My Little Sister Is Too Cute Read Online


Rental Magica

From Manga Abyss (from the back cover) 'My inheritance is a company that rents out magic users...what!?' The extremely scared Iba Itsuki inherits property left to him by his missing father. That property was the Magic User Rental Company Astral. The magic users become 'rental' and solve the request's problems. They do and don't...How will Itsuki deal with the fate of being president!?

Sakura No Uta - The Fear Flows Because Of Tenderness.

Kusanagi Naoya lost his mother at a young age. As his father was a painter who traveled across the world, the only person who could help Naoya cope with the loss was his friend, Misakura Rin. Unfortunately, she moved away while they were in elementary school. Now in high school, the colder, steeled Naoya deals with the death of his father. When things look like they will turn for the worse for Naoya who already has trouble opening up to people, a new transfer student comes to his class...

Doctor Resignation

When the duke, who was in poor condition, suddenly died, the land fell into the hands of the rebels. In a short time, the rebellion was suppressed by the royal family, but… The point is that I, Lise Estelle, will be hanged for treason. “It’s not fair!” I’m simply the best doctor in the area. If that’s the case, I’ll become the duke’s doctor so there’s no rebellion, and I’ll make the duke’s heir healthy! “No one cares about you as much as I do. Therefore, you must definitely listen to me.” “Run! You need to strengthen your immunity!” “Eat this grass. Don’t say anything more and just eat.” Um…But why is he so tall? Did he have a good physique in the first place? Well, anyway, I’m glad he was raised well, so I can resign now… “Resignation?” His eyes narrowed and the surroundings began to give off a cold air. “Lise, you said you were the only one who cared about me.” Before I knew it, he walked over and sat in front of me. Whispering in my ear as if deliberately seducing me. “Let me go? I’m not stupid, Lise.” Unlike my previous life, he is now healthy and even his personality has changed.

My Little Sister Is Too Cute

Aki is in a one-sided love with her sister, Haru. One day, she notices that Haru is depressed and goes to her friend, Shizuru for advice. Shizuru jokingly advises Aki to let her love rub her breasts, but Aki takes her seriously. What lies in store for Aki and Haru?

The House At Pooh Corner

The House At Pooh Corner summary: The House At Pooh Corner summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The House At Pooh Corner. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Time Traveller's Guide To Feudal Japan

A Time Traveller's Guide To Feudal Japan summary: Do people chase greatness, or does greatness chase us?
A.I. genius, Gengyo, through the a.s.sistance of SAPPHIRE attains the means to time travel. He seeks a simpler life, and wishes to experience the warmth of a family.
But often we do not get what we want, we get what we deserve. And his peaceful times soon end, as war storms j.a.pan, and in order to protect his peace, he must conquer. Join Gengyo as he walks a blood-stained path toward absolute domination, seizing control of j.a.pan.
//Brief extract from one of the battle scenes. Written from the point of view of a samurai landowner, Niwa Nakatane.
The hooves grew closer to Nakatane's position and their beating hearts grew faster.
Perhaps they could simply remain like that, hiding behind the tree, and allow these barbarians to pa.s.s? That way could they not return home to their families? Could they not give their dear wives one final kiss, or share one final story with their enthusiastic youth?
Nakatane knew exactly what they were thinking. And as the ground rumbled, and the mounted beasts howled, he was the first man to step out from the trees and make his stand.
Possessed by a furious energy, he thrust out with all the aggression of a war G.o.d, puncturing Ochi's stallion through the chest with the sharpened wooden point of his lengthy spear.
The mammoth fell from his mount clumsily, his head colliding with a nearby tree root. He ceased to move, and a pool of blood began to form around him.
He stood in front of the charge of over 150 hors.e.m.e.n, alone. But he did not give a single inch of ground. He met the charge of the next man in line, roaring vengefully, possessed by all the rage and power that had acc.u.mulated in his body over these past years.
The hors.e.m.e.n shrieked like a pack of hyenas, fanning out, each eager for a piece of the man who had brought down their leader.

Blade Online

Blade Online summary: The world first’s VRMMO 《Blade Online》service begun, around 30 thousand players started to play. What awaits to those players is a death game which is impossible to logout from. Though hikikomori youth, Akatsuki, is one of the players who set out to conquer the death game, he was deserted by his companion because of using a failure weapon. Furthermore, being transferred to an area where high-level monsters dominate due to a bug and ――!?

Hidden In Paris

Hidden In Paris summary: Hidden In Paris summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Hidden In Paris. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
































内容简介:  陆哲,国宝级电子竞技大师,电竞圈世界第一人,怀着对妻子的愧疚,重生回到5年前。正当他准备这一世戒掉游戏,安心做个好老公时,老婆却一头扎进了电竞圈……1w0-2159


内容简介:蓝峰狂龙最新章节潇铭他是华夏的最强兵王,但却被取消国籍,被迫出境。他是黑暗世界的暴君,但却受万人敬仰,让人臣服。他是潇洒的花都王者,万花丛中过片叶不沾身。看绝世强者重回都市,用简单粗暴 的行事艺术,抒写一段天王传奇。新蓝峰狂龙最新章节潇铭1w1081-69217 >>




内容简介:王者:女装后,我开始无敌了简介穿越到平行世界,并获得硅胶皮肤系统!开局被系统要求穿上妲己皮肤,直播王者!穿上相应英雄的皮肤时,直接获得该英雄的百星水平,以及对该英雄的理1w0-7778 8 >>


内容简介:白月光离家出走了白月光离家出走了小说阅读其它类型小说白月光离家出走了由作家山间云雾创作接档文求预收《又撞见他在捡破烂》本文文案叶青染的男友是顾氏集团的太子爷,两人交往四年,感情甜蜜,无 人不羡。然让叶青染没想到,枕边人竟有联姻对象,他从未想过娶她。更令人心寒的是,身边所有人都知道这件事,只有她被蒙在鼓里。当亲眼见到顾致深和他的未婚妻在办公室相拥时,她终于死心,割舍一切离开。顾致深从小被培养成为家族继承人,对所有事都能保持绝对的理性,他认为没有谁离不开谁。几天过去,听说她去了南方的城市。一个月后,她依旧没回来,呵……难道自己离开她就不能活了?两年过去,顾致深沉了沉眸子,终于承认,离开了她,真的快活不下去了,他习以为常的生活变得枯燥无味,如同一潭死水。两年后,叶青染过得平静如水,没想到竟又碰上顾致深,还被她发现他又欺骗涉世未深的小妹妹,呵……渣男!讥笑一声,对他避如蛇蝎。顾致深:“……”他没有,他不是。——————————————推荐基友连载文《你的笑比糖甜》by碧云西——————————————接档预收文:《又撞见他在捡破烂》宁言很讨厌公司新来的同事喻白泽。平时不修边幅得像流浪汉,还喜欢蹭吃,蹭得大家都很讨厌他。她最惨了,零食总是被他吃掉好多,偏偏他嬉皮笑脸的,又不好拒绝他。言言还经常撞见他拎着蛇皮袋捡破烂,更发现他住在天桥底下,大冬天裹着一条破毯子冷得瑟瑟发抖,身边堆满了捡来的破烂,两人目光一对视,被他发现自己窥见了他的秘密。他就更加理所应当吃她的饭,蹭她的奶茶,还戴她最喜欢的围巾。同事们帮着言言一块骂他,言言却不好说什么。因为在工作上他教了自己好多,下班错过末班车,他会用破单车载她回家。发了工资,他会悄悄买好多零食塞到她的抽屉里。还会在她生病的时候,给她买药、陪她去医院打针。言言发现自己好像有点喜欢他,可同事们都好讨厌他,那怎么办啊?言言托着腮苦恼好一阵,那偷偷跟他谈地下恋?后来同事们发现了,苦口婆心地劝:“言言,我们换一个好不好?你值得更好的。”天敌苏珊嘲笑她,“找谁不好?找这样一个cheap男人,笑死人了。”结果,cheap男人摇身一变,变成了相貌英俊、谈吐文雅的公司合伙人。大家这才知道他的身份,原来是首富的儿子下凡体验生活。不过现在太子爷体验完生活,要回去了。言言红着眼哭,“骗子!”同事们打抱不平,“负心汉!”苏珊笑到打鸣:“竹篮打水一场空。”然而下班后,喻白泽穿得犹如贵公子,半倚在一辆黑色迈巴赫上,手里捧着鲜花,笑容妖孽看来,“言言,我来接你下班。”————————————推荐基友连载文《你的笑比糖甜》by碧云西机缘巧合下陆思安和叶谦云合 >>


内容简介:一直以来,请神,跳大神,抓鬼,降妖等等,平常之人接触少甚至没什么接触过的鬼神怪力等神秘学,通常,都是常人无法企及以及不敢相信的东西,但江林却以此为法,从此走上了闯荡江湖,迎战上界,踏破 更高位面,直至前往至高祖界的无尽之路。是加入到洪流之中,与整个天下争夺那至高的成就。还是以万物生灵为念,以大胸怀、大气魄,护佑众生。正所谓千年修道,不及一夜成魔!至于主角如何选择,且看本书为你一一道来。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《混沌大至尊》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81805 >>

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