Magamagashiki Kemono no Yuku Hate wa summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Magamagashiki Kemono no Yuku Hate wa. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Alexandrite is a boy whose androgynous, racially-ambiguous appearance has brought him plenty of modeling work, much to his chagrin.
From Shoujo Crusade: Seiji, the younger one, and Ai, two childhood friends, happen to live together. Ai has an omamori* to get a boyfriend. She thinks she wants 'a very loving but cheeky boy.' But when she accidentally witnesses Seiji's date and kiss, her heart starts hurting. Why...? The sparkling story that first drew Cheese!'s attention, Moto Haruka's debut FC, is now out!! *omamori - lucky charm
Morning Kiss Summary Correction by Backlash67: Morning Kiss (Ch 1): The Tachibana family, are a family of brothers that run a newspaper agency. Yasutaka is the oldest brother who’s about pleasure first and business second. With the parents not around anymore, the oldest bother Yasutaka is in charge of running the agency. Kei who is one of the younger brothers is the responsible one. He often runs into his rival from another newspaper agency, Taira. Despite them being rivals, Taira seems to have a deeper interest in Kei than meets the eye and it seems that Kei feels the same too. Can these two get pass their rivalry and start a loving relationship? Together in the Morning (Ch 2): The oldest son, Yasutaka is invited into the home of a young master, Tooru after he saves Tooru for a second time. Tooru’s feelings for Yasutaka starts to bloosom; however, Yasutaka doesn’t seem to have any romantic interest in Tooru at all. After a third rescue, Yasutaka decides that leaving Tooru alone isn’t a good idea. But with Tooru’s growing desire for Yasutaka becoming obvious will Yasutaka still be able to remain indifferent? (Takes place years before ch 1). Ch 3: This chapter focuses on the middle brother, Yukihiro and his internal conflict with his emotions in accepting the fact that both his older and younger brother are gay. While he wrestles with his feelings he meets and becomes an art model for Yomo-sensei. Are the feelings Yukihiro are struggling with only because of his denial to accept his brothers’ gay relationships or are they something more personal? Ch 4: Taichi Kusonoha is a student whose mom is away on a long business-trip leaving him and his dad alone. Taichi’s uncle, Kyouya Ooike, comes over very weekend to be the “housekeeper” for Taichi and his dad. Despite the obvious blood bonds, Taichi and Kyouya became lovers. Throw into the mix, Tachi’s dad, Shougo who used to have a sexual relationship with Kyouya and is still vying for Kyouya’s affections against Taichi and you have one dysfunctional family! [Side Story] Ch 5: Atsumu and Kayama Kazuha are friends and both students preparing to go to university. Kayama tutors Atsumu while also constantly flirting and trying to woo Atsumu. Atsumu always brushes off Kayama advances and tries to deny his desire to also be with Kayama. Will Kayama continue to pursue the defiant Atsumu or give up on him? Or will Atsumu finally cast aside his worries and finally submit to Kayama? [Side Story]
The Moral Instruction of Children summary: The Moral Instruction of Children summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Moral Instruction of Children. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
On Revenues summary: On Revenues summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of On Revenues. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Legal Status of Women in Iowa summary: Legal Status of Women in Iowa summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Legal Status of Women in Iowa. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Relation of the Hrolfs Saga Kraka and the Bjarkarimur to Beowulf summary: The Relation of the Hrolfs Saga Kraka and the Bjarkarimur to Beowulf summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Relation of the Hrolfs Saga Kraka and the Bjarkarimur to Beowulf. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
内容简介:小兵提供我靠亲爸在虐文破案刑侦最新章节免费阅读,请将我靠亲爸在虐文破案刑侦章节目录加入收藏方便下次阅读小兵尽力在第一时间更新小说我靠亲爸在虐文破案刑侦,如发现未及时更新,请联系我们。1 w0-115440 >>
内容简介:复仇的白发少年持长弓挽满月,踏着一路的血与火回到天斗帝国,火红的衣袂如同燎原业火,终将会点燃这个时代,用仇敌的血洗净手上的血。整个斗罗大陆之上都将会流传着他的传说。—从小寒江雪就知道他 与兄弟姐妹们不一样,虽然他出生在天斗帝国皇室,但他从未见过母亲,甚至也没有见过几次名义上的父亲。皇室这么大,皇子多不胜数,让一个无人重视无依无靠的皇子悄无声息地死去简直再简单不过,与皇子相比,一个无依无靠无权无势的公主就拥有了活下去的权利。所以,寒江雪被扮作公主在皇室里活到了六岁,也就是武魂觉醒的年纪,从此寒江雪的生活将被彻底改变。1w0-86704 >>
内容简介:《宋少‘病宠’诊断书》姓名:宋辞(男)年龄:25症状:记忆信息每隔72小时全部清空,十年不变无一例外,近来出现异常,女艺人阮江西,独留于宋辞记忆。(特助秦江备注:我伺候了是谁’,阮姑娘 才出现几天,谁都不记得,我只记得你,记得你亲过我,那你只喜欢我一个,好不好’,秦江吐槽:平时开会时候的高冷哪里去了?)医生建议:神经搭桥手术配合催眠治疗病人自述:为什么要治疗?我记得我家江西就够了。医生诊断:病人家属阮江西已主宰病人思维意识,医学史定义为深度解离性失忆心理学对宋辞的病还有一种定义,叫——阮江西。阮江西是谁?柏林电影节上唯一一位仅凭一部作品摘得影后桂冠的华人女演员。有人说她靠潜规则上位,有人说她以色侍人,阮江西的经纪人是这样回复媒体的:谁说我家艺人潜规则宋少,分明是宋少倒贴,倒贴!阮江西听了,笑着和宋辞打趣:“媒体都说我和你是金主和情人的关系。”隔了一天,宋辞将他所有资产转到阮江西名下:“你可以和媒体说,你才是金主,是你包养我”剧场一阮江西是有多喜欢宋辞,以至于她养的每只狗都取名叫宋辞。对此重名事件,宋大少是十分不满的:“阮江西,立刻给它换名字。”“能不能不换?”阮江西是认真的,“我很喜欢宋辞。”这话,宋少很受用,抱着阮江西亲热:“那你只能喜欢我。”宋胖狗也跑去蹭阮江西:“汪汪汪。”宋少脸黑了:“江西,让它滚,不然我怕我会煮了它。”宋大少堕落了,居然和一只狗吃醋剧场二平日里狠辣高冷得一塌糊涂的宋大少,犯病的时候,会有一种病症,俗称——江西控:“我不记得我是谁,但我记得你,你是阮江西。”“你怎么那么慢才来找我,我都等了你五个小时。”“我给你打了那么多电话,你居然一个都没有接。”“你要是再不来,我就去你家找你。”没有其他记忆的宋辞,总会抱着阮江西,如数家珍地告诉她:“我记得你的狗也叫宋辞,我记得你是演员,你的经纪人叫陆千羊……记得你吻过我,感觉很好。”宋辞凑上去,“现在你要不要吻我?”剧场三某狗仔死咬着阮江西的负面新闻不放,宋大少直接买了报社那块地盖成了洗脚城。狗仔君义愤填膺:“宋少,您这是偏护,我们媒体人有权还原真相,你不能用权势压人!”“你比我有钱吗?”“……”宋辞这个土皇帝!后来有记者一句话真相了:“那是你的钱吗?那是你老婆的钱!”对此,宋少不否认,欣然接受。众所周知,宋少家所有资产登记,一律写阮江西的名字。作者:顾南西所写的《病宠成瘾》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-34908 >>
内容简介:春日樱桃(校园H)是由甜小酒所写的高辣浓情类小说,本站提供春日樱桃(校园H)最新章节阅读春日樱桃(校园H)全文阅读春日樱桃(校园H)免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现春日樱桃(校园H)更新 慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-65504 >>
内容简介:外冷内热清冷自持影后攻宋如歌X没心没肺嬉皮笑脸骚断腿女警受何遇遇何遇遇再一次见到宋如歌,是在她奉命调查案件时。宋如歌,娱乐圈当红花旦兼影后,作为证人坐在她的面前。何遇遇抑制不住内心的悸 动在黑暗中把她禁锢在在墙上,低下头埋在她颈间,沙哑着嗓音问道“你到底想干嘛”宋如歌掀了掀眼皮,波澜不惊地从嘴里吐出两个字——“粗鲁”后来…宋如歌“结婚,马上!”何遇遇“???”宋如歌“如意CP粉已经把民政局搬来了。”何遇遇“……好的老婆。”【小剧场】某日,何遇遇出警,将宋如歌摁在墙上,眯着眼问道:“做我老婆?嗯?”宋如歌轻轻挑眉:“要看你有没有这个本事。”…………………………………ps:悬疑推理文!!!双向暗恋间歇性撒糖,无逻辑撒糖з」∠甜度:(不甜不要钱)1vs1,he——————本文为建设社会主义核心价值观,以中华传统美德,惩恶扬善为目的,献礼建国七十周年。希望我们国家繁荣昌盛,人民安居乐业!我也会从此刻做起,从小事做起,志存高远,脚踏实地,传承中华文化,弘扬民族精神,做一个了不起的中国人!【微博:杨林风的一只兰州】微博调戏各位书友要是觉得《何不遇如歌GL》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-69308 >>