Marumie is a nickname for Maruyama Mie who transferred from her local media announcer job to variety entertainment business. Her dream is to become an actress, but right now she's in the midst of comedy job. The real reason for her transfer was to meet her one-sided love for the super popular comedian Kanadagawa-san...!?
From Baka-Tsuki: Tada Banri, a newly admitted student at a private law school in Tokyo, found himself completely lost after the opening ceremony, trying to find his way to the freshman orientation. At that moment, he ran into another lost freshman from the same school, Yanagisawa Mitsuo, and they hit it off at once. Somehow arriving at their intended goal just on time, there appeared in front of the two a beautiful girl holding a bouquet of roses. The girl then whacked Mitsuo across the face with the bouquet and handed the flowers over to him. “Freshman, congratulations”, was all she said, and then she left. The stylish, well dressed, perfect woman that had swung at Mitsuo was his childhood friend, Kaga Kouko. As children they had promised to marry each other one day, fulfilling their dreams. In order to escape from her, Mitsuo had gone out secretly and taken the examination for this well known private college, but now she showed up in the freshman orientation hall. She too had taken the law school entrance examination, catching up with him there.
Rinosuke's useless and vagrant father is now dead. Now, at the age of 16, he is completely alone and will have to quit school to make ends meet. On the night his father dies, a naked woman with large breasts falls from the sky and lands on top of him. She introduces herself as Sakamoto Marina, the future wife of the future Rinosuke. She states that she used a time machine to come back to the past, and start a new life with the younger Rinosuke. Rinosuke's new life with his future(?) wife begins.
From BH007: One day, in the middle of (Tokyo), the Hell's Gate appeared. In the area coverd by the gate, the laws of physics do not apply. Furthermore, people living nearby have begun to develop supernatural powers, and are known as contractors. Among these contractors, is BK201, a contractor with power over lightning who is renown as one of the strongest reapers and for some reason, hated and hunted by most major world organizations...
The Broken System summary: What will you do if you go to a new world and face the thing you have never expected before? What will you do if you are just a guinea pig in a stasis pod? Or your loved one was killed, right in front of you? Or you traded as a slave to the point you wished you just die? Is it reality or just another nightmare? how it can be so vivid?...LoadingTHE BROKEN SYSTEM.1Chap/day
Southern Witch - Would-Be Witch summary: Southern Witch - Would-Be Witch summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Southern Witch - Would-Be Witch. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Heart of Rachael summary: The Heart of Rachael summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Heart of Rachael. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Golden Dream: Adventures in the Far West summary: The Golden Dream: Adventures in the Far West summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Golden Dream: Adventures in the Far West. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
内容简介:掌中娇宠闪婚妻阮诗诗喻以默全文免费阅读由小兵提供。《掌中娇宠闪婚妻阮诗诗喻以默》阮诗诗喻以默著情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的热门小说,在本站您可以免费阅读掌中娇宠闪婚妻 阮诗诗喻以默全文内容。1w6090-65024 >>
内容简介:卓焜,一个地球上普普上班族,一朝突变,竟然化身为华夏图腾——五爪金龙。在都市底下的远古阵法里悄然觉醒,然而上天注定了他将不会平凡,一场围绕着他的旷世大局,就此展开。大家都说这世间并没有 龙的存在,就连没正正经经的接受马克斯主义教育的卓焜,也是这样认为的,但经历了一件事后,卓焜是彻底的相信了有龙存在。因为,他就变成了一条龙,一条满身金甲的五爪金龙!一条有关国运和成仙的龙!它的出现,使在现代隐身的那些世家大族,纷纷出现,用自己的玄学手法前来捕捉卓焜;而国家也派出大量的军队到处的寻找卓焜,希望卓焜能回归国脉,永葆国运昌盛。无奈,卓焜只得在现代都市中四处逃窜……但幸好有龙族的传承技能。有时是在地下水道,有时是在某个楼顶或民居,有时也会在深山大海。但无疑,有时卓焜这条龙会遇到人类。且看龙族的少龙卓焜,是如何在现代中玩转地球,一步步成长,开辟异界,创造属于自己的龙族时代!1w0-99582 >>
内容简介: 【本作品简体实体书由次元书馆出版】 陈歌继承了失踪父母留下的冒险屋,无奈生意萧条,直到整理冒险屋时意外发现的手机改变了这一切。 只要完成手机每日布置的不同难度的任务,冒险屋就能 得到修缮甚至扩建! 于是陈歌开始在各大禁地里探险取材,将其中场景元素纳入到自己的冒险屋中。随着前来参观的游客们各种惊声尖叫,冒险屋一举成名!然而虽然任务带来的好处越来越多,但其中隐患也慢慢显现,甚至父母失踪的线索似乎也藏其中…… 书友一群819098233;二群724779368;三群9462849951w0-301 >>
内容简介:你此时正喝着可乐,百无聊赖地滑动手机,点开了读书app。你终于找到了一本小说,看着屏幕上的文字,感到很有趣。你头上的电风扇呼呼地转,仿佛很快就要掉下来。你或许不会发现身后的柜子,真的动 了一下。你放下了手机,不安地回头看了一眼。你终于感到不对劲了。1w0-93087 >>
内容简介:盛世开元,物华天宝。忆昔开元全盛日,忆昔天宝承平时。九天阊阖开宫殿,万国衣冠拜冕旒。开元全盛之后,天宝末年,大唐依旧繁华,然盛世之下,危机潜藏。曾经励精图治的皇帝失去了往日的雄心,开始 厌倦朝政,醉生梦死;朝廷上李林甫、杨国忠两大奸臣当道,官怒民怨;朝廷外,安禄山身兼三镇节度使,手握重兵,密谋反叛。天宝九年,大唐的兵锋到达了全盛,然盛极则衰,第二年,大唐就同时遭遇三场大败,其中以怛罗斯之战安西军败于大食最为可惜。四年后,就是安史之乱,盛世不再,千载遗恨。我们的故事,就从怛罗斯之战前,高仙芝回安西的路上开始。萧去病,这位千年之后的来客,自从他从天而降,出现在天宝十年的河苍烽外,大唐的历史便因他而改写,盛世绵延。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《盛唐神话》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-64674 >>