Noah, the youngest survivor of the earth, aims for a new universe on a spaceship entrusted by her mother, a scientist. What we arrived at was a planet where all creatures had 'magical powers.' While conducting a field survey, I met a girl who claims to be the 'Demon King's Daughter'!? Another world sci-fi fantasy where a cyborg young man travels through a mysterious planet!
From here: Growing older is pretty rough and Kenji is finding out just how hard it can be as life starts wearing down on him. On top of trying to make ends meet running a convenience store, he has to care for the niece that his missing sister left in his care. Memories of youth make it easier, until those memories come back to haunt you. Kenji and his old friends are slowly being drawn into a mysterious conspiracy that could threaten the world. Who is the mysterious 'friend', and how does he tie into Kenji's youth? Why are there disappearances and deaths tied into Ochanomizu University? The friend's memories hold the keys to the puzzle, but years between cloud the clues. The strange occurances and the reach of the 'friend' conspiracy grow by the day. It will all culminate on New Year's Eve 2000. Will Kenji and the rest of the group be able to put together the puzzle and save the world? Note: The last two volumes of the story were serialized under the name 21st Century Boys and are not included here.
Fantasy Action Legend that follows brother's diary!! After his brother Loki's death, on Tyr's 17th birthday.... Loki's diary is delivered to Tyr. When following the diary step by step, Tyr realizes that everything that's happening around him is already recorded within the diary.
6 Weapons summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of 6 Weapons. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Decoration of Leather summary: The Decoration of Leather summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Decoration of Leather. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Perfect Landscape summary: The Perfect Landscape summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Perfect Landscape. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Harper's Round Table, August 13, 1895 summary: Harper's Round Table, August 13, 1895 summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Harper's Round Table, August 13, 1895. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Life of the Truly Eminent and Learned Hugo Grotius summary: The Life of the Truly Eminent and Learned Hugo Grotius summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Life of the Truly Eminent and Learned Hugo Grotius. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
内容简介:1001已更正文完结预收文《男神今天表白了吗》【1】刑警支队队长江砚,读书时一张冰山俊脸蝉联本科四届校草,在男女比一百比一的警院绝了全校男生桃花。只是脾气巨差嘴巨毒,拒绝过的女生绕辖区 三圈,传言性冷淡。却不想,某天江砚请了婚假,娶了世交家的妹妹。婚后的江砚依旧工作狂,办起案十天半月不回家。众人纷纷猜测家族联姻感情不和,为未曾谋面的领导媳妇儿默哀。【2】某天出警一周刚回来的江队神色冷厉,下一秒就被个小姑娘壁咚抵在墙上。众人心道小姑娘你怕不是是要找揍——“这位警官,我要报案。”女孩瘪着唇角,“我老公丢了。1w0-27050 >>
内容简介: 叶行远穿越成唯一的九世童子身,在这陌生的神仙妖怪世界里,读书科举考进士,皇家天命授神通。他还发现,前身给自己留下了外挂! 然而天机与道统纠缠不清,神仙与凡人相爱相杀,妖魔与鬼怪上 蹿下跳,手持外挂的玩家叶行远怎一个酸爽......1w0-2569 >>
内容简介:陆羽穿越到海贼世界我的操纵果实,被路飞邀请当了草帽海贼船的副船长,从此……草帽海贼团被玩坏了。刚一出海,路飞就被悬赏了一亿贝里。海贼猎人索隆被悬赏5000万贝里。小贼猫娜美被悬赏100 0万贝里。而罪魁祸首陆羽则被悬赏区区100万贝里。这让路飞几人郁闷不已。明明他们什么都没做,却被高额悬赏。而罪魁祸首却只被悬赏100万。路飞表示:我不服。索隆:附议。小贼猫娜美:路飞和索隆能兑现吗?1w0-65525 >>
内容简介:刁蛮霸道、骄奢淫逸的承平公主在一场意外中昏迷不醒。十年后再次睁眼,却发现这个世界已经变了天。无条件宠爱她的父皇刚驾崩,继位的是她死对头萧贵妃的儿子,当年在她这里处处吃瘪的萧贵妃摇身一变 成了垂帘听政的皇太后。而那位曾被她见色起意,绑回去百般调戏羞辱的状元郎,成了一手遮天的权臣。承平看着眼前熟悉又陌生的宫阙想,莫非这就是佛家所说的报应?就不是个好东西的公主x看着一本正经、又隐隐透出绿茶气息的状元郎1w30720-98194 >>
内容简介:(年代,宠文,金手指!)好不容易熬死自己的安倩倩得老天垂怜,再次回到十八岁!这世,她要找个能力强,懂浪漫,还能包容她的男人,再生一窝包子,美呀!可一不小心就美过头,天天被人“嫌弃”。某 好友:“不知道秀恩爱,死得快吗?”安某人:“你那是嫉妒!”某男人:“不好意思,我宠的!”本文走温馨路线,撕逼,极品什么都极少!1w0-25598 >>