In Japan, criminals are running rampant, and the law enforcement quality is worse than it has ever been. Anyone who has a large amount of money or is even a bit famous is liable to be kidnapped at any time, and it happens constantly. Bodyguards have become a necessity for anyone who doesn't want to be held captive, and special schools have been created for the soul purpose of training body guards and special organizations called vigilante groups that are made up of of highly trained people with advanced combat skills enforce the law since the police do not. Asahi is part of a vigilante group called Nekomata, which makes its headquarters in a cafe of the same name in downtown Tokyo. Asahi is still young, but she's the best of the best working in the city, and is very passionate about her job. Then she gets called to a security school and offered a contract to be the bodyguard of the incredibly famous Kisaragi Sakuya, the rich heir to the Kisaragi Group and the youngest person ever to win the Nobel Prize with his incredible inventions. However, all of his previous bodyguards quit because of his personality and rather unfortunate hobby of testing his inventions on his bodyguards. Asahi accepts, and is whisked away from her rough-and-tumble home in Tokyo to a totaly different enviroment: the Kisaragi mansion. Eventually, she mangages to befriend Sakuya, and friendship grows into romance. Now, she must work to thwart the various criminals attempting to kidnap Sakuya, 90% of which want his money and 10% his skill, for if Sakuya were to join a criminal society and invent weapons for them, they would become the best in the world. Note: Originally used in Emura's W-Juliet II, the sequel to W-Juliet. The characters Sakuya and Asahi are played by W-Juliet's main characters, Ito and Makoto.
From MangaHelpers: The story opens several years after a devastating war, where incredibly strong 'mechanical dolls' slaughtered many, many people. These robot weapons, which look exactly like humans, are still feared and hated. During a storm, Craw finds one of these 'dolls.' She is nothing like the weapon he would expect, but is instead gentle, cheerful, and very eager to be of use to the people around her. She claims her name is Mayple, and she seems to be programmed as a maid and cook. Soon, Craw has set up a cafe for Mayple to run, where she can cook sweets and tea for everyone in town. It's going to be a rough road ahead of her, as many townspeople hate her on principle and will not shrink from violence against her. But maybe Mayple, who always keeps a sunny attitude, will be able to find a way through the prejudice and make a place for herself in the post-war world. [tethysdust]
Say goodbye to the never ending job hunt, the exciting and vibrant days are ahead.But it doesn’t make any sense that you’re my boss, my bully in high school! There are bad rumors about his boss, Hye-Jung. That’s how I’ll do it, I’ll find out her weakness, no matter what! A struggling new employee, Dong-hyuk’s office life and his beautiful coworkers will now begin.
From Storm in Heaven: Akiba Takara, top student and vice-president of Kanou High's student council, has it all going for him. Or so it seems. Cursed by the goddess Kanou to remain in Kanou City until he fulfills a hundred people's wishes, Akiba's dream to control the world is in jeopardy. Then one day, Akiba and his council receive a strange task -- to find the god hidden in their school within one month, or perish together with the rest of the world. Will they find the god in time? Or will they be wiped out, along with Akiba's grand ambitions? Now let the game begin...
The Adventures of My Cousin Smooth summary: The Adventures of My Cousin Smooth summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Adventures of My Cousin Smooth. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Rampolli summary: Rampolli summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Rampolli. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The History of the Ten 'Lost' Tribes summary: The History of the Ten 'Lost' Tribes summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The History of the Ten 'Lost' Tribes. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
White Lies summary: White Lies summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of White Lies. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
内容简介:【虽然开了这个坑,但按照惯例,正式开始连载还要过几天嗷】快穿任务结束后,宋熹回到原世界,发现这个时候的自己还是个虐文女主角,正在流产挖肾前期,还被全网黑,人们大骂她假千金鸠占鹊巢,还纠 缠别人的未婚夫。然而事实上她是抱错的这件事宁家早就知道,却故意不说,将她养在身边作为他们儿子的移动骨髓和器官库,同时偷偷接济亲生女儿。真千金却以为自己被鸠占鹊巢,回家后对她展开十级报复,宁家和男主冷眼旁观。如今的宋熹:???qnmd,再见,老子不陪你们玩了。打开自己的行囊,里面装的全是各个世界的世界碎片。先拿出一个下方满是石油,上方数座金矿的岛屿。岛上的国民发现女王踪迹,当天就和政府联络,派出军队和政要前来迎接女王。鸠占鹊巢的假千金竟是神秘隐世王国流落在外的公主殿下,回国后马上要登基骂得正嗨的网友们:???宁家和男主:???真千金粉丝勉力挽尊,区区屁大点国家,肯定没钱,迟早被其他列强欺负成为他国附庸。宋熹看着自己的行囊,又从里面拖出几座岛屿,美食岛、恐怖冒险岛、奇幻魔幻岛,还有她最爱的侏罗纪岛。准备给这个世界打造一个不可思议的乐园。神奇的魔法世界、超乎想象的未来科技、不可思议的野生蛋炒饭,还有本已经消各位书友要是觉得《我要开侏罗纪公园》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-64915 >>
内容简介:老婆出轨,奸夫上门,三十岁那年,我收到一封神秘的邮件,照尽了人性的丑恶和命运的无情。 利益之下,每个人都面目狰狞。寄人篱下,受尽屈辱,家败人亡之后,我终于在废墟之上苏醒,踏着曾经的天真 ,重新谱写人生的辉煌!1w0-4525 >>
内容简介:韩式AD:我对线不死。林淼:我会暴毙!韩式AD:我团战在胯下输出!林淼:我会暴毙!韩式AD:我零失误。林淼:我会暴毙!韩式AD:你暴毙很骄傲是吧!林淼:我是世界冠军!我有德莱文皮肤!我 承伤第一,肉身开团!林淼:我劣势绝不隐身,闪现永远向前,即便暴毙,也要在临死前将所有输出打出来,给中上制造收割机会!我只会站着死1w0-28871 >>
内容简介:《新星学园》海选的第一天,戚白就顶着一张软萌可爱的脸,给自己立了一个妖娆狐狸精人设。看着这么纯良无害的长相,和娇小单薄的身形,围观网友们实在无法把她跟狐狸精联系在一起。然而还不等网友们 开始吐槽,就瞧见戚白一边甜甜笑着,一边用两根手指把易拉罐捏成了饼。网友们:“……”后来,在戚白人气爆棚C位出道的那一天,有网友发帖询问:声音动听、唱功优秀、长相甜美但是能把纣王物理超度的狐狸精,你喜欢吗?娱乐圈里有个公认的狐狸精,那就是演狐狸精出道的影后苏蓝。苏影后出道十年,举手投足间都带着妩媚妖娆的气场,一双狐狸眼更是勾人,完美符合人们心中的狐狸精形象。对此,拥有成精许可证的真?狐狸精戚白表示:“论魅惑,还是得看我们真妖精!”戚白:“我是你二十年前救过的狐狸,好不容易化成人形,你有什么要求尽管提吧。”苏蓝:“变回去。”戚?嘤嘤怪?小狐狸?白:“嘤……”小狐狸委屈JPG最像狐狸精的假狐狸精×不像狐狸精的真狐狸精年上,姐攻,大姐姐×小妹妹1w59294-64063 >>
内容简介:下本开《实不相瞒》渣男从良1作为时装品牌的创始人之一,那日尤妍给自己的品牌走了一次秀;那一场秀,她的颜值与气质惊艳了时尚圈,吸引了无数在场看秀的单身男士加她微信,甚至还有一个渣天渣地, 全世界都认识、都知道非良人的男人也发来了好友请求。不出意外的,没多久他就各种追人手段淹没了她。但尤妍从来没想和这样的男人发展,她知道,有些男人天生只适合远观;他绅士浪漫,但花心;尊重女人,但女友一个又一个地换。席骞追了她数月后,那日再一次来找她,尤妍被迫说了狠话,再次拒绝了。说完,浪天浪地渣了三十来年的席公子盯着她,痞笑着说:“原来你不是不信我会对你动真心,是介意我过去?那对不起,我以后不打扰你了。”那晚尤妍好像看到了席骞的心碎得哗啦作响,但他嘴上却一再绅士保证,不再打扰她了,让她放心。可是看着他那抱歉又落寞的眼神,她似乎,后悔故意伤他了。……2他在圈子里公开的时候,全世界都感慨,果然再风情绝然的女人都躲不过席大公子的撩人手段,都在猜测什么时候他又换人。众所周知席公子从来不会跟哪个女人玩长久,眼下这位也不过是因为那场大秀,一时新鲜罢了。没人知道,那时候的尤妍正在加班赶制巴黎高定周的礼服,她边上的男人围着她的模特架转了圈,邪邪一笑:“下一步,要不要给你自己做件婚纱?我送给你。”——终结渣男——男主风流爱玩,女友无数,但只是不想定下来,没有劈腿过脚踏两只船过。:每天晚上八点更:微博:常年冬眠的fn:文案全部已截图,拿梗慎:专栏中有完结文《百听不厌》《交杯酒》《温柔的某某某》《就让风与光去交缠》《邂逅》《万般着迷》《贪恋我》下本开《实不相瞒》1大学时肖虞最精彩的事,别人觉得是她的颜值曾经吸引得三天两头有人堵教室送花;她自己觉得,是与叶幸周谈了一年恋爱。这一年,感受到了学校第一男神的魅力与浪漫,实力与魄力也是让人崇拜又着迷。以至于,分手后她感觉是越陷越深,实在难以忘怀。不过叶幸周研究生考出了国,听他一起出国的舍友说,他一心埋在读书与工作上,爱情什么的,肖虞什么的,他从来没提过。……2四年后叶幸周毕业回国,两人在他舍友的婚礼上重逢,朝对方微笑点头,都一副校友友情天长地久的模样,谁都没提昔日那一段炙热的往事。舍友暗示叶幸周,肖虞目前单身,叶幸周说我也单身,单身有罪吗?我不歧视她。舍友:“……”肖虞听到了这句话,婚宴结束后在停车场里,把叶幸周按在地上摩擦:“不巧,我孩子都有了,我歧视你。”叶幸周自然不信,结果改天,真的见她带着个精致帅气的小男孩在马路兜风。叶幸周当场愣住了,而后找了舍友打探行情,舍友很给力地确认了消息,还附赠一条更给力的,孩子姓叶。那日,舍友被叶幸周揍得老婆都不认 >>