From the authors of 'Shin Angyo Onshi' a new manga set in Japan and Korea during the Edo period, a time of great upheaval between the two cultural groups. In ancient times, Japan and Korea would send its criminals to a penal colony called 'Kyokudo', situated in the channel between the two nations. There the cannibal Juu was sent for murdering over a thousand warriors while in Edo. Yet for an island meant for criminals, there was but one Korean medic, Han, exiled from Korea for killing and dissecting over a thousand people.
Love Momozono is a 14-year-old student at Yotsuba Junior Highschool that tends to care more for others than for herself. One day she visits a show of the famous dance unit 'Trinity' and decides to become a dancer, too. On the same event, subordinates of the Labyrinth Kingdom show up who want to collect the unhappiness of the audience. Love gets the power to change into Cure Peach and fights them. Soon after, she is joined by her good friends Miki, who is Cure Berry, and Inori, who becomes Cure Pine.
When Lee Cheong-Ha managed to score a stable job, it seemed she had finally gotten over the trauma of her past life as the young princess of Eophilt. That is until she walks into her new office to find her former knight standing next to the ex-lover who executed her… or, at least, they look like them. She resolves herself to put her memories behind her and adjust to working side-by-side with the living ghosts of her past. But, she realizes she's not the only one who remembers who they all used to be. Things only grow more complicated as office crushes are revealed, new members of the Kingdom of Eophilt appear around Seoul, and hiding their connection starts to bring up suspicions at work. Will Cheong-ha finally be freed from the mysteries of her past to live her best life in the present?
A spate of mafia assasinations occurs in America, the work of the mysterious organization named Inferno. 'Phantom' is their most strongest and capable assassin, however a lone tourist witnesses Phantom's latest act of murder. He unwittingly exposes the top assassin's true identity, a young girl named Ein. Witnesses are usually killed, but the man is captured and taken to be brainwashed into 'Zwei', Inferno's newest assassin, with no memory of who he is. From this point on, Zwei is drawn into a world of conspiracy, deceit, and violence.
Preliminary Specifications: Programmed Data Processor Model Three summary: Preliminary Specifications: Programmed Data Processor Model Three summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Preliminary Specifications: Programmed Data Processor Model Three. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Cedric, the Forester summary: Cedric, the Forester summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Cedric, the Forester. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Dark Regency: The Redemption Of A Rogue summary: Dark Regency: The Redemption Of A Rogue summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Dark Regency: The Redemption Of A Rogue. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Country Beyond summary: The Country Beyond summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Country Beyond. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
简介【每周一、周四 更新】身为京城头牌舞姬的李念皎,私下底却是仇恨吸血一族又身手矫健的夜族猎人。一次狩猎中,她意外卷入帅哥夏夜与白发夜族间的争斗,却被夏夜发现真实身份,以此要挟要对他言听计从?与此同时,神秘的白发夜族对她似乎也有着不一样的暧昧~
Alha宇延与青梅竹马的彦亨约定永远,但彦亨有一天连招呼都不打就失踪了. 就这样几年间寻找自己认为是命运初恋的宇延. 几年后,在不想参加的社交会上与彦亨重逢,但再次见到的彦亨却震惊地坦白自己本来就是Alha. 同样是Alha的彦亨感到恶心偶然陷入混乱… 我命中注定的初恋是Alha,怎么可能呢. 磁铁的同极最终会相互排斥.
内容简介:为了一个能够成为天仙的机会。抱着搏一搏,单车变摩托的想法,守护灵书言咬牙得来了一个戴罪立功的机会。只是——看着自己平坦的胸膛和多出来的部件。心中咬牙切齿的把处理下凡事务的天官,翻来覆去 的骂了一个底朝天。事已至此,开弓没有回头箭!为了美好的明天,拼了!拿着的,是身为温柔体贴男二的剧本;抱着的,是看护老妈子的心。只是没成想,就这么体贴着,体贴着,就把自己给贴进去了。雷点:性别转变。男女主前期(下凡后)性别互换,后期(回天界)会变回来。1v1,he触雷勿点,不喜勿喷,弃文不用通知。全文架空,架空,架空。每天不定时日更。我的文:同步更新:《一块雨花石》已完结:《一棵桃花树》1w0-26386 >>
内容简介:单亲家庭的少年唐朝,因为一次意外的飞车回到了唐朝。他本担心自己伟大的理想无法实现,想不到在这样一个权力鼎盛的时代里,他竟然如鱼得水,不仅取得了别人无法复制的成功,还彻底的改造了那个时代 ! 且看我们的主角如何利用他在现代社会不算太强的能力,在万国盛唐中练武功、带军队、诛权臣、平叛乱、搞政变、治国安邦,威震异域,收尽美色江山,用自己的一双铁手,重铸大唐! 1w0-4093 >>
内容简介:天降无上全能系统。地球平凡人类,孤儿陈天,怒暴强大能量,得到系统认可,给予签订。系统:我这里集齐了万千功法和技能,一部吞天诀足以让你纵横万世。其他技能你嫌太贵,没关系,我可以带你游历各 种位面,无条件学习各种技能《倚天屠龙记》、《天龙八部》等等等等。武功太弱?没关系,还有各种仙侠位面,而且在位面中你有无限的时间,你的寿命将不被计算。御剑术,天罡三十六法,地煞七十二术,等等等等。你怕学习不会?没关系,只要有秘籍在手,我可以帮你学习,照样让你融会贯通,身负百法。七情六欲能量,由我掌控,创世混沌与本源给我控制,万千能力,强悍战斗力,一步步解开自身强大身世。1w0-25477 >>
内容简介: 新书《农门春暖:家有小福妻》开预收啦,求收藏,2021.4中旬开坑哦。拥有倾国倾城之貌的沐瑾回府了,四爷后院众人无不虎视眈眈:来了,实力争宠的来了!沐瑾很苦逼,争宠干什么?多耽误种 田!她并不想回来啊,福晋心思深沉,李侧福晋咄咄逼人,宋格格是个笑面虎,耿格格是个假天真,她空有美貌其实地位低、没靠山、两眼一抹黑!好想哭,想回庄子种田!众人气愤:信你才怪!你个心机女,才回来多久啊,自己算算跟爷‘偶遇’多少回了?沐瑾:......真的是偶遇啊!她能怎么办?她也很绝望啊!四爷:这样的偶遇可以再多一点!遇着遇着就上了心,只想把她娇养起来,宠着疼着,给她最好的一切。书友群:1695982521w0-3770 >>