Set in feudal-era Japan, Yorube Naki Mono centers around prostitutes, assassins, and the grimier sides of city life. One night, a mysterious young man named Shikon is introduced as the newest member of Saiga's group of assassins for hire. Shikon is outgoing and flirtatious, but Saiga can sense there's more to Shikon than he lets on... A chance encounter on a moonlit night leads to two destinies awakening.
From Chibi Manga: In order for Maki to accomplish her goal, she worked hard in order to get rid of her ugly appearance and now that her chance has arrived...?!
The adventures of three agents from outer space who are sent to Earth to determine whether the planet, a potential threat to the universe, should be destroyed. The instrument of destruction is a device resembling a large black ball with two antennae that is variously called an anti-proton bomb, a solar bomb, and a neutron bomb. Although the three agents (Captain Bokko, Nokko, and Pukko) are originally humanoid in appearance, upon arrival on Earth they take on the appearances of a rabbit (Bokko), a horse (Nokko), and a duck (Pukko) that they had captured as examples of Earth life forms. While on Earth they travel in a tire-shaped vehicle capable of enormous speeds called the Big Wheel, which can travel on both land and water (and, with modifications, through the air). The series tackles a number of issues which were surprisingly progressive for a manga of that period; particularly ecological concerns and poverty.
A Very Naughty Girl summary: A Very Naughty Girl summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of A Very Naughty Girl. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Reigning Beauty summary: Reigning Beauty summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Reigning Beauty. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Our Vanishing Wild Life summary: Our Vanishing Wild Life summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Our Vanishing Wild Life. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Melody: A Novel summary: Melody: A Novel summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Melody: A Novel. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
内容简介:云淡风轻的她,一朝穿越成为将军府的大小姐,只想报仇后就此逍遥江湖,哪知一只妖孽闯入了她的世界,乱了她的心,从此一生相伴不离不弃!小片段夜绝寒并未理会慕紫月的话,而是温柔的说道:“睡吧! ”闻言慕紫月的嘴角抽了抽,什么叫做“睡吧”,这是她的床好吧,这人一跑来二话不说就上床准备睡觉,好像是他家一样。慕紫月真想一句“睡你妹!”回过去,不过多年来习惯还是让她忍住了,只是有些恼怒道:“夜绝寒,我和你不熟,滚回你自己的房间!”夜绝寒似乎并不在意她怎么说,只是无所谓的答道:“没关系,睡着睡着就熟了。”听得慕紫月是满头黑线,额头突突直跳,什么叫睡着睡着就熟了!…1w0-78902 >>
内容简介:前世叶非晚被封卿打入冷院郁郁而终,哪想一朝重生,竟重生在赐婚后。叶非晚再不动情,作天作地、“勾三搭四”、为封卿纳妾填房、敬而远之,只求一封和离书。未曾想,那封卿终于被惹恼应下和离,却在 第二日诡异的反悔了,开始漫漫追妻路。她跑他堵,她退他进,她捻酸他便砸了醋坛子,她要红杏出墙……某王爷:乖,前世今生,没人比本王更眼瞎。叶非晚:……后来。“娘子想要睥睨天下还是遍览江湖?”“有何区别?”“你若要天下,便是弑神弑佛,本王也给你夺了来。”“那江湖?”“舍王位,弃功名,此生白首不离!”1w0-4538 >>
内容简介:别的情侣都亲亲了简介:开朗热情年下攻×低调冷清矜持受校园小甜饼沈鹤白一直觉得,喜欢上直男好基友这种事,是没有结果的。所以不敢表白,不敢接近,保持距离,默默疏远。不料某一天,许诺言突然发 现了他的秘密!看着沈鹤白羞愤的脸庞,许诺言脑子一抽,突然问:“男人和男人谈恋爱,到底什么感觉啊?”沈鹤白回答不上来,但脸红的似乎快要燃烧掉。许诺言莫名觉得,沈鹤白这个模样,好像有点过于可爱了。于是他又有了突发奇想,眼睛一亮,建议:“要不,我们试试?”“啊?”沈鹤白一脸惊悚。“试试嘛,小白哥。”男孩蹭到沈1w0-68444 >>
内容简介:僵尸,以怨为力,以血为食。被众生六道抛弃,乃神憎,鬼恶,人厌。既然我变成了僵尸,我要成为尸王之王,一统僵山!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《一统僵山》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里 的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84650 >>