In the year 2003, a titanic collision between an immense ice asteroid and the planet Venus transforms Earth's closest neighbor into a habitable world. Eighty years later, two colonial powers, Ishtar and Aphrodia, glare at each other across a contested frontier. The militaristic Ishtar, hungry for Aphrodia's rich resources, has developed a supertank known as the Octopus to spearhead its assault force. Unable to face Ishtar's industrial might head on, Aphrodia counters with the Hound--a high-performance antitank battle cycle designed to outmaneuver the massive tanks and strike their weak points. The war won't wait and the fate of all Aphrodia is in the hands of Ken Falkirk, a suicidal motorcycle daredevil!
Wajima Takeru loves dogs and when he goes to the pound to pick up a new dog, he catches the eye of one particular dog that, according to the workers, doesn’t interact or play. It turns out that the most famous detective in history, Sherlock Holmes, has been reincarnated as this dog that Takeru names Sherdock (Sherlock + Dog). Only Takeru can hear his voice, but his mind is just as brilliant as ever. With the help of Takeru, who fills in the role of Watson, Sherdock uses his incredible observation and deduction skills to solve crimes around the city.
Begging for Prince Tariq Shadad ibn Zachir's mercy is the last thing Faye wants to do. She hasn't seen Tariq for a whole year...since their ill-fated wedding. But as Faye's brother remains imprisoned in her husband's country of Jumar, she learns that only Tariq has the power to grant his freedom. Faye expects her meeting with the man she married to be difficult, but Tariq's ultimatum takes her breath away: become his mistress and her brother will be released. As her decision takes her to the Middle East, her bitter feelings for Tariq begin to change, and she becomes more than just a mistress to this powerful Sheikh.
A story about a young maid who is clumsy and always manages to get herself in trouble. One day, she spills a drink over a scary-looking but incredibly handsome hotel client! He demands that she repay him...but in what form?
Elsie's children summary: Elsie's children summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Elsie's children. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Trinity: Omniverse Traveling Cat summary: When power far above you decide that they want to wrench the canon, by bringing you in the game, sometimes the wisest thing to do it just to tag along and just try to make this encounter end the most rapidly possible. who knows, maybe something great will come out of it? After all, what could be worst than being taken out without your consent out of your world, only to be thrown in the darkness...
The Brute summary: The Brute summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Brute. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
My Second Life Is An Absurdist Power Fantasy summary: 'Hey, great news, kid... you 're dead!'With these words, Jack Eames, unrepentant slacker, found himself staring down G.o.d, and was offered a choice-An eternal life of never-ending bliss and relaxation, or the ability to spend his tenure in heaven as a ridiculously overpowered hero, acting out his greatest wish fulfillment dreams from all his years of being a worthless, fantasy-obsessed...
内容简介: 吾本一介武夫,不求长生,只为活着。奈何在这世间身不由己,要死容易,想活困难。既如此,挡我活路者,杀无赦。(注:这是一本慢热的书,主角的性格会有一个从年少无知到人老姜辣的转变,喜欢快 热爽文的,恐怕不大符合大家的胃口了。只要熬过前期几十章,肯定会有惊喜。)群号:8244577541w0-811 >>
内容简介:1尽量日更2打开作者有话说配合食用更佳,wb空硬硬艾朗人如其名,爱浪,爱撩。新学期睡了一个颜好身材棒,一见他就会亮着星星眼并红了脸的乖学弟,艾朗的人生目标也从“挣大钱”变成现在的“挣了 大钱才养得起乖宝宝”。学弟疑惑地问:“……乖宝宝?”艾朗半开玩笑半认真:“我觉得,像你这样的乖宝宝就挺好的。”学弟红了耳廓,唇边若隐若现的小梨涡藏着未说完的话:像我这样,可不太好哦。甜宠指数★★★★☆Tags主受互宠年下学弟攻Gay里Gay气「一句话:一朵娇花变成一朵家花的成长史」受爱浪(理论强悍,缺乏实战)攻爱装(装乖装纯,有点偏执)★作者是文案废,请见谅★系列完结文《恶毒继妹的男神要撩我怎么破》★封面自绘想看大图的宝贝儿欢迎移步微博空硬硬■谢绝扒榜仙女们记得收藏作者专栏哦Mua1w0-96188 >>
内容简介:关于林助理有话要说:【入V公告】12月30日入V,当天会有三更,谢谢大家支持呀!【更新时间】周一到周五每天中午1200更新,周六、周日休息,《游戏大作战》广播剧在猫耳连载中,欢迎大家去 听呀!【本文文案】身为万筑集团的第一助理,林回无疑是相当优秀的——总经理信任他,员工依赖他,合作伙伴也时常对他赞赏有加。然而林回事业上如鱼得水,私下却偷偷暗恋自己上司长达数年,就在他以为生活会永远这么下去的时候,1w0-77874 >>
内容简介:宠妻入骨:总裁大人别闹了最新章节由网友提供,《宠妻入骨:总裁大人别闹了》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的都市小说,小兵免费提供宠妻入骨:总裁大人别闹了最新清爽干净的文字章 节在线阅读。1w66967-112597 >>