A manga adaptation of an internet thread in which a girl attempts to reveal her 'perfect' friend's weakpoint, confessing her love for her in the process, and the relationship between them thereafter.
Aka Ni changThe first version was released by Tsumi.The second version, obtained from Aethereality, contains covers and inserts, possibly from another edition.The third version contains a few images with larger file dimensions but there is some trade-in of sharpness and depth of details cum colours. Good for using as wallpapers, if you aren’t fussy about the dip of quality.
Ossan to Shoujo Matome summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ossan to Shoujo Matome. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Just when Park Sang-Euk was about to take a hit from the opposing gang, he was saved by a mysterious masked girl. The girl took down the jjang and his cronies in the blink of an eye! And now Sang-Euk is determined to find out her identity.
Machiavelli summary: Machiavelli summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Machiavelli. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Glimpses of the Past summary: Glimpses of the Past summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Glimpses of the Past. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Enemies of Books summary: The Enemies of Books summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Enemies of Books. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Simpkins Plot summary: The Simpkins Plot summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Simpkins Plot. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
内容简介:《权臣闲妻》简介:本文又名《权臣升级指南》、《权臣调教手册》or《调教权臣手册》?谢安澜,国安特工代号青狐,腥风血雨没要了她的命,休个假一觉睡到了解放前。一梦醒来成为了东陵国泉州陆家的 四少夫人。房子票子美男子转眼成空,眼前只有手无缚鸡之力,刚被她一脚踹下床的庶子相公一名。万事不管,公公一名,外表贤良笑面虎,婆婆一名,各种心思妯娌兄弟若干。谢安澜万分郁悒:老娘真是哔了人类最亲密的好朋友了!本想拿捏着娇弱美少年相公作威作福,1w0-3078 >>
内容简介:梦,是幻化的真实,也是对现实的警示!噩梦的提示、模糊的记忆、失踪的娇妻;善与恶的交锋、生与死的轮回;盛唐遗书《称骨歌》的奥秘…《刑警异闻录》又名《猎魇判官》,一个刑警队长的追魇旅程:有 时候,现实比噩梦还要残冷…1w0-78576 >>
内容简介:一个修仙小门派普通修士,意外得到一段来着未来的记忆,看宁平如何凭借一点点优势,立足修仙界,并一步步走向巅峰。总之,这是一部凡人流小说。(修仙境界:练气,筑基,结丹,元婴,化神,炼虚,合 体,大乘,飞升。)1w0-81666 >>
内容简介:叶奇重回17岁,官宦子弟,拾缺补憾,这一世不在让自己后悔,让父亲仕途稳健,让小舅商途稳定,做一个安安稳稳的官二代无论是因自己而操劳过世的父母,还是被自己逼死的那个女孩,曾经对不起的女人 们,这一世定要苏静:哟!叶大少爷!长进了,泡妞不威逼利诱了?玩起养成了?叶奇:林可儿:叶奇,你不好好学习,怎么能和我考上同一所大学?叶奇:沈凝:叶奇,能帮我买包卫生巾吗?再帮我买条裤子行吗?咕噜那个叶奇,再做顿饭吧叶奇:唐然:你被捕了!叶奇:沐小琪:那个你能包养我吗?我既不要名贵首饰,也不要名牌衣服包包,也不需要房子车子叶奇:ps:本书慢热,越到后面越精彩,望各位坚持小二也坚持1w0-99026 >>
内容简介:我遵循母亲的遗言,装成废物去给别人做上门女婿,为期三年。 现在,三年时间结束了... 老书链接:https://www.heiyan.com/book/82361,等更 的朋友可以阅读老书1w0-1242 >>
内容简介:突然进入了一个历史聊天群,里面很多大咖。嬴政:崇祯,快给朕快递些玉米和红薯种子来,朕派兵帮你打清狗!刘邦:嬴政,你要是敢动刘邦二号,朕会灭了你大秦第二次!康熙:袁世凯,朕的大清亡了?项 羽:刘邦你个小人,我不会再乌江自刎了。曹操:大耳贼,你居然建立了蜀国,我要先灭了这里的你!李白:原来我将来会名垂青史啊,不亏,不亏。成吉思汗:朕的目标是征服全地球,长寿果是朕的。——貂蝉,大乔,小乔,妲己,蔡琰……正穿着比基尼在海南沙滩度假。——墨子刚刚取得了建筑学博士学位,准备回春秋建高楼大厦!——华佗正在学习西医艺术,手术越发厉害,配合中医,无愧神医之名。——乾隆刚从老蒋那里买了大批枪炮武器,准备阴西方列强。——作为主角的王宇,也是历史聊天群群主,正在原始社会教人识字,偶尔到各个历史世界搞东搞西……1w0-28737 >>