From Wikipedia : Futakoi Alternative tells the story of Rentar? Futaba and his detective agency. One day a set of twins, Sara and S?ju, show up at his doorstep. They move in with him and work as secretaries for his agency. Classifying Futakoi Alternative as a specific genre is extremely difficult, although at its core, it is most similar to a romantic comedy. The first handful of episodes are lighthearted, but the series becomes more serious as it approaches its conclusion. The criticisms about the show is normally the same as its accolades: Namely, that it never settles completely into any one genre or style and switches between them from episode to episode (being almost equal parts romance, action, scifi/fantasy and comedy).
Vampires exist. It is the duty of Hellsing, an organization sponsored by the British government, to hide that frightening fact and protect the blissfully unaware populace. Along with its own personal army, Hellsing also has a few secret weapons. Alucard, an incredibly powerful vampire, has been controlled by Hellsing for years. Although he dislikes being a servant to the Hellsing family, he certainly enjoys his job as Hellsing’s vampire exterminator. Seras is a fledgling vampire and a former police woman. Although reluctant to embrace her new self, she is still a valuable member of the organization. Integra Hellsing, the current leader, is usually fully capable of fulfilling her duty, but lately, vampire activity has been on the rise. Unfortunately, the cause is more alarming than anything she could have imagined. A group long thought dead has been plotting in secret since their apparent destruction over 50 years ago. Plotting to plunge England, and perhaps the entire world, into war.
1) Because I'm A Boy Yoh is in love with his childhood friend, Tomoki, who is training to be a Shinto priest. Yoh curses the fact that he was born a guy... and his lovesick heart can't take much more! 2) Shape Of Love 3) Ropes of Love 4) Lion on Friday 5) Sheep and Bandage 6) Rain of Love 7) Show Me 8) Candy and Whip
'In nicht allzu ferner Zukunft werden die Städte von staatlich gelenkten Jugendbanden beherrscht. Wer keiner Gang angehört, ist als gesellschaftlicher Außenseiter gebrandmarkt. Der stille und geheimnisvolle Julian ist so ein Außenseiter, ebenso wie die hübsche Anna. Als Julian eines Tages Anna vor einer Abreibung durch eine der Gangs bewahrt, nimmt der Ärger seinen Lauf...' In a not too distant future, cities are controlled by government guided youth gangs. Those who are not in a gang are marked as outsiders. The silent and mysterious Julian is one of these outsiders, as well as the beautiful Anna. After Julian saved Anna from a beating at the hands of a gang, the story starts... --- In this series: V.1 - Personal Paradise V.2 - Miss Misery V.3 - Assassin Angel V.4-5 - Killer Kid Note: This is not an OEL!
A Journal of the Plague Year summary: A Journal of the Plague Year summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of A Journal of the Plague Year. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
A Hymn on the Life, Virtues and Miracles of St. Patrick summary: A Hymn on the Life, Virtues and Miracles of St. Patrick summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of A Hymn on the Life, Virtues and Miracles of St. Patrick. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Morning Bells summary: Morning Bells summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Morning Bells. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Measuring The World summary: Measuring The World summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Measuring The World. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
简介充气娃娃除了恋爱用途♂♀ 居然能够与丧尸战斗? 21世纪中叶,因为生化武器的滥用,人类濒临灭亡。 幸存的人类在大陆建立起了最后八个特区,并筑起高墙抵挡丧尸。 然而,科技进步不禁给人类带来毁灭,还给人类在毁灭前创造了希望—— 机巧战娘,一款拥有人类少女的基因和大脑,却全身装甲的半机械半生物战士出现了。 而我们的男主角柯亦,除了拥有一个能干又能干的机巧战娘(充气娃娃)外,还背负着众多的秘密..... 敬请期待——零创世新作——机巧战娘!每周六更新!求支持~
内容简介:【本文文案】被英雄主角逼的走投无路要跳河时,反派忽然发觉自己有喜了。xAxA天青叛军第一把屠刀,天字号流氓头子。出身草莽,没脸没皮,人人喊打。xAxA雪照小皇叔禅让皇位,德高天下,本朝 第一神仙人物,天字号贵族才子精神领袖。xAxA两人各自率军缠斗数年,打得你死我活,生灵涂炭。xAxA小皇叔呕心沥血步步为营终于将这祸国殃民的玩意儿逼至绝境。xAxA面对滔滔急浪,跳河是个死,束手就擒也是个死。天青暴跳如雷地将手下骂走,忽然一阵眩晕,然后……他发觉自己怀孕了?!xAxA叛军:……且慢,这是什么操作,就这活阎王,有人敢压?压的时候什么心情啊?!xAxA朝廷大军:这个烂玩意儿,肯定是和他们主子有一腿,要不就是他手下那些小流氓有一腿,要不就是……xAxA风光无两,受人尊崇的英雄主角沉默了……xA穿书xAxAxA◆◆◆预收文:◆◆◆◆xA文案:缺心眼富二代受vs绯闻缠身、清秀冷淡总裁攻xAxA方也恬家破产后,又惨遭二十余岁高龄由A变O。xAxA借债遭拒时,他偶遇已成为总裁的老同学,总裁老同学还是一如既往的帅气冷淡,却在他求业无门、没钱生活、无家可归等等情况下,一而再、再而三地仗义相助。xAxA他可真是个好人!xAxA可是方也恬却心怀愧疚,因为,他为了生计,向总裁老同学隐藏了自己变O的秘密。xAxA直到方也恬无助地在封闭的剧组忽然遭遇热潮期,正赶上总裁老同学来剧组视察……xAxA老同学仗义、疯狂、几乎失控的“帮助”了他。xAxA事后,腿抖得无法起身的方也恬:他确实是个好人呐!xAxA一个关于友情(暗恋)的故事。xA你为什么绯闻缠身、多年不婚、艳情无数却孑然一身?xAxAxA◆完结文:◆xA文案介绍:前太子受vs前娈宠攻xAxA◆完结文:◆xA文案介绍:白月光再次遇着满世界为他复仇的魔尊。xA……要死了!这可怎么整!1w0-28498 >>
内容简介:比赛关键局被教练叫上场的替补打野徐子淮输掉比赛被俱乐部解约成了背锅侠。沦为英雄联盟小主播的徐子淮在整活的道路上一去不返。国服曾经流传这样一句话:“排到槐序不秒退,空看兵线两行泪。”想要 打野来抓人,付上两拨兵线的钱不过分吧。队友:“打野别来上,来就15点了。”队友:“打野别来中,来就挂机。”队友:“点了点了,玩个勾八。”徐子淮:“别点别点,怎么你们都不信呢,我真是团队型打野啊!”直到有一天1w0-25456 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:nba:开局满级传球,教练慌了】重回06年,陈凡成为杜兰特的队友,决心再次逐梦篮球!那一年,易建联宣布参加07年选秀,举国沸腾!而大洋彼岸的ncaa,一个黄皮 肤面孔,孤身作战,无人问津,站着如喽啰!那一年,威少在打替补,库日天被北卡拒绝,哈登还不知道黄金俱乐部小球时代未开启,nba还是雄争霸,逐鹿总冠军!而狭小的宿舍中,黄皮肤的面孔教会了‘死神’吃干脆面,两人看着电视憧憬着未来那一年,竟然再次看到了‘老大’!打个单挑吧,输了的,这辈子不准坐直升机一切,都从满级传球开始!血压上来的教练:“卧槽,那没人,你传给谁好球!!!”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-78498 >>
内容简介:故事大约起先在两年以前,那年我十七岁,一个对性爱懵懵懂懂的年纪,由于母亲对我的管教甚严,所以我在高中以前几乎都不知道有关这方面的知识。而高中很凑巧的读了一间和尚学校,里头的学生全部都没 有异性,只有清一色的男性学生,想当然尔正处在青春期的我们,对于男女之事都是充满了好奇心的,但是我们当然没有正常的管道可以来了解,而学校里面也几乎都是晚娘脸孔的女老师,所以三俩哥们凑在一起,话题当然离不开有关性爱的东西。分享书籍《家庭淫魔VIP未删节全本》作者:狂龙使1w0-30081 >>