The manga begins as Kanae Sekiguchi, proprietor of the Tsuki no Yu bathhouse, struggles to reopen her business after the unexplained disappearance of her husband...
Roa Coatl is on a mission. He must find the descendant of Quetzalcoatl to make her his wife and continue his great race of dragons. However, with no knowledge about love and having no interest in women, will he be able to accomplish his task in human world?
Released in 1983 by Shueisha, this volume brings together two special one-shots of Masami Kurumada published in previous years. The manga also includes six chapters of Sukeban Arashi, which had not been added to the previously released two volumes of this series.
The Future / / Don't open Pandora's box. Estranged daughter Som discovers a mysterious box in her mother's closet after she falls ill and is hospitalized. Upon accidentally opening the box, Som meets a strange woman who introduces herself as a grim reaper. Just who is this mysterious woman and what is her connection to Som's mother?
Pliny's Epistles In Ten Books summary: Pliny's Epistles In Ten Books summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Pliny's Epistles In Ten Books. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Star Trek - War Drums summary: Star Trek - War Drums summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Star Trek - War Drums. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Doc Savage - The Stone Man summary: Doc Savage - The Stone Man summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Doc Savage - The Stone Man. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Maou-sama no Machizukuri! ~Saikyou no Danjon wa Kindai Toshi~ summary:
The one who creates and controls devils and demons, the one who builds and reigns over a dungeon of malice, an existence that was chosen to have an overwhelming unique skill— that is a Demon King.
The Demon King invites people into the dungeon that it created and, uses the despair it receives as nourishment.
But, Demon King of Creation Procell chose to use hope instead of despair as his nourishment, not a dungeon of malice but a dungeon of happiness, a town was built and lots of humans gathered.
However, the town he made is too attractive, and it will be marked down by other Demon Kings and also humans.
Without any other choice, he decided to use his unique skill and knowledge to form the strongest ultra-powerful demon corps, make an underground dungeon and set dangerous traps, and on top of that, make a wealthy city. Demon King Procell reigned showing kindness to those who supports him while being ruthless to whoever opposes him.
This story is about the two-faced eccentric Demon King.
内容简介:上辈子,卫三小姐守了大半辈子活寡直到她死的时候丈夫心心念念的还是侧室和庶子。重活一世,怎么惩治那负心汉?要在仕途上压倒他,名声上胜过他,权势上超过他。再顺带把他用来糊口的玉雕生意收为已 有。可要达成所想,需要找个神一样的帮手。卫三小姐相中了自己那庶出的二哥……伪兄妹恋,青梅竹马养成系。不喜绕路哇。作者琉璃心,虽然比玻璃结实点,可也不禁摔。四本百万完结文,坑品佳,从无断更1w0-98368 >>
内容简介:原名:第一甜妻:霍先生,撩错了!。 【一不小心撩到了传说中的大佬,在线求怎么办】被渣男和姐姐背叛后,姜倾心发誓要成为这对渣男贱女的小舅妈!为此,她盯上了前男友的小舅舅。万万没想到小舅舅 年轻帅气还多金,从此以后她化身为甜妻撩撩撩。虽然男人每天爱搭不理,但她只想坐稳小舅妈1w3579-2928 >>
内容简介:“师父,我们能不能不要飞升?” “不行,灵气即将枯竭,天地桥是最后的机会。” “可是灵气终会复苏,我们为什么不能等到那一天?” “因为末法时代,我们很快会老,很快会死,没有人可以熬到灵 气复苏的那一天。” “如果有人真的可以等到那一天呢?” “...那他,将成为新纪元的神!”1w0-3776 >>
内容简介:苏晴因吐槽太狠自己追的一本年代文小说,然而一觉醒来,她竟然就成了作到死的同名女配苏晴?还是在女配苏晴跟男配卫世国假戏真做成为真夫妻的第二天?!苏晴望天:他上辈子那么惨,这辈子让他幸福点 ,要不凑合跟他好好过得了?卫世国忍着心悸,面上一派无动于衷,内心:遭了遭了,要沦陷在这女人温柔乡里了怎么办?清醒清醒,她是知青她以后要回城走的!1w0-3947 >>