Tokumaru Tokuda is a medical student who is taking a leave of absence from school and spending every day lazily. To search for his big brother who went missing after sending an e-mail saying 'Help me', Tokumaru ends up going to 'Western Tibet'. Using the photo that his brother sent as a hint, Tokumaru and two guides, Sonam and Namgyal head toward a certain valley. However, it's a valley that not even the locals go near since it is said that the valley brings disaster on anybody that comes near… The three men embark on their long journey on foot in Western Tibet, the land high above the world.
Yae takes a part-time job at a newly opened cake shop, and has less time to spend with Nao. Visiting Yae at the shop, Nao meets the pretty older lady that manages it. Nao can't help but feel anxious...
After half a year, he’s finally forgotten about the man who’d spurned him so harshly… After half a year, he’s finally found himself a new boyfriend. Yet, at that very moment, right in front of Izumi Morida’s eyes, his ex-lover, Tomoya Shinguji appeared again. However, as the result of an accident, Tomoya has lost every single memory about Izumi. And the gentle Tomoya has also changed completely, into an arrogant, domineering man. He abducted Izumi, and on top of that, he even tied him up and violated him forcibly. Never had Izumi imagined Tomoya would be such a sadist! Although he kept resisting, his heart, lingering with the recollection of the old Tomoya, still trembled… A lust swirling, violent love! (Sequel) is Kizu-Ato
In the Miwaku no Dokushin Kizoku (Bachelor Cousins) series: V.1 - Kojou ni Tsudou Ai (To Marry McKenzie) Greek tycoon Demetrios Karas can't concentrate. He's tried professional distance--and failed! Now he's in danger of blowing his whole business deal if he doesn't make his translator, Samantha Brewster, his mistress.... Satisfaction at last! As Demetrios expected, they are made for each other in the bedroom! Yet Samantha seems willing only to stay until the end of her three-month contract. Until a new commitment surprises them both--one that will begin in nine months.... V.2 - Nazomeita Bijo (To Marry McCloud) Fergus McCloud couldn't quite remember how he'd first met Chloe Fox...but circumstances indicated that they'd slept together pretty soon afterward! Actually, they hadn't. But Chloe's mission was to persuade Fergus not to publish a book that would ruin her family. What better way than to prolong the pretense of their being lovers? Only, Fergus wanted to rediscover the delights of their night 'together'—and he intended to be present this mind as well as body! V.3 - Ubawareta Kuchibiru (To Marry McAllister) Brice McAllister, the world's renowned artist, instantly falls for Sabina as soon as he meets the gorgeous supermodel's gaze. He has agreed to paint her portrait only to quiet the insistent billionaire who demanded Brice to paint his fiancee's portrait at any price. The meeting arouses his desire to draw Sabina. However, once he starts to work on the portrait, Sabina does not hide her fear and avoids his gaze. It is as if she believes allowing him to draw her is a sin...
Paris and the Social Revolution summary: Paris and the Social Revolution summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Paris and the Social Revolution. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Enchanted Castle summary: The Enchanted Castle summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Enchanted Castle. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Hunting of the Snark summary: The Hunting of the Snark summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Hunting of the Snark. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Yeyuka. summary: Yeyuka. summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Yeyuka.. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
简介我穿越到小说里,变成了连名字都不太记得的小配角。但好歹是个贵族,在小说结局前就尽情享受幸福的生活吧!然而事与愿违,才穿越第二天,我就睡了小说里占有欲最强的男主角! “既然男女共度了初夜,当然就要对彼此负责吧?”
内容简介:【娱乐圈超级学霸各种综艺苏爽甜大女主】清大法学系第一天才穿书了,她穿成了娱乐圈文里捆绑倒贴炒作的傻白甜女配,被全网黑到退圈。经纪公司:你都糊成这样了,不去陪周总,哪还有资源?!黑粉:我 给纪新p的照片,大家看看好看吗?纪兮知两张起诉状直接送到法院:退圈可以,告完就退。航星娱乐:你律师费出的起?黑粉:微博我早删了,你能拿我怎么样?谁也没想到开庭当天——纪兮知孤身上庭,自己为自己辩护,将对方律师打得落花流水,赢得官司!经纪公司气急败坏想封杀她,谁料清大顶级法学教授竟为她发博。清大法学院教授蒋千理:恭喜我的学生,赢得了她第一场官司。纪兮知清大法学系全体学子:学妹,法学院等你!纪兮知纪兮知也晒出了她金闪闪的清大研究生录取通知书。放狠话的经纪公司:???粉丝:?!!!我刚粉上的爱豆突然上岸清大了?1w0-99181 >>
内容简介: 穿越到刚刚招安封侯的土匪一家。 亲爹,威武勇猛爱闯祸。 亲娘,貌美如花爱爱闯祸。 亲哥,英俊潇洒爱爱爱闯祸。 …… 你问她啊? 她就比较懂事了,刚刚从街上抢回来一压宅夫 君…… —————— 木嬴新书《嫁偶天成》~1w0-361 >>
内容简介:【预收文《七零年代青云路》求收藏!】神颜小霸王VS颜控白富美本文又名——《我靠美貌走上人生巅峰》,《从大众偶像变成机械工程师的心路历程》,《好爸爸是怎样炼成的》最近,机械厂家属大院里流 传着一个大八卦!“大院之光”赵学军向“高岭之花”夏露表白了!然而,他竟然被拒绝了!!!被拒理由也非常劲爆——夏露看上了全厂闻名的“小流氓”戴誉!戴誉谁不知道啊!除了一张漂亮脸蛋,一无是处!被老戴家的女人们惯得无法无天的二流子。虽然名叫戴誉,过的却是“宝玉”的生活!穿书而来的戴誉一脸懵逼。他当时也围观了表白现场,真实情况明明是这样的——女主拒绝男主:“你的霸道和自以为是并不能吸引我。论起人品,小流氓戴誉都比你强!”纯路人,无辜躺枪的戴誉:“……”小姐姐,拒绝的话不要说得太早,你可是女主,小心真香哦!事实证明,女主就是女主,头铁!而戴誉比她的头更铁!作为炮灰男配,明知男主不好惹,还是坚持摘下了女主这朵高岭之花!真香!备注:男主视角!—————————————————————预收《七零年代青云路》文案:清冷闷骚贵公子VS热情泼辣小村花自从宋洵来到丽水村生产队驻村,全村的女人,包括母蚊子都骚动了起来。听说小宋技术员不但是大学生,还是首长家的公子哩!村里最有文化的张夫子甚至还为他掉起了书袋——积石如玉,列松如翠。郎艳独绝,世无其二。可惜呀,白瞎了小宋技术员这样的人才,居然进了村便一头扎进养猪场,研究全自动养猪设备去了。李英英重生做的第一件事就是报名去丽水村插队,她要在宋洵最落魄的时候伸出援手!患难见真情,未来市长夫人的宝座她坐定了!不过,碍于竞争对手过多,她悄悄在村里放出消息——宋洵的父亲被下放农场了!一夕间,路上偶遇跌倒的,半夜敲门求助的,含羞带怯送菜的,通通消失了!宋洵终于松了一口气。刚料理了几个落井下石的村痞,宋洵回身时,却被村花项小羽拦住了去路。村花昂着粉嫩的小脸,像个女土匪似的,霸气宣言:“只要你跟了我,全公社再没人敢欺负你!”小剧场——项小羽:他们都说你去市里工作以后,就不会再回村了!宋洵想想刚到手的那套带院子的二层小楼,颔首。项小羽:嘤嘤嘤,果然与那个徐知青一样,要抛妻弃子了!宋洵:昨晚给你出的数学题做好了?项小羽立马收声。宋洵见她磨蹭着不肯动地方,似笑非笑道:“怎么,还是不放心啊?”将两个烦人的臭小子往旁边一放,“来吧,赶紧生个闺女,让她天天替你看着我!”备注:1.男主视角。2.男主女主土著,女配重生。3.一个枕边教妻的故事。1w6990-27063 >>
内容简介:末世前一天,江蓠被迫绑定了一个系统,这位自称租房系统的不知名生物一上来就豪气万千地给她送了一个小区。系统挥舞着小皮鞭:“我们的目标是成为名满天下的包租婆!”江蓠:“MDZZ”正经版文案 :末世来临,人类面临生存浩劫,这个时候,一处不受丧尸侵扰的住处就变得尤为重要。江蓠看着租客越来越爆满的小区,心里美滋滋,离躺着数钱的包租婆梦想越来越近了呢!然而,系统从来不按常理出牌,江蓠看着新开出来的古代位面泪流满面,奈何系统太狗币,一朝回到解放前。身旁一直虎视眈眈的某人:“别怕,有我陪着你。”1V1,甜文不虐。1w0-30300 >>
内容简介:两“禽”相悦两“禽”相悦小说阅读言情都市类型小说两“禽”相悦由作家东奔西顾创作这就是一个清新腹黑毒舌女和妖孽不羁腹黑男激情碰撞斗智斗勇的故事,当腹黑撞上腹黑,毒舌女一向以奚落打击桃花男 为己任,并乐此不疲奋斗不息。这个故事不止是言情,接下来你就会发现奸情,再往下还可以期待色1w12136-74498 >>