Everyone dies. That is an indisputable fact. Until no one did Then everything went to Hell. - Fredrik Nem (1 A.D.) After the Disaster of the Undying, death is now commercialized, with hefty ransoms attached to allow loved ones to pass on. The alternative? Monstrous spirits that wreak havoc on the living. In a world where Reapers serve as assassins and government agents of the natural order there are many that disagree with the current state of things. One of which is Rais, a Reaper student who wishes to change this. But with a growing necromancer army out to destroy all Reapers, it may not be as easy as he'd hoped.
Five short stories. - Inu wo Kau (Raising a Dog) - Soshite Neko wo Kau (And Then, Caring for a Cat) - Niwa no Nagame (View of the Backyard) - Sannin no Hibi (Three People's Days) - Yakusoku no Chi (Promised Land) The first one tells the death of an old dog, hence the title. The last one is a bit similar to a later work of the author, Kamigami no Itadaki. Inu wo Kau won the Shogakukan Manga Award (examination committee special) in 1992.
1st story : Kurumi-tic Miracle (ch.1-3) Kurumi found a stone that transformed into a bracelet in her grandfather's antique shop. That bracelet lets her wish whatever. Naoki, the guy she likes, wants to get it from her so that he can fulfill his promise to his brother. His little brother has the other stone that is full of enmity and venom. If the two stones will be put together, the world will come to its worst case. What will happen now? 2nd story : Boy's x love (ch. 4) Kana is a very good fan of Ash band but she likes Akira the most. During their performance Akira somehow fell then Kana ran towards him and they bumped their heads together. After they regain consciousness, they found out that they switched bodies. How will they cope with the different lifestyles? 3rd Story : I love tomboy A girl, Hana, was so fond of playing basketball with boys, dressing like not a lady, and fighting with boys. Trying to get on the prettiest girls list, she changes herself. But will she be successful is snagging the guy she likes?
From FairGame (JCafe24): It's about a boy named Nishizawa Kazuya who is in 2nd year of middle school. Unlike his younger sister, Rika, he is good at a lot of things. He is also the fastest runner in the school. His parents and other people think that he is a responsible and hard working child. He seems like a perfectly good child but he has a secret that he can't tell anyone. Every day he enjoys peeking at his sister changing clothes.
The Devils Harvest: The End Of All Flesh summary: The Devils Harvest: The End Of All Flesh summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Devils Harvest: The End Of All Flesh. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Pilgrimage from the Alps to the Tiber summary: Pilgrimage from the Alps to the Tiber summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Pilgrimage from the Alps to the Tiber. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Little Frankie on a Journey summary: Little Frankie on a Journey summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Little Frankie on a Journey. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Affectionate Shepherd summary: The Affectionate Shepherd summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Affectionate Shepherd. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
内容简介:《虐文女主觉醒后和反派私奔了》是一部主人公是闻桑裴隽的现代穿越言情文,小说作者:年年岁岁,小说简介:闻桑做了一个梦,梦见自己是一个虐文里面的女主角,还是那种最后被活生生虐死的女主角,梦 醒后的她决定不在当其他人的垫脚石。她找到那个记忆中帮过她的人,只不过现在这个人还是一个傻子,为了上一辈子的恩情,女主决定在他生病的这几年好好的照顾他,本来计划很完美直到她成年的那一天,这个傻子突然不傻了,好啊原来这个男人也是一个腹黑的大灰狼。1w63800-79755 >>
内容简介:《小狐狸业务不熟快穿》是作者一颗苹果糖创作安陶是一只因为不会吸元气冻死的小狐狸,结果给拽着后颈扔到各种险恶的系统世界中——扮演不是作天作地,缠着主角攻给主角受下绊子,就是出场三章被拎出 去为主角攻受赴死,奋战在第一线的炮灰。安陶战战兢兢走剧本时,发现主角攻受和反派BOSS身上,都有他不吸就会挨饿受冻的元气……于是小狐狸只能悄咪咪试图薅暖气,缠人再缠久一点,给反派BOSS打小报告,还悄悄给主角受递爱的小纸条。主角攻:这小狐狸精勾引我?反派BOSS:……小东西,你引起了我的注意。主角受:既然那人待你不好,就跟哥哥过吧。勉强求生的小狐狸越到后面,就越害怕,不愿意也强行被催熟了。没来得及跑,就被束上了捆妖的红丝带。安陶:我,我不要元气了……主角攻冷脸拉下领带:“过来。”“别让我重复第二遍。”主角受微笑着掐他下巴诱哄:“乖乖的,嗯?”“我知道你喜欢。”安陶后退几步,撞到反派身前,瑟瑟地试图告状:他们,你看他们,都坏了……反派BOSS臂展一捞就把小狐狸禁在怀里,伪装面具撕下,不怀好意地顺着他尾巴根往上摸:“那是什么给你错觉,全局从底子里都坏的坏人,会放过你呢?”———高亮————业务不熟练的小狐狸精X腹黑大佬各世界主角攻,主角受,反派BOSS,各色大佬等不幸多选一。注意事项,主受2苏,苏苏苏3高亮!主角非强4黑化情节√感兴趣可康康预收↓——《靠宿敌的信息素才能勉强生活》——校园ABO学神斯文败类攻X学渣会咬人本能逃不过猫科动物受景默是猫妖,因此腿长爱干架能睡觉身体素质一流又热衷于抢地盘,在校三年,终成惹不起的校霸。所有西城的学生都默认他是个A,而且是个猎食性的顶A,景默自己也这么觉得。直到他某天在更衣室里,从那个看不顺眼,人气爆棚的Alpha转校生身上闻到……薄荷的味道。当场把人扑倒在地,跨坐在人腰间,景默意识不清地埋在人颈窝里嗅嗅闻闻,漏出来的尾巴啪嗒啪嗒地拍打着地面,缠着人大腿。“你……别动……让我吸一口……”带着鼻音的轻哼在更衣室里响起。“…………”转校生面无表情地伸手,覆着薄茧的手指慢条斯理地捏上了身上人白皙的后颈。于是景默就像被捏着命运的后颈的猫一样不能动了。再后来,命运的后颈被咬了一口。……——你天生就该是我的猫。逃不脱,跑不掉。……斯文败类信息素猫薄荷攻X会咬人的猫科动物受笔趣阁首发小狐狸业务不熟快穿最新章节,全文免费无弹窗1w0-84703 >>
内容简介: “曾经我被遗弃在起点孤儿院门口,后来孤儿院破产了” “曾经我上过一个幼儿园,后来这家幼儿园倒闭了” “这二十年,我经历过火车脱轨,二十八辆汽车连环追尾,天然气泄露,瓦斯气爆炸… …但我还活着” “生活竭尽所能的想要消灭我,但我仍然顽强的活了下来” “不过我万万没想到,生活竟然又搞出这种事情——” 【欢迎来到全球进化游戏,本游戏由地球发起,玩家为全人类】 ------------- 某位NPC掉落了一串神秘号码:9230176941w0-965 >>
内容简介:不得宠的梁才人被皇帝赐死,醒来却与皇帝互换了身体!她成了皇上,皇上成了她。而后,她竟听懂了猫语,满耳朵都是猫咪说话……敬事房小太监:“陛下,该翻侍寝娘娘的牌子了。”她把生前仇敌都挑拣了 出来:“翻到的,都拖去砍了!”皇帝换身成“才人”后才发现,从前对自己温柔体贴的后妃,原来个个心计深、手段毒!把他掌嘴、陷害、羞辱,戴了他一头的绿帽子!更没想到,他杀伐决断、文武双全,却会因为一滩癸水晕倒在地……而后,他发现这一直讨厌的女人,除了是大奸臣之妹以外,简直是他心中的完美女神……【标签】日更六千以上;非主流宫斗;小鹿乱撞言情文;谢绝扒榜更新时间:每日18:00。入本文于本周四(v,届时三更,字不易,请大家支持正版阅读。晋江文学城独家连载,请勿转载!【作者君的完结文】古言重生:现言重生:仙侠师徒仙魔:狗窝求包养→1w0-80154 >>