After six years of war, my fianc returned.With a woman and his child in tow.While saying that he couldn't leave her.The same irresponsible fianc who forced on me the duties of a duchess.'Leila, you're not the duchess yet.'Hearing those words, I decided to break my engagement.*'How far can I go?'There was a moment of silence. Realizing that I said something strange, I hurriedly spoke up.'I'm sorry, Your Majesty. I wasn't trying to ask this, but that''Anything,' Kalian replied, cutting off my words.It wasn't an angry tone. I'd rather say that he was smiling.'If you're not selling the kingdom, you can do anything. Because you are my agent now.'Don't pick up the trash you threw away
Nanako, who was about to graduate with no job lined up found work at an old tailoring shop as an apprentice under the curt - but kind-hearted - skilled tailor Hirata-san. Nanako is energetically and steadily improving!
Even after all these years, you’re still the only one I think of… I’ll put all of my feelings into this letter for you.
From DramaQueen: Tomoe Tatsumi is a freshman attending university in Tokyo. Life couldn't be better: he's living in a really nice apartment for less than most people pay for a single room. This is all thanks to Mitsugu Kurokawa: salary man, landlord, and (hopeful) lover. It is due to Kurokawa's generosity that Tatsumi is able to live in Tokyo on such a tight budget. Kurokawa's intention is clear: to love, honor, and cherish Tatsumi until his dying days! And if big brother Souichi Tatsumi has his way - that day will come sooner than not! For Kurokawa, progress can only be made by 'challenging the impossible....' And thus, Takanaga sensei introduces us to her charming romantic comedy, Challengers! Prequel to 'Koisuru Boukun'
Anonym & Switch, Obtaining Power to Retaliate summary: To be placed onto the planet Roneglaise, and unable to leave due to several circ.u.mstances, makes the reincarnating, immortal soul of Anonym, full of resentment and hopelessness. For much more then centuries, Anonym had to reincarnate to remember nothing until the last moments before death, after surviving through life and learning new profession talents. But this time, after so much time has pa.s.sed, Anonym was able to learn the art of Soul Scribing and inscribe their past into their soul so that this time when they reincarnated...They would remember everything! Now is the time to grow powerful and Anonym will do as told in their very first memories and become a powerful being that will get revenge for leaving them there all this time! Along the quest of discovering and completing talents, Anonym has no fear and only gets more and more powerful! Then...It will be time to retaliate! And then there 's Switch and his best friend Presley... Roneglaise has never come across so much trouble!
Hunting the Lions summary: Hunting the Lions summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Hunting the Lions. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Shattered Hearts: Relentless summary: Shattered Hearts: Relentless summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Shattered Hearts: Relentless. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Jerle Shannara - Antrax summary: Jerle Shannara - Antrax summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Jerle Shannara - Antrax. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
内容简介:言淼一直以为,自己之于宋遇宁,是亲姐姐一样的存在。没承想,宋遇宁对她,早已心怀不轨。宋遇宁我可以亲眼看着你和别的男人在一起,只要他们能给你幸福。可他们都没做到。宋遇宁我1w0-1082 12 >>
内容简介:二十八岁生日之后,黄豪杰就经常做一个怪梦,那是一个蒸汽朋克国度,他是皇帝更是神。一开始黄豪杰还还以为自己是日有所思夜有所梦,然而接下来的事情让他不得不怀疑,这是一个真正存在的平行时空。 因为他……本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《银河科技帝国》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-83387 >>
内容简介:标签:生子星际甜文穿书关键字:主角:安风清,崔玦┃┃其它:攻和白月光,同被打耳光安风清穿成了一本abo文里的替身男配。男配与攻签下恋爱合约,明知道攻不会爱他,还是心甘情愿成了白月光的影 子,只要能留在攻的身边就好。安风清:男配你脑子进水?作者你出来挨打!现在他穿成了omega男配,第一件事就是毁了这垃圾契约,踢开渣男,再享受被众多alpha捧在手心里的五彩人生!后来——帝国出现了个医界大佬,专治医疗舱也搞不定的疑难杂症,连史上最大医学难题脱发也能治好。全星际的权贵们出重金想求大佬面诊,却得知还要抢号,一个月一个号。1w0-108546 >>
内容简介:本文将于周天入v,届时将有三更掉落,谢谢支持,爱你们姜漫上辈子为了走完剧情回到现实,渣了反派boss林见鹤。她死后,林见鹤抱着她尸体跟男主同归于尽。再次醒来,她并没有如愿以偿回到现实, 而是回到了剧情的起点:——林见鹤被人压在冰天雪地里抽得皮开肉绽。按照剧情,她要救他,成为他心中抹不掉的白月光。这次,姜漫抖着双腿,选了与剧情完全相反的路:扭头就走,跑得活像有鬼在追。这辈子,她绝对,绝对不招惹林见鹤。弱小无助等着姜漫救他的林见鹤眸子沉了下去。那挥鞭子的一瞬间由满脸怒气转成瑟瑟发抖小白菜。所有人跪在地上望着雪地里容颜绝色那人,脸色惨白如纸。林见鹤上辈子身陷沟渠,几次生死挣扎,狼狈求生。最艰难的时候,有人向他伸手,将他拉了起来。从此得一方安宁,活得像个人样。只是,他视若珍宝的,却被人弃如敝履。这辈子,谁敢伤她,他以血索偿。林见鹤那个出了名的暴君点名要永昌侯府认回来的女儿姜漫入宫。所有人都在看她笑话,等着她惨死那一天。后来,姜漫成了皇后。暴君为博她一笑,弹指杀人。小剧场:“我知道你胆小、怯懦,不敢承认爱我,看见我手里刀没?我知道你更怕死。说吧,选哪一个?”姜漫哭了。男主病娇,女主小可爱。文案开文前会有改动。《我抽卡抽到仙界大佬》,男主超萌的,求收藏灵铃穿进一本修仙文里。原主是个炮灰,马上就要领盒饭。灵铃庆幸,还好她有抽卡系统。关键时候,她忍痛花光几分,孤注一掷一抽,满心期待来个带她飞的大佬。结果,抽到一个小拖油瓶。小拖油瓶个子小小,梳着小小的发髻,皮肤白嫩,眼睛乌黑水润,睫毛浓密卷翘,唇红齿白。妈妈,他好可爱。可是可爱不能救命。关键这个小可爱好好的长了一张嘴。“你会仙术吗?!快干掉那个妖兽!”灵铃背着他狂奔逃命。小可爱不自在地红了脸:“哼,区区低级妖兽,还不配本仙君出手。”“……”灵铃算是认栽了,她非到家,非但没有抽到大佬,还抽到一个拖油瓶。哭晕。无妄仙君年少成名,离飞升只一步之遥,乃是仙界之首,众人偶像。传闻容颜惑世,神仙一般,可惜太过神秘,许多人无缘得见。一日,他听到一少女叽叽喳喳许愿,待他回神,已然变成五岁幼童,出现在那少女身边。他冷哼:“区区凡人,竟敢摸本仙君尊贵的头,待我灵力恢复,便剁了你的手。”后来灵铃终于攒够积分,抽到个靠谱的大佬,不由喜极而泣,抱着大佬胳膊求带飞。无妄咬牙:“愚蠢的凡人,放着本仙君不求,去求区区弱小,可恶。”接到仙界之首威胁信的众门派大佬:“???”没想到你是这样的仙君。1w0-87264 >>
内容简介:李学浩在族谱的封皮中找到一本修道秘笈,花了十年时间终于筑基成功,不料急于求成之下走火入魔,身死之后重生到了日本的横滨市,附身于鹤见区的樱野高等学校一个高一学生真中浩二的身上,故事从这里 展开……本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《神奈川的高校生道士》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w2447-80270 >>
内容简介:免费提供作者大叽叽女孩的经典小说:《民国名流渣受》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说顾葭没想过自己有一天会开始操心钱的问题。他是顾家的小三爷,是遗老的孙子,是大 商人顾无忌的哥哥,可偏生穷的连锅都揭不开,更不要说让他还喜欢玩,在外头挥金如土,是个清高贵气的摩登青年,如今没了钱,他怎么维持这些体面?顾葭思来想去,抹不开面找弟弟要钱,好在他还有不少有钱的朋友……然而朋友们对他虽然予取予求,可却似乎不是出自友情,而是另有用心……那感情好,不用还钱了!这是一个爱面子爱玩的漂亮渣受到处抱大腿1w0-77719 >>