Koi Wa Ichiya Ni Shite Narazu Read Online


Safe As Houses

Safe As Houses manhwa, A young woman named Eun Gee awakens from a coma to discover that a zombie outbreak has taken over the island nation she calls home. As the horde closes in, she is rescued by Shuhei, a mysterious zombie slayer with a terrible secret. Eun Gee will need his help to brave the bloodthirsty mobs roaming between her and her younger siblings, who she hopes are still alive on the other side of the island.

Mukuro Chandelier

From MangaHelpers: In response to a decrease in population, human corpses have become a major resource for society's labor pool. Necromancers are needed to animate corpses for various jobs. These corpses work reliably unless they encounter human love, at which point they go berserk and attack. Zen is the necromancer of his city, and he spends his time animating corpses and dealing with the messy aftermath of those cases of 'necrophilia.' Zen has a strange assistant, who keeps his face covered and never speaks in public. This assistant is Yomai, a ghoul that Zen took under his wing. Zen allows Yomai to feed from his own flesh, but he has strictly forbidden the ghoul from revealing himself to, speaking to, or eating other humans. Yomai doesn't want to anger his benefactor, but he is not completely satisfied living under all of Zen's restrictions. There's plenty of violence, death, and surprises ahead for the necromancer and his ghoul! [tethysdust]

7Th Dragon

7th Dragon summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of 7th Dragon. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Koi Wa Ichiya Ni Shite Narazu

Igawa and Takagi work in the same company but do not get along with each other. Igawa thinks that it all started when Takagi collapsed during training retreat and Igawa insisted on carrying him to the infirmary which hurt Takagi's pride. Now, their boss has threatened them to either start getting along or else their bonuses will be withheld. How will these two ever get along?!

Types of Naval Officers

Types of Naval Officers summary: Types of Naval Officers summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Types of Naval Officers. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Woman's Place

A Woman's Place summary: A Woman's Place summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Woman's Place. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

My Wayward Ex-Wife

My Wayward Ex-Wife summary: Mu Huanqing despised two people in her life. – The first was the Emperor, who had terrible matchmaking skills; the second was the Duke of Zhen Yuan, who was forced into a marriage with her due to the imperial edict. He did not like her and had contempt for her family, the Mu family, for using this marriage to climb up the social ladder. Because of Mu Huanqing, he couldn’t marry his sweetheart and could only make her a lowly concubine. She also didn’t care for him as she was originally living a free and leisurely lifestyle. Who knew that one imperial edict would end her happy days, causing her to be forcefully married to the cold, arrogant, and unmanageable Fu Yanlin? Not long after their marriage, he made her move into a manor in the country side, letting her live on her own. However, she didn’t care for it and instead even gave birth to an obedient and outstanding daughter. But one day, the husband who abandoned her suddenly appeared at the countryside manor, destroying her peaceful days. He was still cold and arrogant, but a reserved air of authority was added to him as time pa.s.sed. She didn’t know what type of plan he had concocted If he came to bully her treasured daughter, she would definitely break all ties with him! The little daughter widened her innocent eyes, looking at the demon that no one else could see. “I’m scared!” The demon gently pinched the little girl’s beautiful face: “Don’t be scared. The person your dad wants to bully isn’t you, but your mom.”


Raftmates summary: Raftmates summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Raftmates. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


























简介未完成的心灵致动漫画 ,国家指定笨蛋龙守山吹,第一天就缺席开学典礼。在这所有着“上级生管理下级生”制度的红叶台高中,他未来的日子又会如何呢?


类别恋爱 少女




内容简介:  【一句话简介】这是一个少年武僧被孪生兄弟坑进演艺圈、结果一不小心成了影帝的故事。【正经简介】许臻是个在寺庙长大的孤儿。老主持一手将他拉扯大,二人不是父子却胜似父子。许臻本想二十岁后 正式入戒,为师父养老送终。结果,十八岁那年,一个自称是他哥哥的人却联系到了他。说母亲去世了,问他要不要来祭拜。许臻思量良久,最终还是听从了师父的建议。是青灯古佛还是红尘俗世,且下山去看看再做决定。然而。山下等待他的却是……身为十八线艺人的孪生哥哥把他扔在家里当替身,自己跑!路!了! “小师父,你就帮我这一次吧。”哥哥的经纪人看着一脸懵比的许臻,欲哭无泪地道:“我搭着人情、搭着面子,死皮赖脸才求来的这部戏。”“结果现在临阵开天窗,我以后还怎么做人?”“求你了,帮帮我,演好演坏都无所谓!”许臻看着面前红彤彤的5万块钱,犹豫了。他想起了西南角漏雨的斋堂,以及颤颤巍巍的藏经阁,默默算了算帐。“小僧一心向佛,未得禅心,怎能轻易涉足红尘之事……”许臻一脸严肃地道:“得加钱。”1w0-2090 >>


内容简介:《暮霭凝香》简介:邋遢和尚叹道:“如果是自然而然的事情,那为什么位居高位的官员,深处百姓头顶的大老爷们,多数都是酒囊饭袋呢?”朱重阳一时语塞(江湖尘事)。邋遢和尚道:“穷苦百姓一生勤勉 ,种地做活养活这么多人,又怎么能说他们行事低贱呢?”朱重阳闻言顿时肃然起敬,他抱拳道:“是我误会高僧了,原来高僧是一位看破世情具有大智慧的法师,失敬失敬!”邋遢和尚讶然失笑道:“我算得什么高僧?算得什么法师?我不过是一位种花的邋遢和尚罢了(江湖尘事)。”朱重阳问道:“大师好不谦虚,令在下钦佩!只是在下想知道,一个粪水,怎的还需要搅和什么?”邋遢和尚说道:“什么事都可以随随便便地做,也可以全副身心地去做,偿若马马虎虎地做,什么事都做不好,一辈子就这么过去了(江湖尘事)。。1w0-32831 >>


内容简介:轮回空间人员选拔时时更新——坑蒙拐骗偷……轮回空间不单单只有轮回者——还有合法存在的‘黑市’人员……‘黑市’人员专精杀人越货,抽冷子放黑枪,专业断轮回者活路——详细请参考杀手刺客盗贼… …——不要和书名较劲!1w0-29570 >>


内容简介:都市:开局硬扛弹一闪贺凌云穿越爱情公寓世界,成为一名编剧。采访女装大佬的时候被胡一菲举报约瓢,抓进桔子!误会解释后,胡一菲不但不道歉,还鄙视贺凌云取向!贺凌云直接住进了爱情公寓展开1w 69091-79946 >>


内容简介:内容如题,俊美强受,N攻!部分涉及强制,调教,监禁,SM等!情乃迷瘴,爱是枷锁,欲海行舟,困兽之挣。武者纵横,智者插翼,步步为营,胜者成王。(上面的营可等同于YIN,淫)注意:耽美男男 文,大肉炖,请慎入!走肾走心,基本每几段后都有羞羞的高H章节,也可以跳过看!文章有人物情节!脑洞奇大!古风,架空!一些人物名字背景设定借用自己其他作品,别太计较。文章又名步步为营(淫)步步围鹰BY漫漫黄沙QQ651435253漫漫的炖肉群感谢后雨画的尚家的护卫奴的封面!1w0-28317 >>


内容简介:连载文《朱砂痣》预收《重生后我和前男友做同桌》】1某匿名论坛飘起一个帖子。【有比被前男友撞见一个人吃火锅更惨的事吗?】杉某人:有,前男友把我当成偷猎的坏蛋给抓了,还装不认识我:方语杉永 远记得那天,她与同事去野外踩点,却被韩祁川当成偷猎的坏蛋给抓了。同事怎么解释都没用无奈,方语杉抬起头:“韩祁川……”只见韩祁川慢条斯理地抽着烟,唇角讽刺地一扯:“认识我?”他凑到她耳边,呼吸喷洒在她耳根,低声道:“不是说不认识吗?”2韩祁川是利迪亚野生动物保护神,每天都往野外跑。就当大家觉得韩祁川可能跟动物过一辈子的时小兵1w0-115364 >>

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