This is a collection of romantic manga short stories from modern Japan. In these tales of yearning and betrayal, the author captures beautiful moments of passion, dissects modern relationships, and ensnares the reader with plot twists more complex than those found in American comics. -ComicsOne
Story 1: A girl's father is caught red-handed for fraud. As a result, she is forced to move into the home of the director of the company. Little does she know, that this man is a true pervert, and thus begins a horrible nightmare... Story 2: The director of the school invites four male students to seduce her daugther, their classmate. The winner gets a set future. Who will win?
My name is Aya Hojo, and I am a little foolish high school student. My boyfriend, Kei Saeki, is the smartest and most handsome guy in school. A genius and a fool in love. The comics included are 'Genius with Glasses' and 'Genius is in a Bad Mood.'
From Amazon: This book contains three separate and unusual stories set in alternate realities. The first story, 'Martian's Earth Conquest,' tells the tale of a person who is coping with the loss of someone special. The second tale, 'Is it Really Not Possible?,' makes you wonder if a man and a woman can truly be just friends. And the last of the three, 'Sci-Fi,' is a sad tale about a girl who hates robots and a humanoid who serves her. The creator, who believes that the best privilege artists get is to ''lie,'' creates a whole new world beyond your imagination. Still, even though these tales are from different worlds, the topic has a great sense of reality, and the readers are guaranteed to be able to closely relate to them. Start a journey to the world only she can create.
Cupology: How to Be Entertaining summary: Cupology: How to Be Entertaining summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Cupology: How to Be Entertaining. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Isekai Izakaya Nobu summary: Imagine there is a bar with many weird kind of food and drink that might bring you to another world! The bar, so-called “n.o.bu” is located in a alley of the old city Aiteria. At the very first step, diners feels like falling into another completely country, with cold, super cool beer, so-called “toriaezu Nama”!
Gaspar the Gaucho summary: Gaspar the Gaucho summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Gaspar the Gaucho. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Midst the Wild Carpathians summary: Midst the Wild Carpathians summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Midst the Wild Carpathians. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
简介云天空同名小说改编。王子流落民间十年,受尽凄苦。随着一重重慧眼天赋觉醒,希罗招募了诸多的强力伙伴,凭借着强大的圣灵兽,一路励志、搞笑的与敌人展开了战斗。一战之下,希罗才知道,当年的事情并没有那么简单。更大的黑幕,才刚刚露出一丝端倪!每周四更新。邮箱[email protected]
内容简介:【双洁甜宠飒爽前世今生命中注定】他是人尽皆知的黑面阎王,她是深藏不漏的王牌阴阳师。大家都传他不近女色,是她用尽浑身解数勾搭他。她冤!一开始她真的只是贪吃他家那几口美食。至于后来,她是被 迫尝了他一口,才知道他竟是天下第一好吃!但她不想承认!所以他追着喂,她忙着跑。突然某一天,黑面阎王笑着跟她说:“夜清明,别想赖账,早在许多年前你就已经吃掉了我。”【一个热血正义的阴阳师,与面冷腹黑的妖1w88471-91788 >>
内容简介:当睁眼发现,自己穿越成修仙文中,勾引男主的恶毒女配时,当务之急当然是苟住,活下去!至于纷沓而来的爱恨情仇,各位大爷,可否容小女子发育一波?这是一个旖旎梦幻的世界,这是一个波澜壮阔的世界 ,既然让我再活一世,那我就,再活一千年……1w0-96896 >>
内容简介: 书群:683926570重活一世的白元想轻轻松松一辈子,所以选择协议婚姻,本想着安安稳稳一辈子,但万万没想到,自己的朋友圈,竟然开始展示未来一天。哼!区区一个变异朋友圈,就想勾引我 出山?别做梦了!叮!“恭喜玩家,剧透未来,奖励汤臣一品A栋21楼到30楼。”嘶!真香!1w0-3894 >>
内容简介:尘海枯竭,万世成空,雷电咆哮,古道悲鸣!巨头镇压当世,古帝隔岸观火,先天生灵身伴大道而生,谁敢称尊?……“大道枯竭,世间不允许你这样的剑道至尊横空出世。”少年太子被封葬剑冢内,本以为碌 碌一生,谁知竟觉醒满级悟性。观看始祖佩剑,顿悟上古剑术!观看日出日暮,顿悟先天之气,自创内景大世界,媲美先天极道生灵!当世人都忘记了这位曾经惊艳一世的剑道至尊时,一个号称为古神寻找继承人的组织来到了葬剑冢。“真武,你的时代到了。”本书又名:【老祖,我已是真武大帝,不能继承你的地府传承了】【禁足葬剑冢,一剑斩落世间仙】【刚继承真武名号,老祖又送来满级大号】ps:简介无能,请看正文。1w96164-98639 >>
内容简介:宋绵思上辈子被堂姐一家吃了绝户,她爹娘留下的房子,钱和粮票通通成了堂姐家的。甚至连她的死也都被堂姐家利用得彻彻底底,成为勒索她的丈夫林家的把柄。变成鬼后,她看着堂姐一家飞黄腾达;堂姐成 了大学生,嫁入高门大户,成为百万富翁;而后又勾引她的丈夫林贺成,失败后还恼羞成怒报复林贺成。万幸,林贺成手段高超,没中计,反而还发觉她的死有问题,四处奔波想尽各种办法调查她死亡的真相,和堂姐家的秘密。就在一切答案都要揭晓时,宋绵思重生了,重生在说亲之前。大伯母刚要拒绝说亲:“棉思瞧不上你们家贺成。”宋绵思:“谁说的,天下所有男人我就只想嫁给他!”天下间深情女人多,专情男人少,能有一人爱她一生,为她讨回公道,年年记得她的生辰和忌日,宋绵思决定好好对他,帮他照顾弟妹,带着全家发家致富,更重要的是问清楚林贺成到底什么时候喜欢她的。一把6.4式冲锋木仓能打中三百米外靶子,虐得手下兵嗷嗷叫的林团长在听见这句话时,出门就撞了柱子。1w0-2654 >>