Persona 4 - The Ultimate In Mayonaka Arena Read Online


Hirahira No Tsuri

Frill is a young boy who travels from town to town, selling the beautiful flowers that grow on his back. One day, the flowers on his back mysteriously begin to wilt and Frill worries that he can no longer grow any flowers.

Bitansan Renai

From Baka-Updates: There's a guy that's been on my mind - Michinaga. One day he told me, 'Taka, I have a crush on the teacher.' But it hurts me to see his pained expression. Forget about that teacher. Forget about love that'll never bloom. Choose me instead... Taka and Michi, Michi and the teacher, the teacher and Taka's older brother... Where will all their one-sided feelings take them?

Uso Tsuredure

Once upon a time, there was a boy who was bullied by his peers because of his honest, straightforward personality. This boy was befriended by a brother-and-sister duo who vowed to be his friends forever. Unfortunately, the boy's family moves away, leading to their fledgling bond being severed. Years later, the honest boy has found the perfect way to make 'friends,' be admired by students and teachers alike, and avoid being picked on: maintaining a false personality as the 'School Prince' while carefully hiding his quarrelsome, devil-may-care attitude from the public eye. But his peaceful - albeit mind-numbingly boring and somewhat lonely - days are thrown completely out-of-whack when a pair of twins transfers into his school.

Persona 4 - The Ultimate In Mayonaka Arena

Persona 4 - The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Persona 4 - The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Voodoo Gold Trail

The Voodoo Gold Trail summary: The Voodoo Gold Trail summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Voodoo Gold Trail. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Lord of the Star Ocean

Lord of the Star Ocean summary: Nie Feng, a successor of the Ultimate Martial Path, unfortunately, perished while exploring an uninhabited region in Miao Jiang. However, he was unexpectedly reborn into the body of a profligate youth on the uncivilized Planet Grand Origin, a planet belonging to the Immortal Luo Empire. His new and legendary life would begin from this moment!
The collision of two Great Galactic Emperies, wars between thousands of Starforce Battleships, formidable Star Warriors, mysterious Star Warlocks, beautiful women capable of causing the downfall of nations, divine skills and martial arts capable of annihilating the Heavens and destroying the Earth.
In this mysterious and magnificent world, one might well ask; who is the Lord of this boundless Star Ocean!

Ascending, Do Not Disturb

Ascending, Do Not Disturb summary: You think too much, cultivation is not like this… When Kong Hou steps on the path to cultivation, she learns that all xianxia stories are full of lies. A relaxed cultivation story. Kong Hou: a traditional musical instrument like a harp. The female protagonist’s name. Translator review: Yes, another novel of Yue Xia Dia Ying. Do I read other novels? Yes. Do I really want to translate those? Mostly not. To describe this novel, I would say this is the author stepping out of her usual range. The romance progresses slowly (don’t say I did not warn you), the world-building is much better than usual, more cultivation fantasy fare than historical romance, and stuffed so full of sweetness you get cavities. Also, for a bit of turn of events, there’s not a dark, brooding, and mastermind male counterpart to a scheming, intelligent and time-travelling female protagonist. Time-travelling to a magical cultivation world might just be a bit too much, no? But as always, a happy ending.

The Diamond Master

The Diamond Master summary: The Diamond Master summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Diamond Master. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

















All You Need Is Kill

简介All You Need Is Kill漫画 ,被称为“GITAI”的谜之生物袭击地球,士兵桐谷启二加入与GITAI作战的统合防疫军。首次出战就战死的他,由于某种不明原因,竟然重获生命,回到出战前的那天早晨。这种奇怪的现象不断重复,把桐谷卷入诡异的时间轮回。但当他轮回到第158次的时候,在战场上与一一位女性重逢…




简介【每周日更新】正义感爆棚的小女警何小萍在一次执行任务时意外被黑道总裁江承宇看上!为完成警队铲除黑道任务,何小萍变身卧底潜伏江承宇身边,寻找江承宇犯罪的证据。呆萌耿直卧底女警何小萍屡屡险漏破绽,冷酷黑二代总裁江承宇对何小萍一见倾心发动追求攻势,且看二人如何智斗?(编:苏禾 绘:琥珀松楽 春风画社)










内容简介:被厉家抛弃的狐狸精重新归来,混入娱乐圈弄个小角色隐藏身份谁知一不小心成了炙手可热的国民影后,影后就罢了,赤手空拳生擒地铁流氓是怎么回事,被财阀世家拉着去认祖归宗又又又是怎么回事?厉圣爵 :“好一朵美丽的白莲花!”女人:“愿赌服输!”1w20105-26337 >>


内容简介:  一个《地下城与勇士》的鬼剑士玩家,因为意外而带着鬼剑士的技能来到异世界。  鬼剑士,拥有被鬼神诅咒的手臂,名为‘鬼手’。  剑术系:猛龙断空斩、幻影剑舞、极•鬼剑术(暴 风式)。对武器的修炼使我不再屈服于鬼神的诅咒。这难道不是剑术的极致吗?  波动系:邪光波动阵、不动明王阵、暗天波动眼。当光明失去之时,吾用波动之力照亮前方!  血气系:嗜魂封魔斩、崩山裂地斩、魔狱血刹。只要能得到力量,哪怕将灵魂出卖给鬼神也在所不惜!  神鬼系:鬼影闪、冥炎卡洛、第七鬼神:邪神之布拉修。能否斩断命运之锁,完全取决于自身意志!  这些只有拥有神鬼之力的鬼剑士才拥有的强大技能,而当这些技能出现于异世之时会给这个世界带来何种改变!1w0-3929 >>


内容简介:又一个假期即将结束了。我又要回到熟悉的大学校园,开始冲刺最后学年的奋斗目标了。许多美女大学生知道我回来了,马上过来寻找我。让我陪着她们打羽毛球,或者,去遛遛街道。遇到我的女孩子,总会苦 巴巴地追求我,让我烦不胜烦呀!男神的世界里,见过我的女孩子,都会深深爱上我。1w0-73218 >>




内容简介:星际时代:秦肆是整个星际光芒万丈的存在,少年战神,不败神话。谁提到秦长官不都得竖起大拇指,由衷夸一句:牛逼!明栀是个例外,提到秦肆,她只想哭。身为学院第一废柴,明栀和他本来八杆子打不到 关系,谁能想到去了趟地球,她混吃等死的安稳日子就结束了。地球浩劫:秦肆在星际不可一世,回到地球却成了手无缚鸡之力的战五渣。带着任务而来的明栀日常:虐他,保护他,继续虐他!少女明艳快乐,少年眉眼阴沉,暗暗地想:“迟早让你哭。”两年后的末日浩劫果然降临,饶是明栀早就知道必定的结局还是不可抑制地哇哇大哭。可是,在走向灭亡的最后一刻,少年选择抱住她。告诉她,别哭。明栀哭得更大声:“我在地球没待够,我不想回星际被你虐。”秦肆:???作者:糯米桶所写的《退婚后,指挥官的白月光只想摆烂》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-110524 >>


内容简介:凶神肆虐,魔物横行。九州动荡,危如累卵。在这将要碎灭的灾厄大世中,苏旭意外的发现自己可以抽取诸天万界的技能与装备。来来来,你说你的天魔心法很厉害,试试我的神象镇狱劲。啥,你的天龙九式无 敌天下?他化自在法了解一下。呵呵,什么狗屁斩神刀,连老子盔甲都打不破,还是尝尝我的诛仙剑吧。渐渐的,苏旭发现世界上没有什么事情是抽奖解决不了的,如果有,那就抽两下。1w0-39582 >>

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