Gakuen Heaven is the story of Oshino Makoto in his attempt to become a teacher, in order to fulfill a promise made to his childhood friend and first love Koiwai Ayano, who also promised that when they see each other again they will get married. Unfortunately, he fails miserably and ends up as a substitute teacher in an all-girls private school governed by his grandmother. He meets a lot of female students there, especially Narusawa Tsugum; as well as a teacher who resembles his long lost first love, Asagiri Ayano. He even becomes the love interest of the substitute principal, his cousin Kyoko.
Taking place on the fictional continent of Elibe and stars Roy, the son of Fire Emblem protagonist Eliwood. Roy leads the League of Lycia's army against the forces of the militant country of Bern shortly after his father falls ill. The story begins when King Zephiel, ruler of the kingdom of Bern, finishes the brutal conquest of Ilia and Sacae and sets his sights on Lycia. With the war coming to his own country, Roy is sent home to lead Pherae's army to oppose Bern, but soon after he meets Guinevere, the princess of Bern and Zephiel's younger sister, who has escaped from her homeland to search for a way to stop the imminent war between Bern and Lycia. Upon the death of marquess Hector, Roy carries on the Lycian League and makes many promises: to protect Princess Guinevere and Hector's beloved daughter, the mage Lilina, and most importantly, to save the entire continent from Zephiel's mysterious thirst for world domination. But this story's hero is Al, son of a Bernian blacksmith. After turning 15 he left his home with his father's sword to go on an adventure in this continent bound for war. Side story of Fire Emblem ~ The Binding Blade (Gameboy Advance Videogame).
Welcome to the world of street fighting!! Sakura Momochi, a mysterious black-haired girl appears before teenage fighter, Jin Matsuriya. 'You'll get one soon… an invitation to real deadly fights with no rules... a tournament where blood is washed away with blood.' Her mysterious words and an invitation arriving at the same time to the UBS (Ultra Battle Satellite) fighting tournament draws Jin into the world of street fighting!! A no rule head-on battle begins!!
Man, King, Virtue, and Divinity. The 'Four Paths of Light' thought to guide one's way to the moral way of life and humanity is no longer pursued. In its place is the 'Four Paths of Sin'; where one lives only for their desires In a world that is in chaos with rampant looting and murder, one man with hope and humanity at his core, dares to pursue the rights of humankind The provoking story of sword battle fantasy is back!
Sanctuary summary: Sanctuary summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Sanctuary. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
On Chesil Beach summary: On Chesil Beach summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of On Chesil Beach. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Jewel City summary: The Jewel City summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Jewel City. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Desert of Wheat summary: The Desert of Wheat summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Desert of Wheat. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
内容简介: 一念仁慈,魔也是道,一念偏邪,道也是魔。俗话说“道高一尺,魔高一丈”,因此魔本缘自于道。修道若不修心,不如不修。魔生于心,欲诛魔星,先诛魔心;道,只在个人心中,而不是指单一修行方式 。一昧追求修行方式,便是本末倒置。用哪一种方式修练,修心、修身却是必经之路。徒有法术,不修身心,便会堕入魔障;众人眼见,不一而同,众人耳闻,也大相径庭。内心纯净之人,便能直视事物根本。内心旁杂之人,能见事物外观。其心有异之人,只看见事物的幻象;这个故事,从一个极普通的人开始。因为普通,普通得不能再普通,甚至没有一技之长,他的眼睛看到了===================================================== 最后感谢书友提供的《道魔传》书友群,群号为:1580248471w0-4490 >>
内容简介:十六岁出道。二十岁成为最年轻影后。二十二岁坐拥百亿资产。二十四岁……卒!时念醒来就发现自己居然重生到被黑成煤炭的十八线女星身上!前世恩仇,来世百倍奉还!只是,时念发现,她居然还有一个神 秘大佬老公?大佬在手,报仇何愁?“老公,困了吗?抱一抱。”“老公,渴了吗?”“老公,饿了吗……”大佬老公发现最近小娇妻很不对劲,从前爱沾花惹草,现在离了他一步就走不动道了。他面瘫一般面无表情,声线低哑危险:“吃你?”1w65644-99363 >>
内容简介:一档前景不被看好的选秀节目,出了一个逆天级流量偶像,每条微博都有千万转发量,然而……全特么是许愿的。众人都说,苏锦黎是靠抱大腿出道的。其实他们不知道,这些影后、社会大佬、投资商、财阀家 族掌控者,遇到他之前都是倒霉蛋。而他,是能让人转运的锦鲤精。秒天秒地的哥哥:“别那么累了,我的热度随便给你蹭蹭,你就红了。”财阀家族掌控者:“别当明星了,做我的儿子,亿万家产以后都是你的。”苏锦黎:“我想再试试……”文案二:当初苏锦黎要出山历练,爷爷语重心长地对他说:“你是纯阴体质,不仅仅会给善良的人带来好运,还会吸引阳气重的人,阳气越重越喜欢你。”苏锦黎信心百倍地表示:“没事的,我是蓝孩子!”1w38282-95756 >>
内容简介:成功拯救人理后,御主咕哒君因为与日常生活格格不入而感到不安迷茫,所以为了给可爱的御主打气,达·芬奇就做出了一件足以让他被名feng留kuang英bao灵da座的决定。xAxA“谈一次甜 甜的恋爱吧?立香。”xAxA为了更好的接地气,所以迦勒底重金聘请了业界传说中身娇体强人品与颜值并存的港口Mafia三好干部,某位帽子君,作为立香的保镖,为立香的相亲之路保驾护航。xAxA只是,谁都没想到保护着保护着,御主就和外面来的野男人(划掉)保镖跑掉了。。xAxA据说那一天,整个英灵座炸了三回,放烟花的美妙声音循环了三天三夜呢)xAxA明明是我先的,为什么会变成这样xA仅仅是回了一趟英灵座,再回迦时我那么大一个御主就不见了xA歪,你们知道我们迦的御主跑哪去了吗xAxA本文又名《港口Mafia帽子君x咕哒,一个四舍五入就是你和帽子先生谈恋爱的故事》不来入坑吗宝贝们xAxAxAxA本文将于2020210入v,届时会有很多字数的更新掉落,还请多多支持,爱你们!!!xAxAxAxA我的衍耽预收文xAxA《天之锁在港口Mafia综》by藏雪南出xAxA港口Mafia新来的干部恩奇都,长了一张雌雄莫辨,世间仅有的姣好脸蛋,但是看着新干部脸色苍白,脚步虚浮,时不时咳嗽一下的模样,港口Mafia的众人陷入了深深的怀疑xAxA首领莫不是真的是被美色迷惑所以才会让这么一个花瓶来做干部?!xAxA直到后来,特级咒灵在横滨肆虐,最强咒术师有事无法及时赶来,港口Mafia对这种幽灵类敌人也束手无策时,那位自上任以来一直养花浇树陪孩子玩的新干部,忽然猛的冲了上去xAxA只见——xAxA金色的锁链将敌人紧紧束缚,主人的右手化成锋利的长剑,不过瞬息,刚刚还大放厥词的特级咒灵便“摸不着头脑”,化为尘土随风消散xAxA港口Mafia众:等等?!这真的是我们那个手无缚鸡之力的新干部?!xAxA后来的后来,他们发现,这位新干部不仅仅是打得了特级咒灵,手撕无色之王,脚踢企图征服世界的棉花糖星人,甚至还拥有气息感知、变容、超强回血等特殊能力,说是最强“BUG”也不为过xAxA港口Mafia:真香!xAxA↑中也x恩奇都,不分攻受。感兴趣的欢迎去我专栏收藏1w0-32738 >>
内容简介:五年前,在山野救下重伤男人却惨遭失身,为躲避继母的迫害,她带着心脏病女儿远走高飞。五年后,为了母亲的遗物,她答应替嫁冲喜,结果惹上了一个大包子和两个小包子。大宝高冷一笑“女人,你符合我 的审美要求。”二宝抛个媚眼“小姐姐,以后你就是我们的妈咪了!”男人将她扛进卧室,嗓音低哑“乖,我们加把劲,给那俩臭小子添个妹妹。”温夏抽了抽嘴角,“战爷,您闺女都五岁了!”战爷???1w40906-92525 >>