Milcute Vs. Lollipop Read Online


Bitansan Ekisu

1)Essence of Fine Carbonic Acid- Yasuomi is the descendant of a vampire clan, but hates the taste of blood, so he takes essence in the form of kisses (Virgins preferred). When Shige met Yasuomi at a goukon, he had no idea what he was in for, and now Yasuomi won't leave. But is Shige just a food source? 2)A Temporary Contract With Him- Hibikitani is a mediocre salesman whose envious of his super elite new boss Sakakibara. Being upbraided by Sakakibara, an annoyed Hibikitani promises a better sales performance in exchange for a night with him, and to his surprise Sakakibara agrees! 3)The Legendary Inhabitant Room- Oonuma is one of the few students spending the holidays at the dorm. But he gets to spend more time with his roommate, Teraiwa. Unfortunately the dorm, and especially Oonuma's room is plagued with rumors of ghosts, and Teraiwa is very mysterious sometimes... 4)Restraint- Overly emotional Shizuka and calm and cool Manabu are a couple that's always fighting about something, but the heat of an argument can turn into something else very quickly! 5)The Stars That Fall in the City- Businessman Wakamiya is interested in no strings attached sexual relationships now that he's in his old age. When adorable younger man Soeda enters his life, he finds it hard to resist him. But Soeda is loud, and bold for his cute appearance, will the contrast be too much for Wakamiya? 6)A Cruel Man- An older uke supervisor and his young seme subordinate share an intensely physical connection with a dark twist...


From the mangaka of Double Arts: William is a young boy who idolizes Aradoff, a character from a popular novel which told Aradoff's adventures, and always dreams of having a grand adventure on his own. William's meeting with the novel author finally puts him on an adventure to prove that the novel is not merely a fiction.


Mukai Sachi is extremely unlucky. Stubbed toes, lost items, bird poop... it all happens to her. Her most unfortunate problem, though, is Gokurakuin Misako, the only member of the Occult Research Society. Misako is an honors student, beautiful, very strange, and friendless. She is interested in Sachi's 'power' because she wants strange, unexplainable things to happen to herself, too. The problem is that Sachi has absolutely no interest in the occult, so Misako's continued, oddball attempts to get her to join the Occult Research Society are yet another piece of bad luck for Sachi!

Milcute Vs. Lollipop

It's summer! And Nina (Lollipop) and Yoku (Milcute) both have a plan to spend their summer making memories with the ones they love. Nina drags Zero to the amusment park, while Yoku takes Miu. There they both tell their partners that they will enter the 'Love Race' to win a great prize. What happens when Lollipop mets Milcute? And who kidnaped Forte (Lollipop) to force him to enter the race with her? Find out in this cute short chapter. -Oneshot side story from Modotte! Mamotte! Lollipop

In Friendship's Guise

In Friendship's Guise summary: In Friendship's Guise summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of In Friendship's Guise. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag

Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag summary: Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Silent Reading

Silent Reading summary: Childhood, upbringing, family background, social relations, traumatic experiences… We keep retrospecting and seeking out the motives of criminals, exploring the subtlest emotions driving them. It’s not to put ourselves in their shoes and sympathize, or even, forgive them; it’s not to find some reasons to exculpate their crimes; it’s not to kneel down before the so-called “complexity of human nature”; nor to introspect social conflicts, much less to alienate ourselves into monsters. We just want to have a fair trial – for ourselves and those who still have hope for the world. Specializing in dealing with various kinds of disobeying seme vs. cowardly and dissolute descendant of rich family uke A seme thug specialized in dealing with various kinds of disobedience vs. a cowardly and dissolute uke descended of a rich family

The Truth Within Me Book One

The Truth Within Me Book One summary: I will break you Nikki and you will be mine for all time. Zek smiles darkly as he walks off and leaves me here in my cell. When a Darkly handsome man walks into my bar my life changes forever. He wants to brack me and keep me forever. So all I have to do is live through his torture for the next two years. I had her then she was lost to us for two years now how do I help her through all she has...


类别热血 少女 其他














简介这里是脑洞大开,光怪录离的电台世界,来来来,听一段电台,体验一次人生? 为了更好地安排故事内容,调整为周3、周6更新,一周双更,不见不散! 读者交流群:678917011 作者公众号(超频脑) 微博:超频脑


















内容简介:  她曾经历了长平之战,见证了数十万人的坑杀。她曾率领大秦铁骑,与六国逐鹿天下。她见过天下三分,山河破碎。也听过那袅袅的隆中琴音。贞观盛世她曾一醉今朝,那千古女帝又是如何芳华?她鲜衣怒 马过,也曾羽扇纶巾。做过田舍农,也为过教书生。却没人知道,这么一个人,活了两千年。嘛,比较轻松悠哉的历史文吧,因为个人原因可能并不能做到完全符合历史,经得起考证。但我会尽力查全资料来写的。第一次写这种文章,我还是希望写的有趣一些,哈哈。最后,变身慎入哈,单身向的。书友群:239590070 二群:256080940 应援群:2427718561w0-403 >>




内容简介:《灵媒写手成神记》是蝎言蝎语精心创作的都市小说,小兵实时更新灵媒写手成神记最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的灵媒写手成神记评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持灵媒写手成神记读者的观点。 1w0-75423 >>


内容简介:【周五入v,万字更新,希望小天使多多支持。】【预收—穿成反派的炮灰寡嫂,文案在最下。】夏妙然是府中庶女,她娇憨动人,因样貌出色,常常遭受嫡姐欺辱。嫡姐不愿嫁于一个穷酸书生,所以夏妙然被 毒哑了嗓子,送上花轿——替嫡姐出嫁。夏妙然惶恐不安,怕自己刚出狼窝又入虎穴。她原以为所嫁之人是个迂腐且心冷面冷的家伙,没想到……他模样清俊,情话撩人,还为她洗衣做羹汤。想到此,夏妙然就忍不住摸摸心口,面色绯红。谁说她的夫君迂腐呆板?分明是……将她宠上了天。——众人都嘲夏妙然嫁了个穷酸的玩意儿,嫡姐也常在她面前嗤笑。直到——三元及第的状元郎闻人翎站在殿前,唇角含笑。他们才知道,被他们瞧不起的穷酸秀才,已是他们可望不可即的存在。夏妙然成了人人艳羡的状元郎夫人。毁婚的嫡女后悔莫及,找上闻人翎,欲要顶替夏妙然,做他的正妻。夏妙然惶然、不知所措,却不想这矜贵、清雅的状元郎慢条斯理拨开嫡姐的手,轻嗤:“你?不配。”——闻人翎有一个秘密,他是重生之人。上一世,夏妙然被夏家谋害,他于他坟前自刎,却不想重回新婚当夜。这一世,他定不让她重蹈覆辙。—乖巧懂事小可怜X清风霁月大狗勾单向治愈————预收文案如下————陆沁沁她穿了,从末世穿到了一本书中。她摸了摸自己的脸,有颜有钱,就是人设不太好。是个炮灰寡嫂,死的早不说,还落了个荡妇的骂名,哎,头痛。陆沁沁看了看正在院子里砍柴的男子,丰神俊朗又如何,还不是个阴险狠辣的狗男人?为了赶走对他觊觎的寡嫂,这楚秋韫来了一出陷害,逼得原主回了娘家,最后阴差阳错死在书中女主的手里。陆沁沁轻哼一声,她才不稀罕这种狗男人,她中意的是那种文弱书生。所以,两个月内必须搬走!!楚秋韫看着那窈窕背影,就连走路都带着几分撩人。他轻视地扯了扯嘴角,不为所动。必须尽快把这个女人给赶走!!——起初,楚秋韫坐看陆沁沁能闹出什么幺蛾子来。想要搬走?他同意。想要卖花?他同意。想要再嫁?楚秋韫当晚翻墙去了她家,这件事,他绝对不同意!美艳动人行走的弹幕机大美人X一本正经实则闷骚的狗男人【唠叨时间】—女主异能就是养花,木系异能。—后续再补充。1w0-69358 >>


内容简介:老马的幸福人生小说儿媳叫苏玥公公叫马强的小说作者是夫子,这是近期非常受欢迎的一本都市小说,全文讲述的是苏玥是一个已婚少妇,可是丈夫的常年不在家以及生活工作的各种不如意早已将她击垮,在她 最不开心的时候,是公公马强陪在她的身边,为她缓解悲伤的情绪。马强见苏玥一副居家女人的模样,回答说:这两天我跟你联系不上,以为你生病了,就跑过来看看。没……没什么,只是觉得心烦,一直在家休息……苏玥急忙敷衍道。你没有去上班吗马强诧异地问。我……我觉得工作压力大,就辞职了……苏玥不想让公公知道自己在外面1w5932-29683 >>

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