Leiwen and his sister Lisa live with each other. On one Christmas eve, Leiwen finds an unconscious young man called Lian, and is embroiled in a series of events to follow...
As if having giant monsters and robots threatening to destroy it wasn't bad enough, Japan now faces another crisis: demons. Kijimutan tells the story of Yuna, a young samurai woman seeking to feed her own ambitions as well as to fulfill her own sense of self. As Yuna and her faithful friend, Musashi, go on their journey, they come face to face with the Shouki, the evil spirits seeking to destroy the very hearts of the people. Faced with the possibility that there might be an enemy within every person they encounter, the two warriors will have to struggle in order to succeed. The Shouki may be a great threat, but the greatest peril to their quest might lie within the heart of Yuna herself�
Wony, a wolf, is just a regular Korean guy in his twenties. He’s got a less-than-average TOEFL score and has finished his two years of mandatory military service, but he has no luck with women and doesn’t like the way society works, though he isn’t able to change it. Nevertheless, he and his friend Gom (Bear) always find ways to poke fun at the world. Original webtoon / English Version by Naver
Arimasa was a half-demon priest who cared nothing of what others thought of him. That was, until one fateful night, while on a mission to exorcise a gang of demons, he encounters Kagetsu, a clumsy cat demon who will eventually change his world, and more importantly, his views of it.
The Third Miss Symons summary: The Third Miss Symons summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Third Miss Symons. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants summary: The Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Girl In The Water summary: Girl In The Water summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Girl In The Water. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Of Love And Evil summary: Of Love And Evil summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Of Love And Evil. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
内容简介: 神秘玉塔,镇杀强者。 乌金牢狱,紫金链锁着一具具强者的尸骨…… 一个从玄气枯竭时代,穿越回黄金时代的小小玄士,得到神秘玉塔,他的人生轨迹,将注定不平凡。 --- 玄徒开辟星 海、玄士内气外放,玄师凝物化形,玄宗大势养成;玄君见微知著;玄王沟通天地;玄皇号令玄极、玄尊天地洪炉、玄圣星辰幻灭、玄帝演化宇宙。 ------ 新书《心界之主》已发,兄弟们给个收藏~1w0-2688 >>
内容简介:如果有人在沈砚18岁以前问他,你对古代人有什么看法?沈砚会表示,他没有看法。如果有人在沈砚18岁以前问他,你对古代的鬼有什么看法?沈砚会表示,他很有看法!当未来伴侣是一只来自古代的鬼时 ,请做好以下几点,不要随随便便的看鬼片,不然他会以为你在那个四四方方的电视盒子里,养了除他意外的鬼!也不要随随便便裹着浴巾就出来,不然他会以为你这是你对他发出的邀请,也不要试图和一只鬼讲道理,不然你会被做的很惨!以上来自沈砚分享的经验!2017年2月10日性受,偏执霸道温柔攻。小攻是鬼。此文,现代文,但是因为要写到鬼界的一些情节,所以标了个异世。另外,不是鬼故事的鬼故事,就当是一篇生孩子养孩子的日常,嗯温馨不温馨不一定了。1w0-3662 >>
内容简介:随母改嫁后,我成了京城白富美简介:主角:宋云荞萧靖远人渣爹高中探花,迎娶公主;苦命娘千里寻夫,魂断京都好好的嫡女变庶女,最后还被长公主后娘送去冲喜云荞一不做、二不休,亲手送走了有出气没 进气的相公,一伸脖子,投缳自尽了谁知一睁眼…前世的相公竟成了今生的继兄?云荞唯有小心翼翼巴结着,谁叫她前世欠他一条命呢?萧世子:这个妹妹…看上去有些眼熟?云荞:……没有!不存在的……PS女主并没有真的杀死男主,是误会提供随母改嫁后,我成了京城白富美最新章节,随母改嫁后,我成了京城白富美全文免费阅读,随母改嫁后,我成了京城白富美无弹窗广告清爽在线阅读体验!提供随母改嫁后,我成了京城白富美全文免费阅读,如果您喜欢宋云荞萧靖远创作的随母改嫁后,我成了京城白富美,请分享给您的好友一起在线无弹窗免费阅读。随母改嫁后,我成了京城白富美最新章节阅读地址是com27276011w0-83866 >>
内容简介:人道仙界万年平和,我自凡界惴惴而来,见着的却是平和之下浮动的暗涌,绕不得,躲不过。不幸当了回炮灰,自叹遇人不淑,罢了。凄楚拜了个凉薄师傅,体谅重色轻徒乃仙之常情,认了。只是有一句话,憋 得难受,当讲不当讲我都得说道一回。“唔,师尊,其实我觊觎你很久了。”群号:303564659已出版《骨债》1w0-83772 >>