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Soukai No Eve

It was supposed to be just a regular daily bus drive to their high school for Watanabe Sheena and her friend Yuki, but when the bus enters a thick fog, the unexpected happens and the bus gets transported to another world that seems prehistoric. With the bus driver gone, the only other passengers on the bus in this mysterious world are all high school girls: Izumi, Ayu, Kyoka, Anna and Jessica. With no cell phone or internet signal, they are completely cutoff from their world. To make things worse, they see hundreds of glowing eyes of predators at night waiting for the girls to make a mistake. How will seven high school girls survive in this treacherous place and get back safely to the real world.


Lidia is a young empress with a pendant that has a counterpart out there somewhere, which is carried by a young thief tamed Keitsu who runs with wolves. The thief and the empress become friends fairly quickly as they figure out the significance of their respective pendants, but they don't realize that the entire world is about the be changed by them!

Dokushinryou Kuushitsu Ari!

After an embarassing encouter, Kouji is surprised to learn that two women have moved into the male populated bachelor dormitory where he lives. Now he must attempt to adjust his life and studies to handle the distraction caused by the new tenants. From the author of Love Comedy Style.


Handsome, tall, and charming bachelor Fin Deitory that every woman wanted just made the most regretfully and stupidest mistake of his life. It also changed his whole career which he imagined to be an awesome agent in the SDF, abbreviated for Special Dispatch Force. On the day he was supposed to be starting his job though, he enters the wrong room mistaking the plate name sign to be 'SDF: Special Dispatch Force' but instead, it was 'SDF: Special Doll Force'. He learns that the group was a secret to the real SDF and was only consists of doll collectors. But the handsome people trap him there because he was also handsome making him also a doll collector. Being a little bit conceited and such, Fin can't think of himself as a doll collector but he later realizes the importance of it..... From Baka-Updates: Fen has just been assigned a position in the Special Dispatch Force (a.k.a. the 'SDF') protecting the King of Vera Morgan. When he arrives at the office for the SDF he discovers he's been accidentally enrolled in the Special Doll Force instead! Fen discovers to his dismay that his new job is to search out and retrieve 'bran dolls' with the help of four strange but beautiful men - who have more than just the job on their minds!

Fugitives And Refugees

Fugitives And Refugees summary: Fugitives And Refugees summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Fugitives And Refugees. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Yesterday summary: Relying on my outstanding looks and celebrated family’s social standing, I engage in intriguing battles in the financial markets. Carefree and mischievously, stirred up some trouble.
Rong family’s guileless and sincere eldest son, Rong YuJiang ignited in me n.o.ble aspirations like never before.
I do all I can, using all my wiles, throwing myself behind him in the Rong family struggle for inheritance. Was it my compa.s.sion for the weak? Was it my delight in an amusing situation?
Or was it due to another reason for which I am unwilling to admit, that I have already fallen in love with him&h.e.l.lip;

Discovering my Disciple Wants to Eat Me After Raising Him The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side

Discovering my Disciple Wants to Eat Me After Raising Him The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side summary: The number one pill concocter of the immortal world, Mu Chen, had always believed that it was because he had wholeheartedly concocted pills that had lead to him failing to pay sufficient attention to his disciple, causing him to become seduced by devil cultivation and going astray, later making the three realms to fall to disaster. After rebirthing, Mu Chen decided he must properly teach his disciple, give him the very best resources, earnestly love him, carry him close to his body, and don’t let him grow crooked. Sure enough, his disciple became more and more “intimate”, every day must crawl into his bed to rub his chest and hug his thigh. Only his expression isn’t exactly quite right……

Doctor Who_ The Death of Art

Doctor Who_ The Death of Art summary: Doctor Who_ The Death of Art summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Doctor Who_ The Death of Art. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.






简介《绝地天通》系列之《绝地天通 灰》:本篇讲述了拥有等价交换一切异能的少年“灰神”与他外表迷糊实际能干的的女助理,一起解决众多事件的故事(每周三、周五更新)另,《绝地天通》漫画宇宙其它联动漫画——黄/黑/初/狐,剧情相对独立,偶有关联,无观看顺序,任意食用!欢迎加入官方交流QQ群:563351294






简介为了寻找多年不见的爸爸,小冈决定成为父亲一般优秀的猎人。为了达成心愿,他开始踏上崎旅程,接受重重测试。《幽游白书》作者最新力作。 众准备猎人进入第二次测试,郤遇上美食猎人美滋,并且他们以“烹饪”作为第二次测试的题目。可是由于美滋的求太高,以致连一个合格的人也没有……????? 小小冈等人与超长期因犯进行五局三胜制的决斗。正当两胜两负关键时刻,基路亚出战,敌方迎战的竟是肢解杀人狂


















简介“您收到了主线任务。” 长着角的妖怪,熟悉的人物登场…… 太扯了...这是我所读过的小说剧情!


内容简介:洛星宇原煜这么漂亮居然是Alpha!洛星宇原煜这么漂亮居然是Alpha!小说阅读其他类型类型小说洛星宇原煜这么漂亮居然是Alpha!由作家洛星宇原煜创作【全文完结撒花欢迎给个五星好评! !下本《非典型叛逆》打滚求收藏!文案在最下】欢乐沙雕受(洛星宇)x心机美人攻(原煜)洛星宇见到原煜的第一眼,就对他一见钟情了。一次意外,他看到原煜躲在厕所角落,往腺体上扎针,零生理常识的他以为那是抑制剂:“你是omega?”原煜:“……嗯。”洛星宇当场表白,开始了漫漫追妻(?)旅。作为一只强壮的beta,他开启护妻模式,横扫一切障碍,做原煜身后的巨人!某一天,他突小兵提供洛星宇原煜这么漂亮居然是Alpha!最新章节洛星宇原煜这么漂亮居然是Alpha!最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-69361 >>


内容简介:开天辟地古往今来哪只凤凰比她更倒霉?开场便是凤落天海被鸡欺,幸而遇见雅量高致俯瞰众生的凤王,进入神界过上饭来张口衣来伸手的好日子,之后无意中救下落难的仙界太子关河月微,更因祸得福吃了凤 神内丹,化为人形,以为否极泰来,与凤王情愫渐生,谁料变数突生。杀神转世的虚天魔帝,上古神威,睥睨六界,无人能制,天界流传着一个重新封印他的预言……在亲眼目睹朝华君与旧情人重逢时,小凰田真赌气外出,正巧遇上睥睨六界无人能制的魔帝,是该“弃明投暗”,还是“忠贞不屈”?三界的命运,竟因她这只小凰而颠覆,冥冥之中,似有一段天意……1w0-83937 >>


内容简介:此为《SCI谜案集第三部》章节列表页该小说章节完整更新及时。《SCI谜案集第三部》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的,本站提供SCI谜案集第三部最新清爽干净的文字章节在线阅 读。1w0-70851 >>


内容简介:人人为她狂简介:极致的美貌给前世的阮橘带来的不是成功与幸福,而是掠夺与霸占。因此,当她重回十六岁,便只想要完成登顶影坛的梦想。十六岁的她,天姿绝色,有见之者,众生皆狂。注谢绝KY及人身 。——————————————《人人为她狂》是哀蓝精心创作的青春都市小说,小兵实时更新人人为她狂最新章节无弹窗广告版,书友所发表的人人为她狂评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持人人为她狂读者的观点。关键词:人人为她狂最新章节哀蓝人人为她狂无弹窗人人为她狂全文阅读1w0-87045 >>


内容简介:妖龙古帝苏寒,曾经执掌圣域,镇压一世,为银河星系之巅!却因融合各大修为层次,走火入魔,形神俱灭。手下叛变,挚爱沉睡,好友被追杀!重活一世,定当卷土重来,逆转乾坤,杀尽一切叛变之人!【妖 龙古帝】书友群1群:663538422,喜欢聊天的朋友可以加一下。1w369-26979 >>


内容简介:《塑明小说》简介:百户府里发生的动静,早已惊动了四周,只是这时候陈升已自带着马队,手执火把绕城而走,口中更是高呼着,“我等乃是朝廷经制官兵,奉命镇压叛贼逆党,尔等良民,谨守家中,勿要出 门上街,若有趁乱侵犯民宅者,皆以逆贼党羽论处,杀无赦!”如是这般高呼,马队绕着整个寨子里的土路跑了一圈,重复高喊了十数遍,路上倒也遇到些胆子大的泼皮无赖见百户府大乱,想要出来趁火打劫,只是没成想遇到陈升他们这帮杀星,就是想跑都来不及,毕竟两条腿哪里跑得过四条腿,好几人当场就被追上刺死(朔明)。反正这个时候有胆子出门上街的,不是百户府的人,便是些心怀不轨的匪类,陈升他们动起手来毫不手软,这般杀人立威后,陈升他们方才策马往百户府而去(朔明)。。1w887-81931 >>

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