Phantom Mansion summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Phantom Mansion. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
From Winter Translations: This is a story about a pair of twins who're, undeniably very different from one another. Big brother Shuuya and little brother Yuuta are basically light and shadow...
Fall Rokkenjima, a private island owned by Kinz? Ushiromiya, eleven of his relatives arrive for a family reunion. He is dying and children want nothing more than to split the wealth he will leave behind. But as a storm traps them on the island, the riddle of Rokkenjima's legendary golden witch begins to take the lives of several people. Who can solve the riddle and gain the gold & the inheritance? Will the golden witch truly revive? The story is divided into episodes: four 'Question' arcs. Each episode keeps the same main characters, but ends in a different way. However, each episode gives valuable answers, hints, and clues to the previous one, while at the same time bringing forth even more mysteries.The question arcs are: Legend of the golden witch, Turn of the golden witch, Banquet of the golden witch, and Alliance of the golden witch.
Yuuki is a girl who lies about her gender to enroll in the theatre department of Getsuryou academy, an all boys' school where all the students are required to stay in the dorm. While hiding the fact that she's a girl, every day, she tries hard to study acting, the subject that she loves so much. One day, an upperclassman, Riku, found out her secret, causing Yuuki to be very worried, but she gradually got attracted to him. At the same time, she came to know the real reason why she was brought up as a boy...
The Unwanted Love summary: story of INFINITE,SS501,A girl Neha. newly settled in korea. but her life gonna be complecated after meeting her dream mens
Prisoners summary: Prisoners summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Prisoners. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Osceola the Seminole summary: Osceola the Seminole summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Osceola the Seminole. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Oregon, Washington and Alaska; Sights and Scenes for the Tourist summary: Oregon, Washington and Alaska; Sights and Scenes for the Tourist summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Oregon, Washington and Alaska; Sights and Scenes for the Tourist. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
简介真灵大陆,宗门千万,强者如林。一个大家族子弟因为奇异的变故从庸才变为天才,不但能过目不忘,感知敏锐,领悟力更是直上云霄,成为妖一样的存在。 热血激烈的对决,顶级天才的碰撞,武学不再局限于凡间,同样能翻江倒海,上天入地。一切皆在剑道独尊!
简介我身边,有两位女人。女友茉莉聪明贤惠,陪我度过最艰难的岁月,但她平凡的相貌对我毫无吸引力。女明星沉药是天生尤物,我镜头下最美的缪斯,但她头脑空洞且庸俗,令我心烦。当机会摆在我面前时,我选择交换她们的大脑。这样我就能得到“完美爱情”吗? #@暗黑兔文化 出品都市情感悬疑漫画,撕破渣男假面!每周五周日更新,请大家加【关注】并【评论】支持我们哦!!!#
内容简介:卢敬失业三个月了。为面子,他决心继续留在魔海市挣扎。可惜天不遂人愿,迟迟没能找到新工作的他不仅房租交不起,连泡面都快吃不起了。在最后一桶泡面消耗掉前,卢敬铤而走险,决定去吃一次霸王餐, 哪怕被抓住,也能留在餐厅里打工赔偿,至少能蹭一口饭吃。万万没想到,误入一家魔法少女餐厅……1w0-95558 >>
内容简介:破碎的三皇同盟已经无力阻止第三帝国的崛起。血腥的巴黎屠夫正在摧毁欧陆的秩序。可怕的法兰西恶魔试图重铸旧日的荣光。在沉默了将近一个世纪之后,伟大的英灵响应法兰西的呼唤,重归巴黎,在凯旋门 下相聚。1870年,巴黎已经位于崩溃的边缘。一位身材并不高大的男人站在凡尔赛宫殿门前,平静的看着站在自己面前的无挡之师。“帝国,我回来了。”1w0-61941 >>
内容简介:女主姜玫,本土非重生非穿越良家小女一枚,善良但有原则,简单但有底线,懂得感恩与满足,不求一生一世一双人,但求问心无愧真心无悔。男主太子守距冷淡,心怀江山,有正妻侧室,由只是把女主当玩意 儿的偏宠,到重视保护,到意识到爱之一字,到足够有能力相爱相护相守1w0-87448 >>
内容简介:开v公告:文文将于5号入v,当天三更,更文时间早上6:00,谢谢支持一场和剧情较量的比赛,谁能夺得C位女主?是攻略男主,还是征服世界?女主(疑惑脸):不可以都要吗?……进入小世界一分钟 女主:眼前全是马赛克,这是什么鬼?还怎么让人干活了?系统:主人加油啊,攻略男主女主:哎,太难了,我先找到男主再说吧。男主:你是谁?……进入小世界一个月女主:不容易啊,终于看清人脸了。系统:主人,你太谦虚了……女主:……男主:爱我,求你……就这样持续n个世界……这篇不坑,放心食用,日更已完成:《傲慢与偏见》,傲慢达西倒追我。正在更:《乱世佳人》,骚里骚气白瑞德待更:安娜卡列尼娜茶花女呼啸山庄其他再定,欢迎点播推文—好友应届毕业生现言《骄傲的倔强》,互看不爽的青梅竹马带你谈恋爱!立意自尊自强,热爱生活1w0-105627 >>
内容简介: 见狂澜之树,挽大厦之将倾....... 灵气复苏,万界争霸..... 武道修仙异能,谁可纵横? 一切,从一个小小的模拟器开始。 巫师世界,仙侠世界,猎魔世界,诸神世界. .......1w0-1762 >>