Elevator O Orite Massugu Read Online


Ai No Konseki - Yajuu Gunsou To Aigan Guni

From Fantasyshrine: Passionate love that burns the body!! Also included raving, popular ninja series “Kirigakure no Koi”!! Story 1) 'Ai no Konseki - Yajuu Gunsou to Aigan Guni' Army physician, Misono, was stationed in the southern frontline when he first met the wild Sergeant Kizaki. One day, the infirmary was bombed and Misono wouldn’t have survived if not for Kizaki. However, while Misono was delirious with malaria fever and shock, Kizaki preyed on him! Story 2) 'Kirigakure no Koi' (Love in the Dense Fog) Rookie ninja Mozu was entrusted with a dangerous mission-- to assassinate his master's master, the rumored ninja defector, Tobimaru! To help Mozu with this impossible mission, his master, Kirimaru, must teach Mozu how to lure Tobimaru with sex!

Hoshigari Na Kimi To Futsutsuka Na Boku

Consists of a collection of oneshots: 1) Covetous You and Insensible Me (Hoshigariana Kimi to Futsutsukana Boku) Never one to get close to strangers, Kai finds himself helpess in the enchanting gaze of a foreigner... 2) Lost in the Darkness Before Dawn (Gyou An ni Mayou) Tatsumi Hiroaki is a swordsman for hire during the Edo Period. Recently, a rise in bandit activity has given him a steady flow of work in protecting small shops in town. The bandits recognize his skill and offer to hire him, where he finds a familiar face from the past. 3) Confession (Kokuhaku) Unable to forget the random act of kindness by the wealthy, but lonely business man, Matsumi offers to sell his body. Is it really just for money, or is there a greater need at stake? 4) The night he escaped death (Shi ni Zokonai no Yoru) Prequel of Lost in the Darkness Before Dawn. 5) Sleepless Night The Night He Escaped Death bonus. 6) Service Confession bonus. 7) Bonds of Blood Covetous You and Insensible Me bonus.

Angel Hunt

Shiina Amane is special. Her father is an exorcist, and she herself can see spirits. but she made a promise with her father to never acknowledge the presence of spirits or to seal them. but then she breaks that promise one day to save a friend. after that, 3 mysterious transfer students come in and seem to be watching them....

Elevator O Orite Massugu

Story 1) Having grown up together in the same apartment building, Hasumi and Souichirou are like brother and sister. But one day, Souichirou suddenly confesses to Hatsumi! They start going out, but their story is filled with the confusion of first love. Story 2) Rainy Day Children: Rumi is a very bored 3rd grade girl. What can one do when all it does is rain, rain, rain? The answer, of course, is to go outside, enjoy the rain–and just maybe, find an interesting new friend. Story 3) Love Machine: Natsuki has a crush on a boy a year younger than she is. She thinks she can find the courage to confess, if only he would see her as a girl instead of just his senpai. Story 4) The Sun Adventurers: Legend has it that beyond the two mountains in the west where the dark forests ended, there was a place that could make wishes come true… People called it: Sunlight. Tulip, a young female of the Persian tribe, has a very important wish… Story 5) Fly into the Blue Sky: A young girl learns to fly–but not too high. Story 6) Awful Boy: Miwa knew Takumi already had a girlfriend. He feels friendship for Miwa, while she feels the pain of unrequited love. But sometimes, the pain is worth it.

The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML

The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML summary: One morning, after being bound to the system, MC started his routine of always being captured/ attacked by the ML.
It doesn’t matter if he transmigrated into the ML’s little brother (TN: Here I think brother disciple) or master or opponent, but in the end he is still forcibly taken by the ML.
After transmigrating to many worlds:
MC: Come out system!!! The heck?! Why do these MLs not love their female G.o.ddesses, but insist on doing it with me! Aaaaahh!!!
System: …. __(:3」∠)_ Don’t ask me, I also don’t know.

The Me Who Wants To Escape The Princess Training

The Me Who Wants To Escape The Princess Training summary: The prince, who had a fiancee, was waiting upon a lady that wasn’t me. Then that means, he’s breaking it off? “Finally–!” With this, I’m delighted that I can finally escape from that strict princess training. As I gave the both of them my thanks, I went back to the countryside. But for some reason, the prince ran after me. He won’t break it off? Why!? A highly exciting love comedy of a prince who chases after a lady that runs away.

Sui Tian Gou

Sui Tian Gou summary: Sui Tian Gou summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sui Tian Gou. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

White Doves At Morning

White Doves At Morning summary: White Doves At Morning summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of White Doves At Morning. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.














简介法力高深的苍穹和尚阻止了一场神龙兄弟相残的斗争,却因自己的一时疏忽,使神龙白陌惨被人类切肉分食, 后悔莫及的苍穹和尚历时十年找寻他破碎的灵魂,以精血真气塑造出白陌幼年状态,与他一同生活,然而平静的生活 却因神龙白容的来临而被打破......








简介超级英雄? 斩奸除恶? 正义化身? ——不一定哦...










内容简介:手机阅读《银河霸主饲养手记》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读普通版简介捡了个外星萝莉结果她是前银河霸主,主角开始了喂养银河系最厉害的萝莉(宠物)的生活文艺版简介那一天,少年踏上了通往星辰大海的 征途。二逼版简介诺亚别咬我,我不能吃的!林有德如是说。1w0-42102 >>






内容简介:【中午一点日更。看文先看排雷。】周四是下午五六点更新阴鸷白切黑反派攻×撩人不自知懵懂美人受1侯府里的小世子娇生惯养,身娇体软。从天而降扑进林寂怀里时,所有人都羡慕这个一穷二白的庶民,说 他撞了大运。林寂收起手中刺杀世子他爹的刀,洒了毒杀小世子皇后姑母的药,藏起新到手的边疆防御图。抱起了小世子。成婚那日,向来娇气又怕疼的小世子咬牙配合,让林寂心疼不已。小世子一腔深情地告白:“八岁那年我就说过,此生非你不嫁。是我得偿所愿。”林寂如梦初醒,心口发寒。小世子认错人了。2余洛穿书成小世子,全部积分兑换了个神级金手指:可酌情篡改主角七年前的记忆,减少攻略难度。“笔给我,我来写!”但是事情没有那么简单。发挥全部的烂漫文艺细胞不断加记忆,好不容易哄到主角成亲。婚后立刻没有爱了,一朝回到解放前。余洛矜矜业业继续攻略,殷勤地端上一碗阳春面:“你以前不是最喜欢吃我给你煮的面吗。”主角:冷漠jpg“葱花我都给你挑出去,我记得你不吃葱。”主角:更加冷漠jpg余洛:一定是金手指出了问题。3后来余洛发现自己找错了人。肚子却一天天大了。“你放开我,我,我要去找……”林寂满手鲜血,将瑟瑟发抖的小世子抱进皇后的宫殿,重重禁锢。“谁也不许找。”本文又名:淦,金手指没问题,是我踏马认错人了男默女泪!竹马记忆加给了真太子,而我抱着个前朝太子自我感动式付出?错把反派当主角后剧情线一路崩坏排雷:①软萌受,弱受,生子文,打脸虐渣,很狗血,不吃这口的慎重,气到不负责。②排雷注意剧透(对后来的读者不友好),长评请去该去的章节,可以骂角色,不要骂作者。③修罗场黑化梗。④攻美强惨且疯批,智商高手段狠。受可可爱爱没有脑袋,温室的花朵干啥啥不行。⑤权谋不多,全靠瞎编。架空,架得很空。防盗比例暂定100,以后会适当调低。⑥男男可婚设定。女人可以披甲上阵,男人可以妆镜描红。不喜勿入。⑦文案已截图放微博,作者只想好好写文,拒绝碰瓷。⑧前期受追攻!前期受追攻!前期受追攻!⑨备用,可能还有未知雷点,遇到再排。预收1:《穿成恶龙强A后我变O了》占有欲强大佬攻×嘴硬怂包恶龙受1明桓生来病弱被娇养二十年,一朝穿书进人均大佬文里的强A恶龙主角……的幼崽时期。为了在这个世界生存下去,他不得不强行伪装适应。第一次高楼试飞前。(虚弱扶墙)就这?不能再高点吗。第一次吃生鸡肉。(yue)笑吐,一点都没觉得恶心。第一次见同为强A以后要成为死对头的另一只大龙。(尾巴僵硬地乱摆,吓出龙角)笑死,我我我,我……我真的,一点都没有怂!2因为同为SSS级龙族,这只名为明桓的恶龙幼崽被分配给同等级血统的郁寒舟行使【抚养权】。全世界有小O幼崽的高阶龙 >>


内容简介:殷灵灵不择手段嫁给自己暗恋了三年的男人,却遭受到被丈夫转手送给其他男人做床伴的厄运!午夜,男人压覆在女人身上疯狂索欢。她无力承受,却不得不承受。哭泣着,哽咽着,瑟抖着,却唯独不敢挣扎。 她怕极了身上这个可怕的男人!“求你,求你饶过我吧!我不会再干扰程明的一切,更不会破坏他的生活。让我离婚也可以,让我离开好不好?呜呜呜!不要这么对我,真的不要!”她没想到自己会被心爱的男人,自己的丈夫程明丢弃在一间公寓里。一间,住着一个白发的妖孽男子的公寓里。白天,白发男子神龙见首不见尾;午夜,饶是殷灵灵将门上了锁,用沙发椅子堵住,白发男子还是能轻易走进来。他的大掌和唇瓣不断地在她身上游荡着,蹂躏着,留下一道道暧昧的痕迹。面对她哭泣的求饶声,他很好心的安慰道:“女人,别哭!你注定做我的女人,所以——别想抗拒!”1w0-81214 >>


内容简介:方晨,一个在万年前被封印的少年,出世却发现修为尽失,家族被灭,无奈背负复兴重担,再次踏上修行路。自己被封印之后,到底发生了什么?到底是人故意为之?还是冥冥中的安排?纵是天骄无数,战!纵 是举世皆敌,战!纵是神魔大凶,战!一路争锋,战败绝代天骄,踏破1w0-99153 >>

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