Toki No Shoushitsu Ukeoinin Read Online


Okurete Kita Renjou

Tomoki is a playboy who thinks only about sex. But Kazuyuki, who's supposed to be his sex partner, confesses his love to Tomoki. Even though he thinks of this as a bother, it starts to develop into a love game! It's a bittersweet love story.

The Evergreen Tree

Bamboo Garden The scent of the evergreen tree was what started everything. Why does she carry a parasol she won't even use, why is he cheered up by the nonsensical things that she says and does? Nothing is answered as she smells the evergreen tree again on her way home. Adapted From Devil's Bride


Taken from In The Water : Reality isn't a shoujo manga, and Miku Ikenouchi's friends know that perfectly well. But then again, they are not Miku-chan. The reason for this is that Miku-chan has a boyfriend, a third year, and is content with what she has. But then a chain of events occur which leaves Miku-chan with a rival (for cuteness), her father quitting his job... and a new roommate ?

Toki No Shoushitsu Ukeoinin

The office of the Time Eliminator offers a unique service, the ability to eliminate an event that happened in the past. Rex, the man with the power to travel through time, may look young, but he's a professional. He goes back in time well-prepared, with various gadgets and even an earpiece for communication with his support in the present. While Rex typically takes on cases for profit, he's also particularly looking for ones that might give him a chance to obtain a magical 'Babylon Item'. The first case of the series is from the last remaining descendant of Fred Abberline, who was one of the detectives who failed to solve the notorious Jack the Ripper murders. Ever since then, the Abberline family has been cursed. Could the curse be the sign of someone in the past using a Babylon Item?! It's up to Rex to go back in time to the Jack the Ripper incidents and find a way to remove the curse from the Abberline family!

The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time summary: Summary 1 Xu Zhen picked up a little beggar. Xu Zhen treated and loved the little beggar in every possible way. However, during a certain day, the system pointed out to her, this little beggar was a big villain, and Xu Zhen this small cannon fodder would sooner or later die due to the big villain. Xu Zhen cried. She quickly retreated 3 feet away from the little beggar, kneeled down and kowtow, “I’m wrong already, I won’t dare to ever make you recognize words and do homework, please spare me and let me return to the countryside to live my life.” With a cold expression, the little beggar calmly told her, “Begging for forgiveness now? Too late already.” Summary 2 Xun Qianchun was born from a general family, but just because her mother was huji (huji is used to refer to northen or western females in ancient time), it caused her entire family to be crowned with the criminal charge of having secret ties with the enemy country. Under the emperor’s order, Xun Qianchun’s entire family, from the old to the young, were all brought to the gallows. Only her, feeling indignant in her heart, she drifted and lived on without a purpose. That year when she was 14 years old, when she fled to the front of Jiangling’s bookstore, a pair of delicate and fair hands held her up. From then on, her drifting and miserable life had a fixed residence. There was another person’s name in her heart that was filled with cold frost. Unfortunately, recently, this person seems to not really like being intimate with her anymore. She was extremely bewildered and did not understand why. Could it be that I have done something wrong? Summary 3 Everyone knows that Zhenbei King, Xun Qianchun, was decisive when killing, and had a fearful appearance. Although Xun Qianchun was also a woman, she was always disagreeing with the tender and kindhearted female tutor. Xun Qianchun and the female tutor always pitted against each other. Xun Qianchun was a completely evil person. Someone was curious as to how this evil person was like in private, and thus climbed over the wall, wanting to go investigate about it. Who knew that, before he even entered the house, he saw a gorgeously dressed thing rushing head-on while happily cheering, “Madam~ You are finally back~” ……. Later on, when chatting at a wine shop, someone asked him, “The person who rushed over was Zhenbei King’s pampered male?” That person trembled and said, “No, it was that person whose temper was good, kindhearted, dignified and sweet-tempered, once saved tens of common people……” “Just who is it?” “Female tutor, Xu Zhen.”

The Chestermarke Instinct

The Chestermarke Instinct summary: The Chestermarke Instinct summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Chestermarke Instinct. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Books Fatal to Their Authors

Books Fatal to Their Authors summary: Books Fatal to Their Authors summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Books Fatal to Their Authors. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Colouring The Captains

Colouring The Captains summary: Colouring The Captains summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Colouring The Captains. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.




















简介陈蓉从小以女侠自居,中性的打扮与开朗幽默、古灵精怪的个性极易让她与其他人打成一片,但是在恋爱上就会是个问题,好在爱情目前还不是她主要人生的课题:她要成为一名整型医生!心有“大愿”的她总是能在思想走神之际疏离爱情课题,直到她遇到了宿命冤家——整形界的新晋男神王志仁。【QQ粉丝群号:397519167】【QQ粉丝群号:397519167】欢迎读者大大们~,求收藏、月票、打赏、五星、评论、分享~ ,收藏之后更方便亲们阅读哦,画画很辛苦,您的支持就是我们最大的创作动力~










类别萝莉 悬疑 恐怖 热血 冒险 少年


内容简介:圣王大陆,崇尚英雄,唾弃邪魔!苏玄穿越而来,惨遭同门陷害偷看师姐,被视为邪魔外道。世人正邪不分,公道不在,苏玄怒而拔剑,不论正邪,只求一生快意!古老东荒,他斗万宗,战正道,一世狂邪。诡 秘南陵,他寻身世,转轮回,狂意无边。无尽仙域,他争天道,占神座,古今至狂。千年又千年,苏玄暮然回首,世间仙神已然渺小,万古大道踩在脚下。他是苏玄,万古第一狂神!1w1334-1390 >>




内容简介:  【正文已完结~番外中】一屋两人三餐四季小甜饼【1】娱乐圈著名花瓶相宜,被全网黑之后,突然宣布:自个儿要回家种田了。众黑粉:嘻嘻,活该。翌日,星辰APP开始直播相宜的田园生活。咦,顶 尖律师为什么来吃饭了?咦,医学博士为什么来养鸡了?咦,知名设计师为什么来染布了?咦,电竞大神为什么来装秋千了?什么?你是她哥?你也是她哥?你还是她哥??!万众瞩目中,大满贯影帝时绥空降节目现场,众黑粉弱弱在公屏打字:你…你也是她哥哥吗?时影帝从容不迫捏了把相宜小脸蛋,淡定道:我是她老公。众黑粉:笑不出来.jpg【2】惊!影帝时绥换小助理了!还要和对方一起拍种田综艺?!女友粉妈妈粉事业粉捶胸顿足:娇娇弱弱一花瓶,到底谁照顾谁?!肯定是想炒CP的心机女!直播第二天,粉丝们看着素颜绝美的少女,从锅里淡定捞出一盆热气腾腾的麻辣小龙虾,一个个眼泪不争气地从嘴角流了出来,骂骂咧咧点起了外卖。直播第十天,粉丝们边往嘴里塞饭边控诉:能不能炒炒CP别炒菜啦!胖五斤了都!小花瓶求求你和我们哥哥/儿子/崽崽锁死一辈子吧!【//星河滚烫,不如来碗麻辣烫】【//掉马甲+甜宠撩+美食+治愈+日常】1w0-1866 >>


内容简介:晏清是武安国最年轻的将军,接手北疆残军,扭转乾坤,逐雪原十二部千里之外再不敢来犯,降西南羌国俯首称臣,威慑西戎、东南大梁、灵溪等国,使武安万国来朝。她班师回京,却只换来一纸叛国谋逆的罪 状,最后却落得个冷宫惨死的下场。再睁眼,晏清却回到了父兄灵堂之前。愚蠢亲戚吃里爬外,笑面渣男故技重施,晏清冷笑,立马横枪:“不用急,1w0-91817 >>


内容简介:  【已完结,新文《萌妻总是在打脸》】炮灰女配简一凌摇身一变成了隐藏大佬,不仅对男主没了兴趣,还随时能牛叉闪闪地闪瞎众人的眼。  原本厌恶简一凌的简家哥哥们更是轮流上演着护犊子大戏:   “我家小妹胆子小,你们可别吓着她了。”  “我家小妹没出过远门,你们可别坑她。”  “我家小妹身体不好,你们别欺负她。”  众人欲哭无泪,你们确定你们家的那个大佬软萌可欺吗?  还欺负她,谁敢啊!  众人以为简家哥哥已经够过分的了,结果还有一个更过分的:  晟爷:“我家一凌很娇气,受不得气,你们给爷气病了,爷就剁了你们给她炖补汤。”  众人:晟爷你的眼睛有问题!建议看眼科!  1w0-3786 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:师尊太坑,只好飞升】二十四万年前,人族式微,只能沦为万族的饵食。人皇流觞崛起,带人族走出雾霾。十九万年前,人族成为时代的主角,人皇流觞建立地上仙朝。十五万年前 ,天帝风后建立天宫,立天地人三界。十二万年前,天帝欲炼化天地众生走向更高,人皇流觞与各族强者阻止,史称化生之战。大战最后,所有道主消失,世界也走向破碎,分成了九个大世界与无数的小世界。现在,新道的开创者,佛门的佛尊,一切的一切,貌似从来都没有逃过那场化生之战。众妙之门降临,天帝的算计还在继续。以上你们就当真吧。简介无力,请以正文为主。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-78770 >>

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