The story revolves around Wakame High School's extracurricular club, 'Sexy Commando Club,' which consists of 5-6 male members (one being the high school principal himself), a female manager, and a small mysterious pet (that may be extraterrestrial in origin). The strange and ancient art of Sexy Commando (the roots of which extend back into Japan's Muromachi period) is a martial one; however, instead of focusing on how to defeat an opponent with punches, kicks, or grappling, it focuses on how to distract the opponent. The logic follows that any distracted opponent is unable to fight, and therefore the art of Sexy Commando trumps any other form of martial arts. There are as many techniques as there are ways to distract, though Wakame High School's Sexy Command Club tends to employ the unzipping of the trousers (Elize no Yuutsu).
Collection of 9 oneshots: 1) Enduring Broken Love 2) Eve's Fruit 3) Soloist 4) Prayer Beads 5) Thanks 6) Constellation Fortune 7) Breakfast 8) Bonsai 9) Paper Bag
While wandering about, Masachika stops by to watch a traveling troupe perform. Captivated by the sight of an oni maiden dancing in a whirl of cherry blossoms, he redeems her and takes her as his traveling companion. He names her Ouka and treats her kindly. She slowly opens up to him; however, having experienced little warmth in her life, she is also unsettled by his kindness. As for her final resolve... Other stories in this anthology: - Mugen Dokei - Sandglass no Ori - Hana no Canon
From AQUA Scans: During the entrance ceremony of high school, while looking at the rainbow after the rain, the main character Haru met, an unusual girl with an aura of 「air」-?
Mother West Wind 'Why' Stories summary: Mother West Wind 'Why' Stories summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Mother West Wind 'Why' Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Devil's Dream summary: Devil's Dream summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Devil's Dream. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Walnut Growing in Oregon summary: Walnut Growing in Oregon summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Walnut Growing in Oregon. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
In the Mist of the Mountains summary: In the Mist of the Mountains summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of In the Mist of the Mountains. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
内容简介:从一家即将关门倒闭的二十八线不知名景区。到全球闻名的网红旅游打卡地。从【超级景区系统】奖励的带有各种属性的景点开始。游客打卡可以刷钱还能增加怀孕率的【娘娘庙】。美的如梦似幻,如同世外桃 源的【桃花岛】。爬山就可以增强体质的【盘龙道】。【美味餐厅】【神龙潭】【丹霞地貌】【盘龙云海】【云顶天宫】【超极限荡绳】【侏罗纪公园】……随着一个又一个的超级景点解锁,黑龙山景区爆火了!某冰冰采访罗競宁:“罗总,1w0-29143 >>
内容简介:他是放浪不羁的侯门世子,只愿十数载的守护修成正果,那争权夺利沙场征伐原不属于他,有一天站在皇权的最颠峰,为的是谁?面具下不是一藩之王应有的浮华,只是一张最纯真的容颜,沉睡如孩童,长睫遮 下杀戮。1w0-96003 >>
内容简介:入赘三年,所有人都以为可以骑在我头上。 而我,只等她牵起我的手,便可以给她整个世界。 新书期一天两更,上架后三更。 喜欢的多多支持,点个收藏,谢谢各位大佬。 1w0-125 0 >>
内容简介:【日常文娱】娱乐频道记者终于抢到了最前面的采访位,赶忙开口道:“请问高先生!是什么样的理想支撑您一路走到文娱界的巅峰?”高爽微笑着看了眼身边挽着自己胳膊的何晓玲,转头对记者说道:“其实 吧,我这人没啥理想,从最开始就只是想和我家何姨过点老婆孩子热炕头的小日子!”本书又名:《我与何姨的日常》、《谈个恋爱顺便攀上文娱巅峰》、《何姨你揍死我吧》……1w0-105082 >>