12.000 years after the events of Sousei no Aquarion, mankind is threatened by a new enemy from other dimension labeled 'Abductors', who just like the Shadow Angels, invade the human cities to kidnap its inhabitants. To defend humanity from this invasion, the Neo-DEAVA organization establish two teams, one composed of only males and other of only females, each one piloting their own giant machines called 'Aquaria'. To protect his new friend Mikono, teenager Amata Sora decided to use the powers he has kept secret his entire life and by combining Vectors with male and female pilots into one single robot, the legendary giant Aquarion is reborn once more.
A Japanese student named Arisu gets on the wrong bus and winds up in some sort of homoerotic version of Lewis Carroll's Wonderland. The last thing you want to do in a land where people change shapes at the drop of a hat is to drop the soap and introduce yourself as Arisu (identical in Japanese to Alice), lest you start looking like one! And Arisu does, slowly but surely...
Roan Summer is a 16-year old high school student who has been pretty unlucky when it comes to love. During his freshmen days, he fell in love with a girl from a different class whom he calls Miss Question Mark. Well, this is because he lacks the courage to ask her name, much less to confess his hidden feelings to her. Now, freshmen year is over and as he heads toward his sophomore year, he is wishing that by some miracle, he would finally belong to the class where his beloved crush is. Odds surprisingly favor Roan’s first day of school this time as he discovers that the vacant seat next to him is actually Miss Question Mark’s chair. However, one afternoon, a clumsy, pretty yet weird girl named Meory Winter ruins the moment as she comes rushing to the room where Roan is, causing the two to bump and to accidentally kiss one another. Pursuing his feelings for Miss Question Mark at one hand while trying to keep the “accident kiss” with Meory a secret on the other, together with his new, old and crazy friends, Roan Summer’s love story is now terribly tangled and twisted. Can Roan be able to escape this Love Rumble? Or rather is he willing to escape it to begin with? (L. Rumble!)
There's a witch that makes your wildest dreams come true. She can make any wish of yours come true, in exchange for something precious. These are the stories about five different wishes. Includes the stories: • Kuroneko Renai Kumikyoku Have you heard of the world where a witch and her black cat live happily together? It's a paradise where nothing bad happens and no one gets sad. But then, the witch dies and the cat is left alone. Somehow, she [the cat] appears to become human. What is the fate of the black cat who searches for her witch in the human world? • Kioku no Mori (Forest of Memories) • Manatsu no Gin no Yume (Misdummer's Silver Dream) • Koori no Netsudo (The Ice's Temperature) • Tokiiro Meikyuu (Labyrinth of Time and Color)
Filippo Lippi summary: Filippo Lippi summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Filippo Lippi. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Tales Of A Killer Flower summary: Tales Of A Killer Flower summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Tales Of A Killer Flower. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
A Yankee Flier in Italy summary: A Yankee Flier in Italy summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Yankee Flier in Italy. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Philosophy of Teaching summary: The Philosophy of Teaching summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Philosophy of Teaching. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
简介人机狼漫画 ,在泊伊多区域过着和平生活的少女真白。被从天而降的侵略者多米雷特组织所冚村铲!真白被多米雷特那毫无人性的所作所为感到愤怒,加上被视为亲妹妹般的玛伊惨遭杀害。为了复仇,毅然和村子的守护者,传说中的星型机订下了契约!本格巨大热血机器人漫画,就此开幕
内容简介: 又名《瓦罗兰一级保(划掉)第一偷男》、《行窃预兆的正确用法》、《我摸到了盖伦的鲍风大剑》…… “叮——【行窃预兆】触发成功,获得尊贵豪华限量版女式贵族长裙*1” “等等,拉克丝 ,你的裙子真不是我偷的!” “去死吧!驱逐所有黑暗!”1w0-2863 >>
内容简介: 陈错来到了南北朝的陈朝,成了一位宗室,本以为该走的是历史路线,没想到画风突然就不对了。“又是炼气修真,又是香火功德的,那说不得,咱也只能先求个长生得道了。”这正是——柳荫边,松影下 ,竖起脊梁诸缘罢;锁心猿,擒意马,明月清风只说长生话。又云:天道幽且远,鬼神茫昧然。日昃之离,眚于九。————读者Q群:2213554821w0-1784 >>
内容简介:【双洁甜宠飒爽前世今生命中注定】他是人尽皆知的黑面阎王,她是深藏不漏的王牌阴阳师。大家都传他不近女色,是她用尽浑身解数勾搭他。她冤!一开始她真的只是贪吃他家那几口美食。至于后来,她是被 迫尝了他一口,才知道他竟是天下第一好吃!但她不想承认!所以他追着喂,她忙着跑。突然某一天,黑面阎王笑着跟她说:“夜清明,别想赖账,早在许多年前你就已经吃掉了我。”【一个热血正义的阴阳师,与面冷腹黑的妖1w88471-91788 >>
内容简介:★★★本书简介★★★小说《重生八零小甜夫》的主角是苏知恩温顾礼,作者:小春花,为您提供重生八零小甜夫阅读,重生八零小甜夫小说讲述了:上一世,为了去大城市工作,结果被拐卖苦尽一生,死前得 知,温顾礼跟他离婚后,终身不娶,各种做好人好事造福人群,同时也找了他一辈子。1w0-28504 >>
内容简介: 我们的个性都是圆的, 红旗下孕育着新的生命, 在新时代成长的新一代。 生于70年代的主角,再次踏上了一条他从未走过的人生路,假如这一天来临,假如时光能倒流,在这个变革的年代里 ,路实在是太多了,让人眼花缭乱。 看着荆棘密布的不见得就难走,看着平坦的不一定是通途,路得走过才知道,我们跟着主角一起上路吧,看看他能走到哪里去。 新书《大宋有毒》正在上传,书友群137118014 ,欢迎光临指导……1w0-1573 >>