Based on a popular otome game, Hakuouki follows Chizuru and the Shinsengumi in an alternate reality. Chizuru travels to Kyoto in search of her missing father but after being involved in an incident, ended up being taken in by the Shinsengumi where she meets the members including the famous Hijikata Toshizo and Okita Soshi. Chizuru’s father was conducting government research for strengthening the Shinsengumi and developed the ochimizu. The ochimizu is a formula that gives demon like strength and regeneration effects but once taken, the user experiences extreme pain and eventually turns into a blood hungry monster. In an attempt to defend Chizuru, Hijikata takes the ochimizu and although the situation was saved, he is now affected with the illness. Okita is also forced to take the formula when his tuberculosis prevents him from defending Chizuru and himself. Feeling responsible for their actions, Chizuru must fight her feeling of helplessness and find the courage to support the Shinsengumi.
On the battlefield there is no such things as worthless lives. For example, even if you can see worthlessness, there is a meaning to them. Saiga, an ex-war photographer, is not a journalist photographer, investigating different current event that is no different than those of war. Two stories revolving around each other, ending at an embezzlement dealer. Strange dreams haunt a girl, and an ex-battlefield photographer is chased... The manga follows the novel closer than the anime did.
It's the summer when Natsuru is 11. Ever since he's turned one of them down on Valentine's Day, the girls of his class have been constantly ignoring him. This changes just before summer break, when Suzumura, the tallest girl in the year, suddenly talks to him. Later, Natsuru meets Suzumura again outside school and finds out she has a secret…
The man with the hand of God. The scrub battle to become the best bath coordinator is about to start. Original webcomic
Five Mice in a Mouse-trap summary: Five Mice in a Mouse-trap summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Five Mice in a Mouse-trap. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Fred Fearnot's New Ranch summary: Fred Fearnot's New Ranch summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Fred Fearnot's New Ranch. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Book of Tea summary: The Book of Tea summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Book of Tea. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Conquest of Fear summary: The Conquest of Fear summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Conquest of Fear. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
简介话说有一个天真、可爱、可悲、懂事的小男孩,在幼时被梦中的圣诞老公公欺骗(?)下,在九岁起就虚报年龄地边打工、边上学,并十分努力地赚钱去养活自己那对废柴父母。 但好景不常,他在16岁的那年,因为父母输了大钱,而把儿子(即主角)的身体器官卖给黑道。在逃亡中,奇怪地和一名千金小姐产生下不解之缘,,之后就被委任为其管家。
内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者言晚安的经典小说:《顶流小可爱成了六个哥哥的团宠》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说【团宠爽文超甜娱乐圈】某吃瓜论坛爆料:被全网黑的假千金沈听 溪竟然做出这种事儿!众黑粉普天同庆:苍天有眼,沈听溪终于要退出娱乐圈了吗?楼主回帖:不…她不仅回家继承亿万家产,还有了六个护妹狂魔的亲哥哥……众黑粉:???我不信!!!数月之后,沈听溪成为娱乐圈顶流,整个圈子都为之震撼!红毯之上,沈听溪和某位神隐多年的大满贯影帝狭路相逢,少数几个黑粉叫嚣:沈听溪你得到了全世界,你也得不到这个男人的心!1w0-68666 >>
内容简介:【甜宠!】穿越到星际时代的时觅薇,妈妈嫌弃妹妹陷害,她果断反击虐渣。偶遇重伤的小狼崽,拖走扑倒。小狼崽醒后奶萌抱大腿,“姐姐,你别不要我,我会很乖的。”“姐姐,你是我的。”“姐姐,我们 结婚吧。”……联邦帝国最高指挥官祁遇,失踪后回归,发现很多不可思议的事情。穿着女装逛街的男人为什么这么像他?工地搬砖的男人绝对不是他!他个人信息为什么显示已婚?对方居然是是个挺漂亮的小姑娘?深思熟虑后,祁遇拿着结婚证明找上门。时觅薇摇头:不是我,别瞎说。祁遇一改冷冰冰,狼态尽显把她压在墙角,霸道宣誓:“姐姐你是我的,别想逃跑。”时觅微愣住:“你……你都想起来了?”祁遇:好家伙,还真是他!婚后时觅薇才发现联邦帝国守护神,拥有SSS精神力的祁遇时不时会露出狼耳狼尾有损他战神形象。她一天天胆战心惊跟在后头,“祁指挥管,你的耳朵和尾巴快藏好!”祁指挥邪魅一笑,把人拐上星舰,“老婆,帮我。”1w0-103792 >>
内容简介:(1v1甜甜恋爱文×一见钟情)n快穿界金牌理论导师阮萝玩了几千年终于宣布要去任务世界历练,整个快穿界顿时松了口气。n这边学生们立刻挑选了乖巧系统送给她,那边各色大佬露出心痛快穿界即将暂 停一项优秀导师课程的…1w0-99574 >>