published in 1980 in Shounen/Shoujo Sf Kyousaku DaizenshuuA rare, 4-page one-shot that’s never been reprinted!
A collection of short stories: 1) Vahlia no Hanamuko Jiru and Vahlia were engaged. But Jiru suddenly went missing! Four years later, Vahlia was betrothed to his younger brother. During the night of the celebration of her second engagement, Vahlia decides to go on a journey… in search of Jiru! 2) Ryuu no Moriuta The dragon child Kito and the priestess Shuen await the day Kito becomes the Heavenly Dragon. 3) Ginsekai no Shoumei Alza lives alone on a desolate snowy plain. One day, Leah, a sorcerer from the magical city collapses near his house. Alza forbids Leah from using magic in his presence and shows her how beautiful life can be outside of the magical world. But, why does Alza hate magic, how did Leah get outside the magical city, and what will happen when Leah returns home? 4) Otogibanashi no Fude At a far away village, there’s a sacred tree where the Water God dwells. It’s Sasara Yuukei’s task to trace the fading letters of the contract between the Water God and the people of the village. One day, while carrying out his task, he suddenly met the Water God herself! And gradually, he found out that what he’s been doing every day is actually...
A boy changes schools to be near his childhood crush. Mistaken identities and numerous love triangles ensue. Atsushi Arisawa enrolls at Jougaouka High School to be near Masami Shibata (Ma-chan) who was his childhood crush. Unbeknownst to Atsushi, however, Masami no longer works at the school and his brother, Masayoshi is now the nurse. Atsushi mistakes Masayoshi for Masami and is horrified because to him, it appears that Masami's personality has done a complete 180. Add to the fact that Atsushi's friend, Kouji Inagaki is totally in love and constantly trying to make-out with him, Atsushi's life at Jougaoka is hell until he starts thinking that maybe the new Ma-chan isn't so bad after all and that, maybe he actually likes the way Ma-chan is now. Until of course, he finds out that Masayoshi isn't Masami.
When his sempai breaks a leg, Serizawa agrees to sub for him at the design firm. He doesn't expect to see Ikuta, a face from his past. Though Ikuta seems as gentle and kind as ever, he doesn't remember Serizawa. But outside of work Ikuta's personality is strikingly different. Is it really the same person, or did Serizawa never know the real Ikuta?
The Lost Mountain summary: The Lost Mountain summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Lost Mountain. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Chicken Caccia-Killer summary: Chicken Caccia-Killer summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Chicken Caccia-Killer. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Chelsea summary: Chelsea summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Chelsea. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Studies in love and in terror summary: Studies in love and in terror summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Studies in love and in terror. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
简介陈曦本是一个养女,没有恶毒的继母也没有悲情的童年,反而当了十六年富家小姐,却不想一场突如其来的变故让其身陷困境,也正因如此,陈曦遇见了让她倾心也让她死心的谢庭月,面对陈曦这个仇家之女的谢庭月,本以为一场预谋的婚姻不过是他报仇的手段,可爱情却在悄然发生。 制作工作室:蓬江区大熊设计工作室 作者:ALLENLU 主笔:40599 脚本:多洛 上色:无语 勾线:健忘 每周四更新
内容简介:免费提供作者白水煮竹的经典小说:《娘子金安》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说京城谁人不知言照清?样貌有,家世有,前途有,哪儿都好,就是眼瞎若是不瞎,明明可以高 攀金枝做驸马,怎的却看上了一个小丫头?那小丫头还是废太子党余孽第一次见面,她法场劫囚,从他手上抢走一个死囚第二次见面,她在雀州的街头,一口白牙笑得明晃晃”小郎君在找我?“自西南到京城,并肩作战,互生情愫却总碍于对立的身份和立场“阿弥,我习惯了蛰伏和等待,但是对你,一日,一时,一刻,都不愿意再等了。”1w0-107889 >>
内容简介:凌火火的家庭会议……凌天:“世界末日了,是我们三个人中的一个人造成的,这个人,不是我。”凌淼:“也不是我。”凌火火:“……”我哥是魔王,我弟要灭世,所以……世界末日了,和我真的没有关系 !1w0-58216 >>
内容简介:谁说阿斗是扶不起的?我还需要人扶吗?我被誉为三国时期第一博学多才之人,诸葛亮、司马懿都对我赞誉有加。什么?木牛流马?那是什么原始人用的破烂,我九年义务教育加3年高中加4年大学,怎么也懂 一点机械知识吧,随便拿点出来就秒杀诸葛亮、马均啦。什么?诸葛弩?都什么年…1w0-78418 >>
内容简介:十五岁那年,江恋第一次见到陈知言。英俊的年轻男人坐在沙发里,不动声色的注视着刚睡醒的她。一双黑眸深不见底,燕尾般狭长而锋利的眼尾瞬时勾住了少女的心魂。江恋怕他,却也无可救药的想要亲近他 。只是那时她还不知道,这个男人有多危险。直到多年后,醉酒的男人撕掉冷静克制的面具,慢条斯理的扯下领带,解开衬衫袖扣,深不见底的黑眸牢牢锁住她,嗓音暗哑——“慢慢,过来。”江恋以为自己对陈知言只是见色起意,念念不忘也不过是见识太少。在被拒绝后,她痛定思痛,决心开阔眼界,放眼看看这花花世界。在酒吧和全场最炸裂的高冷小帅哥一曲热舞后,她感觉好多了,当场加了微信。闺蜜调侃,真不要你叔叔了?江恋醉眼迷离,却不忘嘴硬:早不要了!两人笑成一团。隔壁卡座里的男人黑眸眯起,咬着烟冷冷一笑——本想放你一条生路,你偏要不知死活,很好。1w0-4531 >>
内容简介:他是最天才的医生,曾经也是最强悍的王者,却因过往而默默隐姓埋名在无名医院内。然而平淡的生活,掩不住他的风骚!被诊断死亡的孕妇?看他怎么把她从死神手里拉回来!敢抢他的功劳?不好意思,先尝 尝他的拳头!既有医术,又有身手,女娲十三针一出,谁与争锋!美女医生对他青眼有加,青梅竹马对他朝思暮想,他日日与两美一起工作,暧昧无限……然而桃运生活没有持续多久,他意外却卷入了阴影势力渗透金山市的阴谋中,而当年,特战队的死伤惨重竟然是因为……1w0-61039 >>
内容简介:武道、道术,孰强孰弱世俗、修界,孰胜孰败一切尽在霸天武道!………………………………一直想写一本和封神一样世俗和修界重合的书,现在摸到点儿头绪了!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《霸天武圣》还 不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84216 >>