From We Hate Manga: Age! tells the story of Takano Eiji, a tennis player who was unable to defeat Saki at the finals of the regional championships the previous year. His problem? He doesn't know how to hit any spin and grows incredibly violent when he loses a match. Read this manga for a great combination of humor and sports. Think Prince of Tennis except much much funnier.
What would you do if money could be exchanged for life? Sell ten years of life for a fortune, or give up everything to buy one more year. At the age of 17, a high school boy who has it all together meets a man with superpowers that are both godly and demonic. Through a deadly struggle for his life, he stumbles upon a world 'on the other side'! Take a cold look at the fixation on human life in this sharply illustrated dark fantasy!
Saku Love (ETOU Kira) summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Saku Love (ETOU Kira). If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
My Conquest of the World through Ice Magic summary:
A [Crusade] in a world of swordsmanship and martial arts. A young man living in a remote village, Krell one day encounters a monster hidden within the depths of a cave and receives a strange book from it.
The moment he opens the book, Krell’s body is engulfed in a pale light. Suddenly, he is granted a new ability – the power of [Ice Magic]. Having obtained the legendary [Ice Magic], Krell embraces his ambitions. And thus begins the story of the youth with a unique, absolute power.
My Impressions of America summary: My Impressions of America summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of My Impressions of America. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Sono Mono Nochi Ni summary: Sono Mono Nochi Ni summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Sono Mono Nochi Ni. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
An Unwilling Maid summary: An Unwilling Maid summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of An Unwilling Maid. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
内容简介:【诡异!五询老汉惨死街头,他的尸体没有影子。】【震惊!死在水底的岳母岳母,半夜包了饺子喊我回家!!】【恐怖!受人供奉的佛陀,竟然私下偷偷藏了数十名少女!!】妖魔复苏,邪祟横行。整个世界 都在发生着惊天巨变!左尘醒来后,竟然发现自己成为了一具受人供奉的雕塑,有鬼正在他的牌位下面正在念叨。“轮回中颂我真名者,可的永生!”左尘:“靠!送上门的福利。”当天上的红月亮升起时,鬼,出现了。1w0-26539 >>
内容简介:【废土末世】【末日孤舰】【种族战争】人类急速衰老,余者被迫集体穿越!机械师王飞重生,作为开拓者再临废土,寻极品船员为伍,铸末日孤舰相伴!——————废土之上,人类难民如何艰难求存,是团 结协作,还是互相倾轧?神秘的虚空,最后的枢纽,到底谁才是盟友?科技侧世界,竟也有“召唤术”,能“随身”携带战舰?——————【作为资深垃圾佬,变强是为了什么?】当然是为了不被妨碍的捡垃圾~顺便拯救一下人类啥的……【拯救世界什么流程?】当然是捡垃圾、升飞船、打怪兽,然后去新地图捡更多的垃圾!那么多宝贝,埋在那里没人要怎么行,我挖出来就是我的了!捡都可以捡~——————黄沙下的锈蚀钢板、巨大骸骨;星空中的诡异船骸、星球碎片;光剑、源力、避难所、移动城市、浮空岛、成长型飞船……这是舰长阿飞的传奇:“哎,先别起飞,船上的马桶又堵了……”——————(元素:家园菲雅利帝国,星战,无尽空间,星际,质量效应,辐射……)1w0-73755 >>
内容简介:【文案】高二那年,林墨转到了理科班。她的理科成绩不太好,人却长得漂亮,班上的同学都不太喜欢她常常捉弄她是文科来的拖油瓶。直到某一次数学课,林墨又一次被同学起哄上黑板做最难的题林墨手拿着 粉笔,面对着为难的题目,无论如何都想不出来该如何解身后突然伸出一只修长的手,握住她的粉笔,一笔一划直接帮她写出最优解。“丫头,”低沉的声音,混杂着满教室不可思议的倒抽气,轻轻传入她的耳朵,“我不是告诉过你,这道题该这样解么。”“讲题的时候,又开小差了,嗯?”谁都知道一中理科部的第一名兼一中校草段琛从来不近女色,他高冷、俊秀,却是全校女生的梦想高二一开学,段琛身边的空位突然多出来一个女生班里的同学都等着看热闹,段琛不喜欢看书时有人打扰,所以在他旁边的位置,永远都只有书籍的堆放段琛看着一脸不知所措的女孩,伸出手,挺平静地按在了女孩正准备收拾离开的书包上,“以后不要打扰我睡觉。”后来有爱慕段琛的女生看不惯天天跟在段琛身后、默默推着车子回家的林墨便私下里传播“林墨追段琛1w0-28518 >>