From Aerandria Scans: Karashima is a high school boy with a beautiful voice. So beautiful that he can make anyone do anything, just by saying the words. Because of his potentially dangerous ability, he distances himself away from people but soon finds himself in the middle of various criminal investigations that he can help solve, and a girl named Kokubu who seems in love with him. Volume 2 contains two one-shots, Hana Dorobou and Kouhii Hirari.
Plucked out of his small country village, Robin is headed for a long journey with two guys he must depend on: a lawless and possible cheat named Ted Viper and a ladies' man named Sydney Rush. Mamahara mixes silly Western with a fun shonen-ai tale very well.
There is a strange figure floating in the air in Okinawa, that is disintegrating hellfire missiles from US helicopters. Experts from different disciplines and organizations have gathered to figure out what's going on.
Overweight student Akihiro Haruki has fallen in love with the compassionate Saeki-sensei. Many years later, fate reunites the two men, and although Akihiro has lost his excess weight, he never lost his feelings for Saeki-sensei...
One Man in His Time summary: One Man in His Time summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of One Man in His Time. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Summer On The Lakes, In 1843 summary: Summer On The Lakes, In 1843 summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Summer On The Lakes, In 1843. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Harem Pirates summary: The setting moves out to the high seas for the second entry in the Harem Series: Harem Pirates (ハーレムパイレーツ)
Inside the Cave of Obscenity summary:
A world where the [Demon King] was defeated by a [Hero] that came from another world. People carelessly forgot about their fear of the [Demon King] and of monsters, living in peace.
In a forgotten and run-down cave in the mountains, a new monster that should not have been born was given birth.
The monster’s name was the [Black Ooze]. It was nothing exceptional other than its black color, an ordinary slime.
However, this slime had the special characteristic of being able to take the abilities of the living things it swallowed. It preyed on an insect that had paralytic poison, as well as other animals. Following that, it attacked a human, obtaining his knowledge and [Desire].
Before long, the monster established its target as the female mage that came to explore the cave.
This world still wasn’t aware.
[A Monster Was Born]&h.e.l.lip;
内容简介:他是患有严重厌食症的千亿帝少,英俊毒舌超有钱,每天靠营养液续命。她是美食APP上的人气美食播主,人美心善厨艺赞,每天靠直播养奶粉钱。为得到脐带血救儿子的命,她伪装成丑女,以私人营养师的 身份潜伏在他身边。谁知原本厌恶她的大少爷突然转性,把她壁咚,“女人,你欺上瞒下,我现在很火大!”她弱弱地问,“我现在辞职还来得及吗?”就在这时,卧室的门被撞开1w18247-26554 >>
内容简介:穿进书里做反派,是一种什么样的体验?普通版回答:啊~~~,我不要做极品炮灰、恶毒女配、无耻渣男啊啊啊何·凡尔赛·甜甜:今天又拿了一个反派剧本,好烦哪,不就是虐渣打脸、教你做人,逼得极品 无路可走嘛!——1w12012-110879 >>
内容简介:【日更,沙雕团宠苏爽甜】柏生穿进了一本O点爽文,成为了一个被龙傲天男主退婚的炮灰小明星。小少爷毕生没受过这种侮辱,退婚之后作天作地,各种针对男主,最后落得个身败名裂,沦落街头的下场。对 此,柏生十分困惑不解。为一个男人,把自己搞成这个样子,像什么话!于是在退婚现场,面对一脸坚毅的龙傲天,他说出那句经典台词:“三十年河东,三十年河西……”然后面无表情地一挥手:“别三十年了,管家,现在就抽他丫的。”众人:“???”这是什么操作?!退婚不成,反被打脸,龙傲天并不在意,反正柏生现在正全网黑,根本在圈里混不下去,总有要求他的一天。怎料到:网友:“关系户,带资进组,导演都觉得晦气!”星光大赏上,柏生一屁股坐在导演旁边,轻松写意:“吃啥呢?给我掰点。”网友:“这演技,狗都不如,连跑龙套不值50!”金猪奖:“恭喜柏生入围最佳男配角新人奖,让我们掌声鼓励!”网友:“性格差,树敌无数,上个综艺就想洗白!”原先跟柏生撕到腥风血雨的小爱豆:“你懂个屁!他很好。”柏生以一己之力让身边的人逐渐沙雕化,真正的喜剧人,向来只在不动声色间。闻萧人傻了:“………”这又他妈是什么操作??眼看着柏生靠沙雕一路爆红,闻萧气得求助自己亿万家产的霸总大哥。闻鹤语气凉薄,很不耐烦:“这么点事都做不好?记住,这是我最后一次帮你。”一个月后。龙傲天:“大哥,进度如何?”闻鹤不屑:“不过是个戏子。”半年后。龙傲天:“大哥,怎么样了?”闻鹤冷脸:“催什么,有消息会告诉你。”一年后。眼看着柏生的事业坐了火箭般节节飙升,闻鹤却依旧杳无音讯,闻萧终于坐不住了。龙傲天:“大哥,你去哪了,我怎么联系不上你。”闻鹤:“在跟组,别烦。”龙傲天目瞪口呆,还以为难道大哥开始走平民路线,谁知电话那头传来一个熟悉的声音。“闻萧,能不能来把你哥弄回家?他好烦。”龙傲天:“……????”他妈的,说好的只是一个戏子呢?!为什么我是最后一个知道这件事的退婚对象竟然做了我嫂子不好意思,沙雕是真的可以为所欲为的沙雕咸鱼闯荡娱乐圈顺带谈恋爱的故事,团宠万人迷,无他人对主角感情方面箭头团霸沙雕小水獭受X低情商纯情美人攻爽甜,有剧中剧双男主守男德,幼稚园文风真的很小白,大噶看的开心就好不开心尽早放弃QwQ就是说咱这个智商短时间内提高不了,给小天使们磕个了预收《谁勾引你了?》沙雕小甜饼求收藏文案如下:蔺寻第一次见秦珠玉,是在夜场里。被朋友故意带来的他穿一身干净的白衬衣,在昏暗的灯光下惴惴不安,满脸写着想逃离。蔺寻被他跌跌撞撞扑进怀里,那张脸仰起来看他——杏眼修眉,白肤粉面,纯得令人心惊。“先生,不好意思,我不是故意的!”蔺寻喉结滚动两下,道:“ >>
内容简介:悬疑小说家安悦遭遇一场车祸,醒来之后变成一位名叫何瑶也的女明星,这位名气不大的女明星此前因自杀未遂正在医院抢救,安悦不得已以何瑶也一塌糊涂的名声,在娱乐圈摸爬滚打。很快安悦发现真正的何 瑶也并不是自杀,身边出现的每一个人都有可能与何瑶也的死有关。随着星耀娱乐公司神秘的幕后老板现身,还有真正的何瑶也的神秘日记出现,杀死何瑶也的人也慢慢浮出水面……1w0-29733 >>