Bambi And Her Pink Gun Read Online


Present (Ikuemi Ryou)

1) Present This follows the main character through three periods of her life -- ages 13, 18, and 21. Aki leads a normal life. She has friends, a family who cares about her, and a talent for writing. There's nothing seemingly wrong with her life, or herself for that matter. But when the the start of a new school year leads her to be in the same class as Yoshiko, a classmate a year older than her who still carried with her noticeable scars from the horrific burns she suffered from a fire, she begins to discover the best and worst in herself. 2) The Whereabouts of the Prince For Haruka, Ami was a love at first sight. Everyone around him questions his tastes, calling her a plain Jane, but to him, it's as if she has a halo over her head. When he gets a friend to ask what her idea of the perfect guy is, she replies 'someone prince-like.' He takes this literally, and this sets him off on a journey to become the 'Prince' of her dreams. 3) There's Something I Want to Ask You Sae receives a phone call from Ayumu, a former classmate of hers. She finds it odd, because it had been years since they had seen each other, and back when they went to the same high school, she had never even spoken to her. When they bump into each other at their high school reunion, she finds that Ayumu has changed completely from her former high school self---with the help of some plastic surgery. With this chance meeting, they become fast friends, but there's something strange about Ayumu that she just can't put her finger on...

Otogibanashi No Fude

[From Aerandria Scans] Otogibanashi no Fude: At a far away village, there’s a sacred tree where the Water God dwells. It’s Sasara Yuukei’s task to trace the fading letters of the contract between the Water God and the people of the village. One day, while carrying out his task, he suddenly met the Water God herself! And gradually, he found out that what he’s been doing every day is actually… Vahlia no Hanamuko: Vahlia is betrothed to Jiru, the eldest son of the Calsed, but he's been missing for 5 years. It was then decided that a month before her supposed wedding with Jiru that she would marry the second son Lucel instead because Jiru did not return. Lucel and Vahlia have been friends all their lives, so when Vahlia decides to track Jiru down, Lucel won't let her go by herself. Ryuu no Moriuta: Kita is the Dragon Child, a boy born to protect the country by becoming a Heavenly Dragon. Shuen is the priestess who is to perform the rite once he reaches maturity. They cannot be together, a dragon and a human, but if Shuen calls, will Kita answer? Ginsekai no Shoumei: Alza finds a young woman unconscious in the snow near his residence and reluctantly takes her in, saving her life. Rhea is one of the 'magical kin', able to do anything with magic, but Alza hates magic! Why does he hate magic, and what will happen when Rhea finally returns to the City of Light?

Mistelteen No Mahou

Karasawa Makoto just found out that she wasn't her parents' daughter, but their niece. They give her the only thing her real parents left for her. After receiving it, she goes into an elevator and drops it near a foreigner. He then tells her that the item her parents left her allows her to rule the world. The foreigner's partner then snatches the item and leaves. (manga traders)

Bambi And Her Pink Gun

The word is out on the streets: a reward of five million dollars to the opportunist that wastes the courier calling herself Bambi and returns her living cargo. Chainsaw swinging psychos, gold-toothed Elvises, Derringer-packing grannies and all the other scum in these badlands could care less whether Bambi is kidnapping this toddler she christened 'Pampi' or if she's snatching him back from his captors. With a pink gun in one hand, and a leashed Pampi in the other, can antihero Bambi's huge ego and formidable gun skills hold off an army?

The Colonists

The Colonists summary: The Colonists summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Colonists. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Trace Memory

Trace Memory summary: Trace Memory summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Trace Memory. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Talent For Murder

A Talent For Murder summary: A Talent For Murder summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of A Talent For Murder. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Amazing Argentine

The Amazing Argentine summary: The Amazing Argentine summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Amazing Argentine. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
























简介 西游四子变成女生转世下凡当偶像?这娇俏的身材、性感的红唇、婀娜的舞姿,难道不正是收集信仰之力的有力武器嘛?!笑看师徒四人“佛性扭曲、道德沦丧”,男变女身偶像出道!








内容简介:简介:新文《太美了惹人爱【快穿】》欢迎收藏!本文正文已完结!苏爽甜文,炮灰逆袭之旅!综合各种梗和脑洞!某一日,季骁尧洗澡捡了个肥皂就穿越了!初次穿越,季骁尧成为一个柔弱少年遇见了七爷, 那个生人勿近的禁欲系大佬却对他情有独钟。又一日,正在泡温泉的季骁尧又穿越了!第二次穿越,他成为一个亡国王子,捡了一颗蛋养出一只丑萌,这货一进化变龙二进化变人!还特么越看越眼熟……后来季骁尧知道自己被某系统盯上了,一次次穿越时空。穿成凤凰男,贪官,小混混,鼠妖,尸体,特秘密行动部,小人鱼……季骁尧觉得自己还能抢救一下:“系统,下个世界能不能正常点?”系统:“正不正常您都过来了,再说您的金大腿老攻一直都在。”————1、主受,1V1,攻是同一个!戏精多变重生受,专情醋缸金大腿攻。2、一口“苏”,“甜”而不腻,清“爽”可人。3、文案不是骗人的,但是文风控制不住啊!4、感觉不错帮忙推荐哦!么么哒!感谢麻鸽大大画的封面(骁尧哥哥和黑莲花攻)1w0-60122 >>


内容简介:潘敬幼时父母双亡,急于求生的少女被糟了心的星探挖走,遭受了难以磨灭的痛xA她不愿泯灭于灰尘,汲汲营营,一心往上爬xA她自私,她一心为己,她抓住一切机会,对其他漠不关心xA终于站在了被仰 望的高度,却发现xA毫无意义xAxA后来,她重活一次xA这一次,她活的不一样xA她是不幸的xA可她不愿再让任何人不幸xAxA根据前世记忆,潘敬能买彩票、买房、买股票xA她可以当上富二代的亲妈xA还可以演注定爆红的戏份xA上天给了她机会走“EASY”模式的路xA但她偏不xA这份运气,她想分一分、匀一匀xA和那些绝望的、被抛弃的、被糟践的人一起xA过一过普通人的好日子xAxA女主人间菩萨xAxAxAxA下一本预收《天下刀俎》求收藏(鞠躬)xAxA长公主以为自己一手好牌,马上就天下之尊xAxA她的皇帝亲哥就快死了xAxA安插在大将军身边的刺客随时可以行动xAxA太子是个傻子,太子妃精明、但娘家势弱xAxA怎么看都是一局必胜好棋,让太子侄子当个傀儡皇帝,自己垂帘听政xAxA天下马上握于掌中xAxA只是,当万民成了一个个活生生的人xAxA长公主才明白,生杀大权不是那么好拿的xAxA慈不掌兵,善不握权xAxA对长公主而言xAxA这天下就是刀俎xAxA她愿为鱼肉1w0-30021 >>


内容简介:“叮咚!恭喜你获得诸天异类无限进化系统,系统将带你走向异类巅峰……”一道机械的声音响起,姜恒欣喜若狂……很快,姜恒反应过来,瞬间懵逼了异类是什么鬼?“叮叮叮……系统判断失误,宿主为人身 ,非异类,不符合系统使用条件……系统将进入待机状态,关闭绝大部分功能。”姜恒:“……”…………(可能穿越的世界洪荒,吞噬星空,莽荒纪,盘龙,大主宰,遮天,完美,阳神,西游,斗破苍穹,仙剑,白蛇传1w0-74688 >>


内容简介:聋哑儿童学校校长,将这平淡的一生献给学校,献于学生,偶有逗鸟钓鱼下棋解闷,性子淡漠,谁承想闯入活力四射的萝莉少女,在他面前丑态百出,惹他心烦恼怒,让他展开欢笑。萝莉少女驾到,任凭你岿然 不动,也要百般计谋,让你束手就擒。当老干部校长遇到活力少女护士小姐姐,老干部的生活到此结束。许久后的某一天,聋哑学院传来:“温校长夜夜笙箫,从此学校的早会改成晚会。孩子们的贴心罗护士呀,要改口啦!”初次见面,我于你是素昧生平的好感;初次见面,你于我是四月天的人间欢喜。1w0-98466 >>


内容简介:大三岁,追妻火葬场。男主很普通,上学有些混,辍学。后来做了消防员。又和女主有了交集。很虐。故事里发生的时间,大概60天。会给个很好的结局,不放弃。又名《我珍贵的》这是一个很长很老的故事 。周一至周五日更,周末休。1w0-28807 >>



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