着几个护士给灭了。”军区司令,“江辰啊,那中药膳食味道不错,再准备一份。”军部首长,“江辰啊,石油国公主患病,你去瞧瞧,这可关系到我们的军火订单啊。”某特种兵,“敌人凶猛,快叫江医生来支援,他治病救人,更治各种不服。”对此,江辰表示很无奈,“我只是个军医啊,能不能不要这样?”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-97265 >>
内容简介:【日更,沙雕团宠苏爽甜】柏生穿进了一本O点爽文,成为了一个被龙傲天男主退婚的炮灰小明星。小少爷毕生没受过这种侮辱,退婚之后作天作地,各种针对男主,最后落得个身败名裂,沦落街头的下场。对 此,柏生十分困惑不解。为一个男人,把自己搞成这个样子,像什么话!于是在退婚现场,面对一脸坚毅的龙傲天,他说出那句经典台词:“三十年河东,三十年河西……”然后面无表情地一挥手:“别三十年了,管家,现在就抽他丫的。”众人:“???”这是什么操作?!退婚不成,反被打脸,龙傲天并不在意,反正柏生现在正全网黑,根本在圈里混不下去,总有要求他的一天。怎料到:网友:“关系户,带资进组,导演都觉得晦气!”星光大赏上,柏生一屁股坐在导演旁边,轻松写意:“吃啥呢?给我掰点。”网友:“这演技,狗都不如,连跑龙套不值50!”金猪奖:“恭喜柏生入围最佳男配角新人奖,让我们掌声鼓励!”网友:“性格差,树敌无数,上个综艺就想洗白!”原先跟柏生撕到腥风血雨的小爱豆:“你懂个屁!他很好。”柏生以一己之力让身边的人逐渐沙雕化,真正的喜剧人,向来只在不动声色间。闻萧人傻了:“………”这又他妈是什么操作??眼看着柏生靠沙雕一路爆红,闻萧气得求助自己亿万家产的霸总大哥。闻鹤语气凉薄,很不耐烦:“这么点事都做不好?记住,这是我最后一次帮你。”一个月后。龙傲天:“大哥,进度如何?”闻鹤不屑:“不过是个戏子。”半年后。龙傲天:“大哥,怎么样了?”闻鹤冷脸:“催什么,有消息会告诉你。”一年后。眼看着柏生的事业坐了火箭般节节飙升,闻鹤却依旧杳无音讯,闻萧终于坐不住了。龙傲天:“大哥,你去哪了,我怎么联系不上你。”闻鹤:“在跟组,别烦。”龙傲天目瞪口呆,还以为难道大哥开始走平民路线,谁知电话那头传来一个熟悉的声音。“闻萧,能不能来把你哥弄回家?他好烦。”龙傲天:“……????”他妈的,说好的只是一个戏子呢?!为什么我是最后一个知道这件事的退婚对象竟然做了我嫂子不好意思,沙雕是真的可以为所欲为的沙雕咸鱼闯荡娱乐圈顺带谈恋爱的故事,团宠万人迷,无他人对主角感情方面箭头团霸沙雕小水獭受X低情商纯情美人攻爽甜,有剧中剧双男主守男德,幼稚园文风真的很小白,大噶看的开心就好不开心尽早放弃QwQ就是说咱这个智商短时间内提高不了,给小天使们磕个了预收《谁勾引你了?》沙雕小甜饼求收藏文案如下:蔺寻第一次见秦珠玉,是在夜场里。被朋友故意带来的他穿一身干净的白衬衣,在昏暗的灯光下惴惴不安,满脸写着想逃离。蔺寻被他跌跌撞撞扑进怀里,那张脸仰起来看他——杏眼修眉,白肤粉面,纯得令人心惊。“先生,不好意思,我不是故意的!”蔺寻喉结滚动两下,道:“ >>