She is a police officer who has been living independently and accidentally crossed into another world on her way to work. What kind of story will she tell in this completely unknown world?
Yamada's a parents gone abroad and as they are worried about him staying alone there hired a maid to look after him. Problem is that the maid seems to be a deliquent but takes her job seriously. Nothing will stay as it is for Yamada anymore.
From Dragon Voice Project: One day when 17-year-old Sagara Kurumi accidently bumps into a guy on the streets, reins suddenly appear and binds them both! What is this?! Things get even more confusing when the boy, Kaito, clasps her hands and calls her his master! When Kaito transforms into a reindeer it just becomes too much for poor Kurumi who's out as a light. But it does indeed seem like Kurumi's a santa and Kaito's her reindeer and that they've got an important job to do on Christmas Eve~ ^^ The first three chapters are about this cute 'couple' and the last one is a oneshot called Amai Kamiato. • Amai Kamiato - Ren is a 'tame' vampire and currently spends his lifetime with a detective as blood donor while in return he helps her investigate at night. Then suddenly, the most unimagineable thing happens: Ren's daughter Maia appears, but vampires can't have children! Note: there's a side story of Penguin Kakumei in Vol.3, which hasn't been scanlated.
What is a horny lord to do, when the man he wants to have sex with just refuses to put out? Prostitute himself of course! Tenran is aggressive, powerful, horny, and a uke, and he oh so desperately wants to have sex with Asagi – one of his loyal subjects! Tenran has vowed to take the sweet Asagi’s virginity, only thing is, Asagi doesn’t see him that way! And that’s not all that Tenran has to contend with…other people are always after his throne, and he seems to have his hands full thwarting down competition left and right. Amidst all these, can Tenran and Asagi find happiness? Though he appears human, Asagi is actually from a long line of dragon lineage, and he can turn himself into a dragon at will. When he was little, he had heard many tales of the great and ancient Tenran from his mother. Only thing is, now that he’s grown up and is working under Tenran, he must admit that this great, ancient and powerful lord was nothing like what he had ever imagined! For one, his master looks more like a young woman than anything else; second, for someone so noble, the great Tenran seems far too occupied in having sex with him than anything else! Can Asagi keep his virginity intact, or will he fall prey to the attacks of this aggressive uke? Also, the constant threat on his master’s throne from time to time has him worried… ******************************** This series rocks my dragon-centric world. It is SERIOUSLY one of the most adorably romantic series in my collection. The art is below average, but the characters are awesome, with one of the most aggressive and powerful (not to mention horny) uke characters ever. ...And did I mention the dragons...?
The Night Strangers summary: The Night Strangers summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Night Strangers. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Edgar Huntly; or, Memoirs of a Sleep-Walker summary: Edgar Huntly; or, Memoirs of a Sleep-Walker summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Edgar Huntly; or, Memoirs of a Sleep-Walker. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Under The Volcano summary: Under The Volcano summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Under The Volcano. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Step To The Graveyard Easy summary: Step To The Graveyard Easy summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Step To The Graveyard Easy. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
——我不会爱你。政治结婚的初夜,丈夫突然说出『不会爱你』宣言,亚薇盖尔感到了焦虑。那也就是说………连饭也不会给她吗!? 前世身为魔王,今生一直被家人虐待的伯爵千金,在被严肃认真的军人丈夫投喂后,获得了幸福。新式投喂恋爱故事开幕!
简介我身边,有两位女人。女友茉莉聪明贤惠,陪我度过最艰难的岁月,但她平凡的相貌对我毫无吸引力。女明星沉药是天生尤物,我镜头下最美的缪斯,但她头脑空洞且庸俗,令我心烦。当机会摆在我面前时,我选择交换她们的大脑。这样我就能得到“完美爱情”吗? #@暗黑兔文化 出品都市情感悬疑漫画,撕破渣男假面!每周五周日更新,请大家加【关注】并【评论】支持我们哦!!!#
内容简介: 十年笔耕无人问,一朝上架订阅零!扑街十年的网文写手楚天行,痛悟写小说会吃土,决定回家改行,没想到穿越到有着超凡武道存在的平行世界……“恭喜,你的小说射雕登上新书榜首,获得奖励降龙十 八掌。”“恭喜,你的小说射雕获得主编推荐,奖励武功弹指神通。”“恭喜,你的小说登上点击榜首,获得奖励先天功……”嗯,穿越后的楚天行,还是得写小说。不过这一次,他只需要写写小说,就能不断变强……【已有万均完本《欢迎来到boss队》,以及万订精品《儒雅随和的我不是魔头》,敬请品鉴。】1w0-4407 >>
内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者不做打工人的经典小说:《大秦金榜现世我皇子的身份瞒不住了》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说始皇东巡,觅长生之道。东海之上,却见皇榜凌空。凡位 列榜单之上,皆受天道庇佑,福泽加身。大秦帝国,赫然在列。是日,始皇震怒。“朕的大秦,万古不灭,永世长存!”而作为穿越者的赢遥却是一脸懵逼,“说好的三年之期,这榜单误我……”1w0-75280 >>
内容简介:一场空难,现代单身白富美魂穿架空大鹤朝,成了同龄乡下极品老太太。便宜丈夫眼神深邃充满探究,吓得她小心翼翼不敢崩人设。却不曾想,枕边人换成了邻座那位年轻帅气的教授。便宜儿女各怀心思:长子 :“娘,林氏身子不爽利,儿子去请大夫给她瞧瞧。”凤吟:“就知道疼媳妇,瞧大夫不花钱啊?”次子:“娘,儿子上山给您抓野味。”凤吟斜眼瞧她:“想偷懒明说,少拿老娘作筏子。当那野味死的,等着你去抓?”老儿子:“娘,没钱买笔墨,给点呗。”凤吟:“钱钱钱,老娘又不是开钱庄的,哪来钱给你?找你爹去。”长女捧着她压箱底面料:“娘,这块布适合做嫁妆。”凤吟:“小小年纪,着什么急?”“奶,不气,吃。”旁边一个小奶娃流着口水,举起块要化掉的糖,凑到面前。凤吟眼睛一亮,伸手抱起小家伙:“哎哟喂,还是我大孙子心痛奶啊。”某人冷眼旁观许久,终于找到最佳机会,小心摊牌:张逸鸣:“娘子,我发现你马甲了。”凤吟眨巴着眼睛笑:“夫君,你也没好到哪去。”各位书友要是觉得《穿成极品婆婆后我路走宽了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-29499 >>
内容简介:【高冷大佬影帝vs马甲撩精小花】大佬容栗一觉醒来,魂穿到了娱乐圈的18线艺人身上。极品亲人视她为赚钱机器,捆绑吸血,妄图拿走全部片酬。容栗:本小姐不奉陪了,滚!假闺蜜视她为垫脚石,踩着 她上位,还不忘回头抹黑。容栗:这题我会,这位姐妹的黑料满上!渣渣们看她混十八线没资源没背景,还想给她泼脏水?各界大佬翘楚纷纷赶来为她撑腰。茶道协会会长:退圈吧,会长让你当。常青藤名校:了解一下,我们的终身名誉教授。暗网排名第一的鬼手神医:师父,求抚摸。全球福布斯的天才CEO:我妹她说各位低调点。……黑子们还在锤死挣扎挖掘容栗黑料。容干脆开了直播:给孩子留件马甲过冬吧。镜头里某个高大深沉的身影闪过,一件手工定制的西服盖在她肩头。霎时间,粉丝震惊,热搜爆炸,娱乐圈大地震。给容栗盖衣服的是早已退圈的高岭之花——影帝易南?而关了直播后的影帝,揽住了那早已勾走他心神的细腰。“易太太,这个马甲我帮你扒了吧?”各位书友要是觉得《易影帝的小撩精马甲捂不住了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-97195 >>
内容简介:顾斯里说不喜欢女朋友的这个称呼,于是伊落橙在还没有毕业时就嫁给了他。伊落橙以为他们的婚姻是游走在阴暗处,顾先生却对她说,他从来没有说过,也没想过要隐瞒他们结婚的事实。顾斯里的前女友冷诗 琦回来了,公司盛传两人复合的消息。传闻,当初冷诗琦抛弃了他独自一人去了美国,而顾斯里为了她不近女色,一心扑在工作上。伊落橙以为顾斯里会甩给她一张离婚协议书,他却执着她的手对他的前女友说,她是我夫人。伊落橙一生中最美好的事情之二,一是遇上顾斯里,二是嫁给了顾斯里。场景一:帝皇门口伊落橙皱了皱小巧的鼻子,担忧的问,“怎么喝那么多酒?”顾斯里倚在她身上,眯着眼睛看她,酒气随着声音出来,“你要去同学聚会?”伊落橙心不在焉的嗯了声,见他步履有些不稳,吓得双手紧紧的抓住他,“阿斯,我和你一块回家吧。”一直充当空气的袁岳立马从顾斯里身后走出来,“夫人,我现在去开车过来。”面上一派正经的袁岳心中的小人一直在奔踏的总裁狂点赞。他还疑惑总裁怎么指定了要来帝皇,又怎么会一不小心让衣服沾了酒还不去换,原来……嘿嘿,是为了截夫人的胡!!顾斯里语气随意,很是散漫的问,“你不是要参加聚会吗?”伊落橙轻声说,“等以后有机会再去,现在我送你回家先。”渐渐走远的袁岳竖着耳朵听两人的对话,心中叉着腰在狂笑,总裁就是为了让夫人不去参加聚会才早早的等在门口的,嘿嘿,现在装成不在意的样子,若不是他早已识清了总裁的真面目他差点上当了!暖文,七分宠三分虐男主不会让大家失望的1w0-79470 >>