Supipara - Otome No Houkago Kansoku Read Online


7-Daime No Tomari!

Seven Short Stories About Sex: Ch. 1-3) 7 Daime no Tomari (The Seventh Generation, Tomari): Tomari is a cursed woman who must do specific sexual things with her partner or the curse will kill her. Her partner, randomly chosen by the curse, is a guy called Naoki. He's pretty much willing to do whatever she needs, but Tomari will have to get past his incestuous sister Kyoko first. Ch. 4-6) Hajimete to: A teenage couple, Seriko and her boyfriend Ogihiko, find themselves caught in a plot from her crazy mafia family to make them lose their virginity together. Ch. 7) Sandy Go Home: Yoko returns from studying abroad in America with her sex-crazed roommate Sandy, and they both proceed to fight over who gets to have sex with her brother. Ch. 8) Meteyunde: After their parents died in a traffic accident, Morote's two older sisters became insane. Is he safe in the house with them any longer? Ch. 9) Pastel Aiborii: School kids have a sexual encounter in a bathroom. Ch. 10) Ninjia Shoujo Makari Tooru: When a ninja invades a girl's bedroom, he finds himself completely outmatched by her skills, both ninja and erotic. Ch. 11) 80D: A couple has a sexual exploit in a library after hours.

Furue Tsumore Shiawase No Hana

1-4) Furue Tsumore Shiawase no Hana Yuuri has always been attached to his childhood friend and neighborhood Onii-san; Aki. With a certain fondness for his friend, he enrolls in the same college where Aki is working as a lecturer. Yuuri immediately falls into the position of Aki's personal caretaker and not before long, he comes to realize that there is more to their relationship than he understands. Furue Tsumore Shiawase no Hana is a story of the delicate balance between friendship and love. 5 & 8) The Trembling Flower of Happiness Aki and Yuuri is trying to come to terms with their relationship and where to draw their lines. Not scanlated. 6) Shake Continuation of chapter 5 of Koi no Shizuku. Not scanlated. 7) Extra The academics go on an onsen trip. Not scanlated.


From the Animeraider: Sugata Sanshirou has been studying martial arts in the wilderness, becoming strong and fast. When Sanshirou’s grandfather tells of a promise made long ago to a family friend he tells Sanshirou it is time to go to the city and meet the girl Sanshirou is engaged to. It’s a shock, but Sanshirou goes to the city. Toyotomi Sanshirou is a young man with some fighting experience in the city, and some training thanks to his grandfather’s doujo, but he’s not really into it – although he won’t back down from a fight or from defending his family’s honor. He comes home one day to find his sister Mifumi arguing with his grandfather about an arranged marraige to a boy with the same name as him. He believes this is his way out of being the top fighter in the doujo and he welcomes the pending arrival of this new Sanshirou as his ticket out of there. Okay, two problems (and you knew that they would be there). One, Sugata Sanshirou is a girl, and two, she’s determined and honor bound to become the wife of the only son at the Doujou – namely, Toyotomi Sanshirou. Oh, and one more thing – she’s stronger than everyone else at the Doujou combined. Perhaps stronger than everyone in the city combined…

Supipara - Otome No Houkago Kansoku

Supipara - Otome no Houkago Kansoku summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Supipara - Otome no Houkago Kansoku. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Keeping The Feast

Keeping The Feast summary: Keeping The Feast summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Keeping The Feast. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Hermit Of Street

The Hermit Of Street summary: The Hermit Of Street summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Hermit Of Street. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Official Book Club Selection

Official Book Club Selection summary: Official Book Club Selection summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Official Book Club Selection. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Girl's Life in Virginia before the War

A Girl's Life in Virginia before the War summary: A Girl's Life in Virginia before the War summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of A Girl's Life in Virginia before the War. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


































内容简介:姜娆容渟笔趣阁,姜娆容渟sodu,姜娆容渟小说,姜娆容渟顶点,姜娆容渟姜娆,精选来自————我养成了未来残疾暴君天作之合甜文爽文成长生在声名煊赫的姜家,眉眼妩媚动人,姜娆天生有财有颜有 靠山,一生本该顺遂安逸,偏偏得罪了九皇子。九皇子双腿残疾,缠绵病榻多年,性格扭曲,众人眼中阴毒薄情的怪物。夺嫡成功后,将之前得罪过他的人通通收拾了个遍,手段狠戾绝情——包括姜娆。随父母出京云游时,梦里知晓了后事,姜娆怕的不行,只想远离那个荒唐暴虐的男人。谁料,寒冷冬日,依旧与他狭路相逢。日后冷血睥睨、位高权重的男人,如今只是个没长大的羸弱少年。衣衫单薄倒在漫天大雪里,长睫密闭,看上去可怜又乖巧。姜娆盯着他看了半天,在离开与留下之间迟疑不定。心思百转千回,最终还是在听到苍白着脸的少年隐忍痛苦的一声闷哼后,回头朝他伸出了手。容渟出生丧母,自小无人庇佑,在深宫内卑微苟活,受尽欺凌冷落。十三岁那年遭暗算重伤,被丢弃到乡下,自生自灭。就在他苟延残喘、即将饿死在大雪天里无人知时,面前却颤颤伸来一双小手。五指匀停,纤细白净。漫无边际的寂寥黑暗里,多了一个拉他出来的人。从此,她成了他心口滚烫的烙印,刻骨的执念,想抓住,想纠缠。从此,愿为她死,愿为她生。食用指南女主可爱治愈系,盛世美颜小天使男主偏执专情美强惨甜宠,治愈,双C,1V1,架空男主前期残疾,后期会好日更,晚上更新【接档文《这个狗皇帝我不要了》求预收】文案:作为名动京城的第一美人,骊歌拒绝了踏破门槛来求亲的每个人,只想报答小时候的恩人。谁知记忆中那个眉眼含笑的少年,如今却成长为了冷血自大、性情暴虐的男人、冷宫中被废的太子,娶她只为东山再起。骊歌收起了所有脾气,温柔顺从,七年以来,心甘情愿被他利用,只为捧热他的一颗心。却在他登基之后,听到他要选后的消息时,终于心灰意冷。断发离去,再不回头。……三个月后,却被猩红着眼的男人堵在了新家门口。九五至尊的男人不顾一身风尘仆仆,嗓子嘶哑地圈住了她的腰身,用前所未有过的卑微语气祈求,“跟我回去。”“我的皇后。”……人人都知,新帝是个只爱江山不爱美人的暴君。笑骊歌痴心妄想,赌上了所有,最后却落得个一无所有的下场。后来却亲眼看着向来喜怒不惊的年轻帝王,因为骊歌的离去,燥怒无常,几次陷入癫狂。别人只道骊歌离不开李玄,只有李玄知道——她才是他这辈子都离不开的药。可是……她不要他了。追妻火葬场,1V1,He,豪华火葬场,狗男人追妻的一百八十种姿势1w24042-108533 >>


内容简介:江落秋此生犯的最大错误,就是爱上萧行简。而萧行简对她恨之入骨!她活着,在萧行简看来只是赎罪!突然有一天,她得了绝症。……在江落秋死后,萧行简才发现——他原来是爱她的。所有人都在为他庆祝 ,庆祝他终于可以摆脱江落秋了。却没有知道,他的心从此空出来了一角……每提及“江落秋”的名字,便是锥心刺骨的疼!1w19347-25955 >>




内容简介:  叶行远穿越成唯一的九世童子身,在这陌生的神仙妖怪世界里,读书科举考进士,皇家天命授神通。他还发现,前身给自己留下了外挂!  然而天机与道统纠缠不清,神仙与凡人相爱相杀,妖魔与鬼怪上 蹿下跳,手持外挂的玩家叶行远怎一个酸爽......1w0-2569 >>


内容简介:在车内,男人的长指,抚过她诱人曲线,狂热地在她身上啃出颗颗草莓,轻挑地在她耳边吹气,amp“女人,是你自己惹的火,就要负责灭!amp“原本以为一辈子不会再有交集,却没想到,她再一次,误 入狼窝……拉开、撞入,直到深处,他低吼,一下比一下猛烈,他是用这样的手段报复,amp“辰熙,这是你顾家欠我的——amp“他喜欢她的身体,夜夜换花样,制服控萝莉控女王控,可最爱的却是撕碎撕碎再撕碎,看她在他身下求饶……一场车祸,身份互换;一次身体碰撞,惹来无数次缠绵。她是天之骄女,他是暗夜撒旦,他与她的纠缠,究竟是姻缘天定还是父债子偿?1w0-4900 >>

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