Summary by Azakurahime From the creator of Hadashi de Bara wo Fume (Stepping on Roses Barefoot), comes Super Express Hiyokko! Sakura is a child who appears simple, but has a crush on her friend's big brother. A tragedy suddenly occurs, drastically changing her life, but to a good turn! A magical item appears to give our heroine the chance of her lifetime by turning her into an adult. But alas, how long can her fantasy last and how will it proceed on from there...?
In a drizzle, Elise desperately keeps herself not to collapse during her husband's funeral-- he always spent lavishly and repeatedly cheated on her and died leaving her a huge debt. Among the funeral attendees, she notices there is a distinctly handsome stranger. The man turns out to be Vincente, her husband's employer and a company owner. He invites Elise for dinner for some reason. She is alarmed with his eyes with full of risky temptation, but accepts his offer. What is his purpose?
Yuuichi Tate is overjoyed: He gets to go to a brand new high school. Of course, then he just happens to find out the school he choose is under frequent attack by strange creatures called ''Orphans'', and the school set up a special task force of female members called ''HiME''s, using various elements as their powers, to battle these invaders. That's not all, though. Each member of the HiME task force has their own, unique ''Key'', another person whom, upon being discovered, can team up with the HiME to create a ''Child'', a combative unit specifically needed to effectively battle these Orphans. And with Yuuichi's luck, he just happens to find out he's not just the ''Key'' for one of the HiMEs, but for two... Two highly competitive, rival schoolgirls. And that's only the start of the trouble.
Collection of short stories: • He said 'I'm a girl' • Rakuen ni Ikou (Let's go to the Paradise) • Shounen no Musume (Boy's Daughter) • The Theme of Akemi ver. Teruo • The Theme of Akemi ver. Yoshio • The Theme of Akemi ver. Haruo • The Flower Contains the Transient Son character Yuki. • Sweet 16 A short, bittersweet story in which a girl realizes she's in love with her tutor, who's in love with someone else. The other main plot point is the main character's dread of the upcoming school marathon.
Danger in Deep Space summary: Danger in Deep Space summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Danger in Deep Space. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Torn Bible summary: The Torn Bible summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Torn Bible. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
A Grief Observed summary: A Grief Observed summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of A Grief Observed. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Everyday Adventures summary: Everyday Adventures summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Everyday Adventures. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
简介《古惑仔漫画》是一部香港江湖漫画,作者为牛佬。讲述陈浩南的起起跌跌, 古惑仔由一个四九(社团的最底层会员),三年内升为红棍(1993 年 8 月 25 日继任“洪兴社” 铜锣湾区话事人, 及后在 2007 年成为 “洪兴社” 的龙头 (社团的最高话事人)的故事。 故事着重表达“兄弟之情”和““江湖之义”的点点滴滴。 由于《古惑仔漫画》的成功,牛佬的出版社相继出版了同类型的江湖黑帮漫画如《洪兴仔》、《东英仔》、《龙盘虎踞砵兰街》、《江湖大家族》、《古惑女》、《红灯区》 等,而这些漫画中的角色更与《古惑仔》一书中的漫画角色互通,有些角色更成为日后 《古惑仔》一书中的重要人物。 此举令《古惑仔》一书中的漫画世界更为真实和广大。 《古惑仔》漫画曾被改编为一系列的电影,为香港著名的黑帮电影。系列本传的导演皆 是刘伟强。从第一集《古惑仔之人在江湖》在香港上映便大受欢迎,故此仍然持续拍许 多续集,整体气势也是一时无两,甚至部分角色的一生也相继被拍成电影。这一系列电 影让观众大致了解三合会的大概面貌,主演本系列的演员们从此走出演艺圈,但是随之 而来的社会舆论,也时常批判本片过度将黑道人物英雄化。本片亦再度掀起一股黑帮电 影的风潮,其他电影制作公司纷纷朝此方向涉猎,因而出现许多其他类型和系列的黑帮 电影。 为了推广及配合当时上映的《古惑仔之人在江湖》电影,牛佬的出版社曾受权台湾的东 立出版社有限公司出版一系列的《古惑仔》漫画,并于台版改名为《人在江湖》,逢每 月的十五号出版, 定价新台币 130 元一册, 每期约有一百多页, 即香港版的四期书内容。 《人在江湖》的内容亦由香港地道的广东口语化翻译成台湾黑道式的白话文。
简介现代特工姬轩穿越到架空古代变成太子,却被送到别国作为人质。最怕麻烦的他,本以为穿越到古代,可以做个小透明,等待机会回到现代,却没想到惹来了三个大“麻烦”—— 同为质子却不可一世的秦国太子;温文尔雅的圣子;互看不顺眼的赵国太子。而随着与他们的接触,姬轩的真实身份也被揭晓…… 每周五更新!~
简介【每周一&每周五】更新 为当红小鲜肉订制书橱?!还可以自由出没他的私宅?!要是被迷妹们知道的话,大概会被羡慕嫉妒恨到死吧……可他怎么和屏幕上的温柔暖男形象差别那么大……傲慢无礼不说,还根本不看书!聘请她的目的,竟然只是为了让她读剧本!Excuse me???
内容简介:公元2200年,天界在跟外星文明的战斗中失利,退守天域中层。施朗和晏芷请命回到地球,在华夏人民及诸多强者的帮助,配合下,历尽艰辛聚合起人类共建爱根和同的共生文明,发展科技,增强实力。在 施朗的带领下,天人两界联合打败一个又一个的入侵文明,最终走向宇宙深空,建立共存,共建,共开发的宇宙秩序。1w0-29138 >>
内容简介:【更俗的书迷世界,俗人部落VIP群:385122373,微信公众号:gengsu1979】大燕帝国三十六王侯之族的姚氏宗子姚兴犯下大罪,修为被废,记忆抹除,流放到边陲投靠舅父,从天之骄 子如日中天的云端跌落,沦为二流宗门太微宗最低级的道兵弟子,在一次意外中摔落山崖而死……1w0-3737 >>
内容简介:深夜看网络爆款小说召唤万岁,正看到激情的部分兴奋至死,许宇意外穿越到了斗罗大陆全大陆精英挑战即将结束那一刹那,作为一名原本躺在地上武魂殿战队成员突然站了起来起来,面对十二双虎视眈眈的眼 睛,张许宇怔了怔,弱弱问道:“还能躺回去吗?”比比东:“……”。路走窄了!1w0-82810 >>
内容简介:重度游戏宅王浩然重生成为富二代,本想继续当个游戏宅混吃等死,却发现这个世界的游戏类型也太少吧?更悲惨的是,国产游戏竟然还是无法摆脱低劣和卖肉的标签!玩游戏的人被称为不务正业。而被称为电 竞的行业,更是不见任何踪迹。在这个没有格斗、竞速和策略类游戏的世界,游戏宅想混吃等死好难啊!不说了,先搞几个游戏怀念下……猪场:该死,王浩然竟然把游戏的模式改变了,游戏氪金不能变强了,玩家都跑了!企鹅:天,这是LPL的联盟吗?居然是MOBA类游戏,王浩然居然会做这种游戏?我感觉我们的游戏就是叻色!锤头:淦,博大精深的文化啊,竟然把策略战棋游戏做的如此休闲且益智。世界首富:你说啥?一款不氪金,不充值的游戏,年收入达到1000亿美元?1w0-78817 >>