The story is about an ordinary (and rather unpopular) girl named Ageha who is constantly overshadowed by her popular and beautiful twin sister, Hana. Because Ageha grew up in the countryside with their grandmother while Hana was raised by their parents, the two girls ended up with drastically different personalities. For the most part, Ageha remains a silent and hidden student in the school, with only one friend (who isn't all that nice either). In fact, nobody even really knows that she is Hana's twin sister, because despite looking alike, there is still a large gap between the levels of their beauty and popularity. When Hana finds out that Ageha has a crush on a cute boy named Ryuusei (who is actually Ageha's childhood friend from the countryside), Hana becomes curious about their relationship. However, after hearing that Ryuusei hates people like Hana, Hana becomes irritated and using her charming personality, actually manages to snag Ryuusei as her boyfriend! Ageha is left with no one, but thanks to the strange (and attractive) new school counselor, and some unexpected allies, Ageha decides to do her best and take Ryuusei back.
While celebrating an upcoming promotion, Ikeda Mitsuko gets drunk with one of her coworkers. The next day she wakes up and finds out she entered a contract with the global wife allocation bureau. This is her story.
For Yui, she has no 'freedom' whatsoever. Every single day, she's always been ordered around by her childhood friend, Aya, and her little sister, Chika, and she can't help but to obey them. Though, one day, she receives a love letter from a classmate! For some reason...Aya seems very annoyed by this.
Following the Tuatha de Danaan's seajacking incident, things are back to normal at Jindai High School in Tokyo, or as normal as they get with Sousuke guarding Kaname. After finding out who betrayed Mithril and caused the seajacking incident, Kurz and Mao are sent on a top secret mission in order to capture and bring the traitor back. However, Sousuke and Kaname's lives are about to change when they meet Leonard Testarossa, a high ranking member of a mysterious group named Amalgam. After their meeting, Leonard warns her that he would do anything to recruit her even if it means war in the streets of Tokyo.
Loving Jay summary: Loving Jay summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Loving Jay. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Raising Jake summary: Raising Jake summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Raising Jake. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
I Wanna Stuck With You summary: HE always wants to wins over her but he knows deep in his heart that She 's one for him always.
The Iron Boys as Foremen summary: The Iron Boys as Foremen summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Iron Boys as Foremen. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
慵懒美人x忠犬病娇x双向救赎 素来浪荡不羁的安子清,游走在花丛中片叶不沾身,他渴望疯狂而独一无二的爱情,由此填补他空洞的内心,某一天,传说中的名画家之子禹臻找上门来,邀请他成为新作模特,这位外表阴郁而怯懦的青年,对他一见钟情,潜藏在忠犬外表下的偏执慢慢显现…
内容简介:他是她暗恋多年的男神,于是婚后开启了一段“含蓄”的追夫之路。屡战屡败,屡败屡战之后,她终于明白她捂不热这块又臭又硬的石头。向来对他言听计从的她,某天终于提出:“我要和你离婚。”1w17 332-92627 >>
内容简介:《激情调教女仆培训学校》小说简介:激情调教女仆培训学校是原作者水蜜桃精心创作的大作,小兵同步更新激情调教女仆培训学校最新章节,书友所发表的激情调教女仆培训学校评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者 支持激情调教女仆培训学校书友的观点。水蜜桃的其他作品:上网玩了一骚货lt短篇gt高H!、【繁】上网玩了一骚货、【繁体版】我是学校最淫荡的系花!2(高H!)、容易犯骚lt高Hgt、水蜜桃(纯H短篇集)、短篇合集、我是学校最淫荡的系花!2高h、淫荡学园女仆培训学校繁体版、激情调教女仆培训学校(高h)、我是学校最淫荡的系花!(高H!)关键词:激情调教女仆培训学校最新章节、激情调教女仆培训学校无弹窗、激情调教女仆培训学校txt下载、摊牌了,这是皇帝聊天群您要是觉得《激情调教女仆培训学校》还不错,请点击顶部分享按钮分享到你的朋友圈来支持水蜜桃吧!1w0-107659 >>
内容简介: 拥有一个能自动变强的宗门,会是什么样的体验?宁远穿越异世界,成为了天机阁最后一名掌教,门下无人,传承无路,极其破败。正当宁远准备放弃,提桶跑路时,宗门急了。“您的山门察觉到掌教非常 嫌弃它,十分内疚,主动修习守山结界‘无敌领域’!”“您的仙兵塔看见掌教并无神兵可用,决心要打造十件绝巅宝物,供给掌教任意使用!”“您的藏经阁不甘落后,主动献上‘六道宝经’,‘金龙驭气术’,‘人道至尊体’图腾!”“您的驭兽林感知到有洪荒神兽出世,灵机一动,准备悄悄诱骗回宗!”“您的天机榜发现宗门毫无威信可言,当即出道,制定天骄榜,宝器榜,仙药榜,大帝榜,妖魔榜……以扬天机阁威望,震惊八荒!”……很多年后,武荒世界上出现了一座至高殿堂,执掌天机,镇压亘古,受万人敬仰。宁远表示,自己真的没努力,奈何宗门太争气啊!1w0-769 >>
内容简介:当最初的火焰在忍界燃起,彼时的忍者们根本想象不到,日后的忍界究竟会发生怎样翻天覆地的变化!煌煌雷霆,阳光之枪,将须佐能乎死死钉入地面……大剑、盾反、战技,漫天苦无莫能近身……暗之刃模糊 了光影,恶魔温床孕育出的熔岩使大地化作焦土…………那一日,九勾玉轮回眼的眸光里映照出了无限月读,神树再一次降临忍界,而在神树之巅,一道身影正屹然而立。“从此刻开始,让世界感受火焰的力量吧……”1w0-89112 >>
内容简介:【追妻火葬场】【甜宠轻轻虐放心入】一场阴谋,云紫菀被迫送去令人闻风丧胆的“褚阎王”身边。过了一段如履薄冰的日子后,云紫菀递上一纸离婚协议,“褚爷,咱好聚好散。”褚阎冷笑一声,随手将离婚 协议扔进碎纸机,轻蔑道:“我们之间,轮不到你做主。”后来,追求云紫菀的各界精英大佬从双庆市排队排到了法国。褚爷急了,再也无法稳如泰山,又急又怒道:“爷亲自去把闯祸的小野猫抓回来!”1w68536-68621 >>