Onna Na No De Shouganai Read Online


Sekai Seifuku - 4-Koma No Zvezda

Sekai Seifuku - 4-koma no Zvezda summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sekai Seifuku - 4-koma no Zvezda. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

I Became A Renowned Family’S Sword Prodigy

I Became a Renowned Family's Sword Prodigy manhwa, Baek Woojin is the youngest son of a renowned swordsman family who has neither talent in swordsmanship nor an impressive Aura. Although he was dishonored by his own family and killed, he reincarnates as the owner of a Magic Sword. His only goal is the destruction of his own family.

City Of Darkness Side Story

City of Darkness Side Story summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of City of Darkness Side Story. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Onna Na No De Shouganai

We are criticized just because we're women and hurt each other just because we're women. This is the story of women bound by the pressure of womanhood in love, work, and childbirth, who continue to live on, ragged and ungraceful. Miki Aoki is 31, single, and sick of life, but her slowly building savings balance keeps her going. She's surrounded by people like her old-fashioned boss who tosses off things like “This is why I hate women” (shut your face) and her fossil of a mother who puts pressure on her, saying things like “So when are you going to get married and have children?” (please stop talking). And then there's a younger staff member at work with whom she only has superficial relationships (just do your jobs). She could really care less about the lot of it. This is the bitter and sad story of women who live like that, an anthem to cheer on all women.

Real Cheat Online

Real Cheat Online summary: Pursuing reality, a world of VRMMO that directly reflects your real ability. In this place where there’s no level or status, to fight those monsters, the players have no choice but to either use magic or learn pseudo-skills of masters with Combat a.s.sistance System《Arts》. But, if there was a monster who trampled the monsters of virtual reality with his real ability―― ◆◆◆ Because of the gifted education he received from his father who was a former member of the special forces, Souichiro, a boy was growing into the best human weapon. He, who was yearning to play like a normal highschool student, dived into the virtual world together with his friend. But, what awaited him who was going ahead for a glorified springtime of youth was nothing but an[oddball]in everything who surpa.s.sed all kinds of predictions. Can the boy who received various nickname such as 「The Hidden Boss」, 「The Hidden Character of Management Side」, or「Maybe He Stopped Being a Human」continue to play normally and safely?

My Wangfei is a Man

My Wangfei is a Man summary: After a heavy illness, King Dong Fang Hao Ye wakes up with a memory lost. When he meets the king’s consort Bei Tang Yao Yue afterwards, one word came to his mind: beauty. Even though he no longer remembers Bei Tang Yao Yue, his manly instinct remains the same. But what is going on, why is his w.a.n.gfei a man? The beauty who made his heart restless is actually a man. What surprise the king even more is that he actually has no position in his own house! Not only that, he also did not have a ‘good relationship’ with his beloved consort. How can this be? To save face, he the King, must toughen up!

Chicken Little Jane

Chicken Little Jane summary: Chicken Little Jane summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Chicken Little Jane. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Stone Age Husband Raising Journal summary: Stone Age Husband Raising Journal summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Stone Age Husband Raising Journal. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.












类别恐怖 热血 冒险


类别恐怖 搞笑 恋爱


















内容简介:陈鸾是镇国公府唯一的嫡女,自小养在老太太膝下,被千娇百宠着娇气得不得了,年少情窦初开,跟在阴鸷狠戾的八皇子身后数年。最后听了姨娘庶女的蛊惑,十里红妆,嫁衣似火,入的却是东宫。太子纪萧有 断袖之癖,与东宫幕僚成日饮酒作乐,昏聩无道,储君之位坐得摇摇欲坠,她整日疲于遮掩应付,被家族视为弃子。八皇子纪焕雷霆手段继位,太子被废当晚,她被送进新君的寝宫,已成九五至尊的男人面色阴鸷的不像话。一夜荒唐梦,她失了清白身。隔日,她喝下了庶妹的毒酒,魂归西天,身子冰冷之时,她躺在暴戾的君王怀中,觉出他手抖得厉害。一朝重生,她与太子婚约已定,迫不得已,她慌乱闯了皇子府,眼角缀着泪珠,男人手指修长,替她一点点抹干了泪,问“嫁他还是嫁我?”纪焕皱着眉,漠着脸,有些生硬地诱哄,“皇子府清净,后院无人,你若进了府,就是你说了算。”陈鸾不知道,男人为了她那声又低又小的嫁你,日夜不休布署一月有余,在她出嫁前登上了那至高无上的位置,名正言顺抢了纪萧的这桩婚事。1,男女主双洁2,甜宠文。推好基友的文《你怎么欺负人呀》by荔枝很甜都说周沅命好,是周家最小的一位嫡小姐,爹疼娘爱,还嫁给了顾微凉。据说,当朝首辅顾微凉家境贫寒,曾是周太傅的学生,七年前去到周家提亲,想迎娶周家庶女周江江,被拒之。这传言众人半信半疑,只有周沅知道是真的,不仅是真的,还有一段更离谱的。那日顾微凉提亲被拒,落魄离去,躲在屏风下听了个大概的小周沅觉得那人可怜,偷偷摸摸的跟出去。她拉了拉顾微凉的衣袍:“你别难过哦,三姐姐不嫁你,我嫁呀。”顾微凉低头垂眸看着这个还没自己一半高的小家伙,矮矮胖胖,像根萝卜。可这根萝卜非常乐于助人,继续安慰他:“真的真的,等我长大你再来我家。”七年后,萝卜长成了大姑娘,身姿婀娜,姿容出众,在广袖楼抛绣球招亲。正此时,首辅大人的马车路过,他漠着一张脸,直向那接到绣球的人走去,对方咽了下口水,颤巍巍将绣球双手奉上——周沅从楼上跑下来,又害怕又生气:“你、你怎么欺负人呀?”后来十里红妆,凤冠霞帔,她成了被欺负的那个。每当那时,她总红着一张脸嗔道:“你怎么欺负人呀。”而首辅大人捏着她的下巴,哄道:“圆儿乖,别咬了。”1w0-61292 >>


内容简介:手机阅读《雷法为王》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读道法神通万千,且看我雷法为王。仙,神,佛,魔,妖鼎立,一个卑微的仆役获得雷法传承,搅乱这鼎立恒久的局势。(本书慢热,大概会在五百万字以上,请 放心收藏。)1w0-49494 >>


内容简介:  陈洛阳感觉自己穿越的姿势不对。  穿越过来,居然把世间最顶尖强者,尊号魔皇的魔教教主给夺舍了。  一般不都是有大能强者出意外,剩下顽强的一缕神魂不散,然后占据一个底层苦逼少年的身体 ,夺舍重生,接着一路逆袭,东山再起?  又或者穿越穿到苦逼少年身上,得金手指开启成神之路?  为什么我这节奏不对啊。  现在周围全是大佬,我感觉我快暴露了。  怎么办?  在线等。  急!  1w0-266 >>


内容简介:一觉醒来,意外成为了格罗玛什之子,夺舍了加尔鲁什的身体之后,那必须要书写属于地狱咆哮家族的神话。只是在这个魔法遍地走的世界,区区一介战士要怎么才能雄霸天下呢?叮恭喜你获得签到系统,每日 挥动战斧一百五十下,就能获得一次抽奖机会,每日举盾格挡一百五十下,就能获得一次抽奖机会,每日身穿铠甲奔跑十五公里,就能获得一次抽奖机会。在分崩离析的德拉诺世界,加尔鲁什孜孜不倦的完成签到任务,等到羽翼丰满之时,就1w0-30027 >>


内容简介:今天也在酒厂为柯学头秃是午夜加餐创作的经典的小说作品今天也在酒厂为柯学头秃小兵提供今天也在酒厂为柯学头秃最新章节全文免费阅读,今天也在酒厂为柯学头秃下载,今天也在酒厂为柯学头秃全文字更 新,今天也在酒厂为柯学头秃无弹窗!请关注今天也在酒厂为柯学头秃吧,本站最新最快更新今天也在酒厂为柯学头秃的最新章节。1w0-70415 >>



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