Ritz: The doll scientist. Darlene: The doll created by Ritz... Ritz begins teaching of the world, humanity, and how to become human to Darlene, who's existence revolves around his own, Ritz, but...
Matsuyo, a model frustrated that he isn't recognized on the street, antagonizes Keiko, a waitress in a cafe, and is amused when she responds in kind. This encounter results in his cake served to him on the wall and her with an invitation to dinner at his apartment! But why will it take four days to prepare the meal?
The story continues where the first season left off only months into the future. Yuokai Gakuen has been repaired and the new semester is underway. Tsukune and gang are back, and more powerful then ever. Anti-Thesis's true identity is relieved. With new adversaries looming on the horizon, and something much more sinister then the gang has ever faced before. Tsukune is battling with the monster inside him. With the help of Moka, Mizore, Kurumu, Ruby, and Yukari. Tsukune trains to get his vampire blood under control and the strength to protect what he holds dear. The new season focuses more on the girls, their past, and their families. New confrontations await them. New friends and allies will join them by their side. Together they will discover the secrets of Moka's rosary, and her lineage...
The super humans start their move to create a coup d'etat in Japan. The collective goup of these super humans has a group name 'Omega Tribe'. The plan for the coup d'etat brings multiple problems at different levels. What will happen to the politics of Japan and the country itself? What are the goals of the Omega Tribe? Who's the enemy? Confusion continues to arise as this story goes on...
Soldiers Three summary: Soldiers Three summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Soldiers Three. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Works of William Hogarth: In a Series of Engravings summary: The Works of William Hogarth: In a Series of Engravings summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Works of William Hogarth: In a Series of Engravings. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
At the Foot of the Rainbow summary: At the Foot of the Rainbow summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of At the Foot of the Rainbow. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Soldiers Three summary: Soldiers Three summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Soldiers Three. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
内容简介: 睁眼,是一间花烛红窗的洞房。 眼前,婚床上,正端坐着一位凤冠霞帔的新娘,披着红盖头。 赵戎揉了揉睡眼,我成了一个新郎?哦,还是个小小赘婿。 懂了。 他面部表情酝酿了一下,歪 嘴一笑,等等…… 咦,不对劲。 新娘与我青梅竹马,还暗恋我? 哦,那没事了。 这很对劲。 赵戎上前,开心的掀开了红盖头,哎哎,娘子,你跑什么? ------------- 大争之世,时代的浪潮扑面而来,儒生赵戎迎身而上,除了要追赶青梅竹马的剑仙娘子的脚步,还想要去亲眼见识下席卷了大半个修真界的诸子百家之争…… ————— 【慢热】、【非套路文】、【非升级文】、【感情线】、【甜而不虐】 本书又名《我有一个狐仙娘子》、《重生之我在异界送快递》、《歪嘴书生赵子瑜》《我真不想吃软饭啊》…… ------------ 剑娘书友V群:947992426 (需全订或粉丝值大于2500截图,私给群管理或小戎,不过因为私聊规则,可能需要先加下方普群才能成功私聊) 剑娘书友群:975639321(无限制,兄弟们欢迎加入~)1w0-1717 >>
内容简介:喜欢《恐怖游戏:加爆好感,我为所欲为》可从下列图标分享《恐怖游戏:加爆好感,我为所欲为》每人日限一次分享恐怖游戏:加爆好感,我为所欲为多了无效分享越多恐怖游戏:加爆好感,我为所欲为更新 越快哦1w0-84986 >>
内容简介:盛世开元,物华天宝。忆昔开元全盛日,忆昔天宝承平时。九天阊阖开宫殿,万国衣冠拜冕旒。开元全盛之后,天宝末年,大唐依旧繁华,然盛世之下,危机潜藏。曾经励精图治的皇帝失去了往日的雄心,开始 厌倦朝政,醉生梦死;朝廷上李林甫、杨国忠两大奸臣当道,官怒民怨;朝廷外,安禄山身兼三镇节度使,手握重兵,密谋反叛。天宝九年,大唐的兵锋到达了全盛,然盛极则衰,第二年,大唐就同时遭遇三场大败,其中以怛罗斯之战安西军败于大食最为可惜。四年后,就是安史之乱,盛世不再,千载遗恨。我们的故事,就从怛罗斯之战前,高仙芝回安西的路上开始。萧去病,这位千年之后的来客,自从他从天而降,出现在天宝十年的河苍烽外,大唐的历史便因他而改写,盛世绵延。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《盛唐神话》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-64674 >>